China’s Troubled Economy

The Chinese economy has stalled to the point where it’s being called a “drag” on world economic output by the International Monetary Fund (IMF); and the Chinese economy has many problems — a property crisis, weak domestic spending and high youth unemployment. Most economists think the world’s second largest economy may be staring at decades of stagnation. ~ CNN Business

China is in trouble economically, socially, and demographically. In contrast, the U.S. economy is thriving

  • China’s population has declined, falling to 1.411 billion, as people flee autocratic rule and birth rates fall, marking its first decrease since 1961.
  • China’s real estate market and financial market are a house of cards and on the verge of collapse. Evergrande real estate developer has default on their loans and will threaten the global economy.
  • Lost of Chinese citizen wealth due to collapsing real estate market has depressed consumer spending within the country. 
  • USA 735 vs. China 495 number of billionaires. 
  • In China, the Communist Party elite love power, money, and wealth, it’s the people who suffer. Youth unemployment is rising and Western capital is leaving the country. 
  • China’s economy and middle class are continuing to grow. But, the rate of economic growth is slowing. 
  • Geopolitical concerns and relationship with the USA and the the West continue to increase.
  • Ghost cities, developed cities built but remain empty, are rampant throughout mainland China. 
  • Mexico eclipsed China as the U.S. largest trading partner.

