10 Powerful Lessons from The Little Book That Still Beats the Market

Here are 10 powerful lessons you might glean from Joel Greenblatt’s The Little Book That Still Beats the Market:

Value Investing Strategies

1. Focus on Quality and Bargains: The book champions value investing, where you buy stocks of high-quality companies at a discount to their intrinsic worth.

2. The Magic Formula: Greenblatt introduces his “Magic Formula,” a ranking system that identifies stocks with good earnings yield (earnings per share divided by share price) and high return on capital (a measure of profitability).

3. Simple Yet Effective: The Magic Formula is a straightforward approach that can be applied by investors of all levels of experience.

4. Long-Term Investment Horizon: The book emphasizes a long-term investment approach, focusing on holding stocks for several years to benefit from company growth.

Disciplined Investing Practices

5. Diversification: While the Magic Formula helps identify undervalued stocks, The Little Book That Still Beats the Market also emphasizes diversification to spread risk across different companies and sectors.

6. Patience and Emotional Control: Value investing requires patience and discipline. The book discourages reacting to market fluctuations and encourages sticking to your investment plan.

7. Low-Cost Investing: Greenblatt advocates for minimizing investment fees and expenses to maximize your returns.

Value Investing Philosophy

8. Margin of Safety: The book emphasizes the importance of buying stocks with a “margin of safety,” meaning the price you pay is significantly lower than the company’s intrinsic value.

9. Thinking Like a Business Owner: Value investors approach the stock market as buying ownership in businesses, not just trading pieces of paper.

10. Beating the Market, Not Timing It: The book focuses on building wealth through a long-term value investing strategy, not attempting to time the market.


• Greenblatt’s approach has been successful for him and some investors, but past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

• The book offers a clear and concise introduction to value investing principles.

By reading The Little Book That Still Beats the Market, you can gain valuable insights into value investing strategies, understand the Magic Formula, and develop a disciplined approach to building wealth through the stock market. Remember, investing involves inherent risks, so it’s crucial to do your own research and understand your risk tolerance before making any investment decisions.


You can also get the audio book for FREE using the same link. Use the link to register for the audio book on Audible and start enjoying.
