Mindset is EVERYTHING!

“In the fixed mindset, everything is about the outcome. If you fail—or if you’re not the best—it’s all been wasted. The growth mindset allows people to value what they’re doing regardless of the outcome. They’re tackling problems, charting new courses, working on important issues. Maybe they haven’t found the cure for cancer, but the search was deeply meaningful.”  Carol S. Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

According to wealth coach Derek Moneyberg, your mindsets and habits determine your success. It is extremely important to align your mindset to reflect your goals and vision. “If you have big goals, your mindsets need to align with that ambition,” Moneyberg said.

Sounds simple, but according to Moneyberg, it is simple, but not easy. Consciously understanding what you need to do versus actually doing it are two very different things.

Moreover, Moneyberg opined that, “mindset is the difference maker. Your mindset is the operating system on which your daily habits run…you need to program your computer’s operating system. Your mindset is no different. You must program it correctly, so you have the relentless discipline to focus and execute for the years it takes to realize your big goals.”

Changing financial mindset is a necessary step to take if you really want to improve your financial position this year. A shift in your mindset will allow you to take control of your life and finances.

Growth Mindset
Source: Money Hacker


“You’ve got to win in your mind before you win in your life.” – John Addison


“Feed your mind just as you do your body. Feed it with good ideas, wherever they can be found. Always be on the lookout for a good idea; a business idea, a product idea, a service idea, an idea for personal improvement. Every new idea will help to refine your philosophy. Your philosophy will guide your life, and your life will unfold with distinction and pleasure.” – Jim Rohn


“It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.” – Germany Kent


  1. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sponsor-story/derek-moneyberg/2021/03/25/how-eliminate-5-mindsets-poison-opportunities-peak-success/6985924002/
  2. https://yourpositiveoasis.com/25-mindset-quotes-change-your-thinking/