Fasting Mimicking Diet

“Autophagy, literally translated as ‘self-eating,’ promises clear skin, more energy, and weight loss. Autophagy is triggered at around the 17-hour mark and peaks at 72 hours.” 

To trigger something called autophagy, which means ‘eating itself,’ through this process, old cells are broken down and recycled to form new cells.

It has been hailed as the answer to everything from reducing the symptoms of long-term COVID-19 to nixing tiredness to losing stubborn fat. Its proponents talk about its vast effect on the body and how it offers a spring clean of sorts.

Michelle McKenzie, a nutritionist who designed a fasting-mimicking diet, says, “Autophagy means self-eating, and it’s like a recycling plant, taking the waste and damaged cells which aren’t functioning as well, then using them to make new cells and proteins.”

Dr Valter Longo devised a fasting-mimicking protocol, a way to eat thrice daily while your body still thinks it’s only getting water. With the food being minimal and portions minuscule, rations are measured to make sure they come under the threshold to keep the body in fasting mode. But, still, better than just water, I tell myself. And, besides, I want all those touted benefits.

