Visualization is a Wonderful Tool

“To accomplish great things, we must first dream, then visualize, then plan… believe… act!” ~ Alfred A. Montapert

Visualization is an excellent tool to achieve success in life.

Visualization is seeing your future where your goal has been accomplished. Your success or failure depends solely on your mindset. Build your mindset with a positive attitude and approach by visualizing success.

It is a well-admitted fact that success occurs mentally first and then in reality. And it is rightly said that a battle is won twice — first in the mind and second in reality. That means you must have a mental script rather than the actual script. You can become what you want to become if you visualize yourself effectively.

Your mind churns out thoughts constantly, whether you like it or not. The internal chatter slowly disappears when you visualize, and the inner calm gradually surfaces. It clears the clutter from your mind and provides clarity to your thoughts. Attaining such a state, you can control your mind and life.

Research shows that the people who practice visualization have a higher probability of building their habits and achieving greater success. Visualization helps you “rewire” your connections and change your habits. It reorients your conscious and subconscious thought processes and eliminates bad habits.

 Visualization is the first step to accomplishing your goals. 

Visualization is a simple yet powerful tool to achieve your desired outcomes. According to Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D., the Father of “Soft Leadership” and the Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants, India, here is a blueprint to visualize effectively.:

  1. Sit in a quiet place, take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, and imagine the environment. If you want to write a bestselling book, start imagining that you are writing the bestselling book. 
  2. Set aside a few minutes a day. The ideal time is when you first wake up, after meditation or prayer, and before bed. What would you do? Put yourself in the chair you want to occupy someday, in the office of your dreams, doing what you excel at. 
  3. Use your five senses to make the power of visualization explosive. Combine the elements of sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch to visualize achieving optimum outcomes. What kind of lifestyle would you like to have? Think of the house you would like to wake up to, the things you would like to see around, and the ambiance that must define you personally and professionally. When you mentally live in that world, your mind will push you to achieve that world in real life.
  4. Emphasize means and processes, not ends. Once you have seen your dream world, try to see the path that takes you there and identify the milestones. You’ll need to create a blueprint mentally and go step-by-step to solidify your means. You should develop the attitude first; the rest will follow. Focus on only a few goals at a time. The human mind is practical when focusing on one activity at a time. After acquiring one habit effectively, you can visualize acquiring another. In this way, you will be able to achieve your objectives quickly.  
  5. Retain that blueprint in a written format. Be clear about what you want. Revisit and review your goals and plans regularly. Use concrete words.  Use visuals to retain for a longer time and visualize effectively. As Robert Collier remarked, “Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blueprint, and begin to build.”

The bottom line is that if you understand the power of visualization and the tools and techniques to visualize, you can build a positive attitude and condition your mind constructively to accomplish your goals and objectives.

“First, have a definite, clear, practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends: wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end.” ―Aristotle

Arnold Schwarzenegger once remarked, “The mind is so incredible. Before I won my first Mr. Universe title, I walked around the tournament as if I owned it. I had won it so many times in my mind; the title was already mine. Then, when I moved on to the movies, I used the same technique. I visualized daily being a successful actor and earning big money.”


  1.  M.S. Rao, How to Visualize More Effectively for Greater Success, Success Magazine, June 9, 2023,