Building Wealth

“The wealthy understand the difference between looking rich and being rich.” – Dave Ramsey

Wealthy individuals don’t always drive flashy sports cars or luxury brands. Most of the time, they’re cruising around in vehicles that are reliable, practical, paid-off and smart—just like their financial decisions.

According to financial guru Dave Ramsey, 69% of millionaires did not average $100K or more in household income per year and one-third of millionaires never had a six-figure household income in their entire careers.

When people don’t waste money trying to look wealthy, they have money to actually become wealthy.

Ironically, there’s a high correlation between people who build wealth and those who don’t give a crap what other people think, states Ramsey. Be careful who you’re listening to. The sooner you stop worrying about the opinions of others, the sooner you can start winning, growing and improving.

The #1 mistake Americans make with money is not paying attention to their spending, budgeting or financially planning.

The wealthy get wealthier because they keep doing wealthy people stuff—investing, budgeting, and actually paying attention to where their money goes.

Want to win with money and build wealth, ask Ramsey? Start doing what works.


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