6 habits of successful investors| Fidelity Investment

Planning, consistency, and sound fundamentals can improve results.


For most people, achieving success as an investor means reaching their financial goals, like owning a home, paying for college, or having the retirement you want.

What separates the most successful investors from the rest are habits. It is the reason why some individuals successfully accumulate wealth while others seem unable to save and invest successfully. Essentially , it can be traced back to daily habits.

Here are the 6 habits of successful investors that we’ve witnessed over the years—and how to make them work for you. Read more: https://www.fidelity.com/viewpoints/investing-ideas/six-habits-successful-investors?immid=100864&imm_pid=272043316&imm_aid=a466972197&dfid=&buf=99999999

Investing can be complex, but some of the most important habits of successful investors are pretty simple. If you build a smart plan and stick with it, save enough, make reasonable investment choices, and be aware of taxes, you will have adopted some of the key traits that may lead to success.


  1. https://grow.acorns.com/7-daily-rich-habits-anyone-can-adopt/