10 Steps to a DIY Financial Plan | Charles Schwab

  • Key Points
    • A financial plan isn’t only for the wealthy and it doesn’t have to cost a penny.
      No matter how much money you have, you can start with a DIY financial plan that will set you up for future success.
      With a good foundation in place, you can feel more confident about your finances and, when the time comes that you might need the help of a professional, you’ll be that much farther ahead.

    Did you know that 78 percent of people with a financial plan pay their bills on time and save each month vs. only 38 percent of people who don’t have a plan? That’s a pretty powerful statistic if you ask me. Or would it surprise you to learn that 68 percent of planners have an emergency fund while only 26 percent of non-planners are financially prepared to cover an unexpected cost?

    When I hear stats like these that were recently reported in a Schwab survey, it just reinforces my belief that everyone—no matter their financial situation—can benefit from a financial plan. So why aren’t more people planners? Usually it’s because either they don’t think they have enough money or they think a financial plan costs too much. But, as I’ve said many times, neither is the case.

    In fact, you can map out your own financial plan. That way, not only won’t it cost you a penny, but you stand to reap the long-term benefits. Here’s how to get started mapping out your financial future with a DIY plan.
    — Read on www.schwab.com/resource-center/insights/content/10-steps-to-diy-financial-plan
