Habits for a more Abundant Life

Two most important:

  • Read at least thirty minutes everyday
  • Know and pursue a goal your passionate about

Intelligence, talent and charm are great, but more often than not these aren’t what separate the wealthiest among us from the poorest.

Instead, the differences are in our daily habits.

Do you realize that these subconscious, second-nature activities make up 40 percent of our waking hours? That means that two out of every five minutes, all day and every day, we operate on autopilot.

It’s true: Habits are neural pathways stored in the basal ganglia, a golf ball-size mass of tissue right in the center of our brains, in the limbic system.

This neural fast lane is meant to save the brain energy: When a habit is formed and stored in this region, the parts of the brain involved in deeper decision-making cease to fully participate in the activity. However, we all know there are good habits and bad habits.

5 habits

We know that habits can either help or hurt your success in life. Bad habits can fester and grow into a lifestyle that takes you away from the things you want to do—and good habits can help you create a life that’s full of action and accomplishment.

If you were to look at someone you respect, someone who’s successful, you would see that they spend each day doing the things that help them accomplish their biggest goals. This isn’t to say they’re perfect—because no one is—but despite the things that are not perfect in their lives, they continue to make moves that have a positive impact. And it starts with their daily habits.

Now, while we can all study successful habits, it’s meaningless if we don’t implement that knowledge. So, according to Kimanzi Constable, here are five daily habits you can adopt to create the life you truly want to live:

1. Plan out your day the night before.

It’s easy to get off track when you don’t have a plan. Without planning what your day will look like, you wake up not knowing what you want to do or accomplish. Spend a little time the night before giving yourself clear goals for the next day. Life rarely works out as planned, but with a plan, you can adjust without losing momentum.

2. Read books and novels to get inspired.

Reading is an essential element in success—books contain so much knowledge. Forming a daily reading habit will expand your knowledge, allow you to learn more about your profession and help you on your journey to success.

3. Make your health and fitness a priority.

What you eat and how much you exercise affects every area of your life. Successful people use their exercise as a time to reset and reinvigorate. And they make smart food choices that will give them the energy they need to accomplish everything on their daily to-do list.

4. Don’t get distracted by what other people are doing.

Other people’s journeys to success can be inspiring; you can learn so much—about their mistakes, their victories, what to do, what not to do. But if you start comparing your progress to theirs, instead of using their stories as inspiration, you can lose focus and fail to keep your eyes on your own mountain top. Realize your journey is unique and can’t be compared. So don’t get stuck in the comparison trap—stay focused on your why.

5. Live each day as if it were the last.

Life is busy, it’s chaotic, and so you tend to want to focus on the future—we all do it, worry about what’s next. But while planning is important, so is living—being fully present.

Life is short, and there’s no guarantee as to when it will end. Successful people live each day as if it were their last and make the most out of each moment—and so should you.

When you look at a big goal, it’s common to get frustrated at the enormity of what you’re trying to accomplish. If you wake up each day determined to spend it forming good habits, you give yourself a better chance at success. So use these five habits as a starting place to build whatever a successful life means to you.

Read more:

  1. https://www.success.com/16-rich-habits/
  2. https://www.moneycrashers.com/productive-habits-wealthy-successful-people/