9 Ways to Keep Your Brain Healthy

“We’re seeing evidence that lifestyle changes can significantly improve brain health and even reverse brain disease.”  Dr. Sanjay Gupta, M.D.,CNN’s Medical Correspondent and a practicing neurosurgeon at the Emory University School of Medicine

We thought of the heart that way, and some other organs, but the brain was always this black box.”  In his fourth book, Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any Age, due out early next year. It’s an evidence-based exploration of the latest science on brain health and what tactics are working for Dr. Gupta himself.  Your lifestyle and habits influence your brain health more than genetics, says Dr. Gupta

Tips and strategies—basically, what to do with your body, your meals, and your mental energy—for keeping your brain sharp. Here’s how to make it happen:

1) Think of inactivity as a disease

“Every time I’m about to sit, I ask myself: Do I need to sit right now?” Dr. Gupta says. If you can stand or walk during meetings, phone calls, and other activities, do it. Think of inactivity as the disease rather than working out as the cure, he says.  A team of medical researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston analyzed global data on deaths in 2008 and came up with an alarming result: 5.3 million deaths were attributable to physical inactivity, compared to 5 million smoking-related deaths.

2) Always be prepared to workout and train

Exercise boosts blood flow to your brain, tamps down inflammation, and promotes the growth of new brain cells. You need at least 150 minutes a week.

3) Walk, talk, gripe

Take a brisk walk with a friend and talk about your problems. It’s a brain trifecta: moving, socializing, and releasing stress. “Doing those three things ends up measurably detoxifying your brain,” Dr. Gupta says.

4) Fuel yourself right for better focus

To protect your brain, you need to control your blood sugar. Sugar in excess can be toxic, causing neurons to die and possibly triggering cognitive decline. Dr. Gupta experienced this firsthand when he cut added sugar from his diet for a 60 Minutes story and saw his “cognitive day” (how long you can be productive) increase.

Use the Global Council on Brain Health’s framework to prioritize what to eat. Here’s what’s on the A-list, and the B- and C-lists, too:

A-list foods: Consume these regularly

  • Fresh vegetables, especially leafy greens
  • Whole berries
  • Fish and other seafood (but not fried!)
  • Healthy fats, such as extra-virgin olive oil, avocados, whole eggs
  • Nuts and seeds

B-list foods: Include these foods in your life

  • Beans and other legumes
  • Whole fruits (in addition to berries)
  • Low-sugar, low-fat dairy, such as plain yogurt and cottage cheese
  • Poultry
  • Whole grains

5) Eat real foods, not individual nutrients or supplements

Real food contains a multitude of components that help beneficial ingredients (such as omega-3 fatty acids) travel through your body or even help unlock receptors so those beneficial ingredients can do their jobs. Doctors call this the “entourage effect,” and it’s why real food, like fish, is better than supplements, like fish-oil capsules, for brain health.

6) Drink instead of eat

“We often mistake thirst for hunger,” says Dr. Gupta. “Even moderate amounts of dehydration can sap your energy and your brain rhythm.” After all, your brain is primarily made of water, and just 2 percent dehydration has a measurable impact on memory, processing speed, and analytical thinking. Dr. Gupta carries a 60-ounce water bottle with him and aims to finish it each day.

7) Make time for your friends

Research shows that individuals with large social networks are better protected against the cognitive declines related to Alzheimer’s than those with smaller networks.  Prioritize social activities and things like that: It’s important to spend time with people, since it engages all parts of the brain—and find purpose by spending time with people, understanding their lives and letting them in on your life.

8) Try the bubble method

Dr. Gupta practices analytical meditation, a technique he learned from the Dalai Lama himself. With your eyes closed, think about a problem you are trying to solve and separate it from everything else by placing it in a large, clear bubble. This helps you isolate the problem from your emotions and solve it logically, he says.

9) For lasting brain health, maintain ikigai

Ikigai is a Japanese word meaning “your reason for being”. There’s power in forging a sense of purpose, says Dr. Gupta. In researching his new book, he typically found that actions preceded thought. “It was just an activity, something that you were interested in, and through that you find purpose, whether it’s volunteering, coaching, music, writing, art.” He says he gains meaning from helping people, whether sharing medical information or treating patients, as well as from his family and friends.


  1. https://www.menshealth.com/health/a35120035/keep-brain-healthy-sanjay-gupta/
  2. https://www.supermoney.com/health-is-wealth