Applied Faith – Wishes Won’t Bring Riches

“If you truly want to change your life, you first must be willing to change your mind.”


How to make the crucial leap from faith to action in bringing your dreams to life.

Believe in yourself…Have faith and be confident in your abilities. But faith alone is often not enough. You require Applied Faith.

The greatest application of applied faith is learning the art of keeping your mind focused on what you want.

You need to know how to transform belief into action, and faith into real-life plans.

Application, Enthusiasm, Action are the three keys required to do more than just adapting a “believe in yourself” mindset–but to actually become the person you want to be.

5 lessons from Napoleon Hill’s book “The Law of Success”

1. Definiteness of Purpose: Success starts with having a clear and definite purpose. You should have a specific goal in mind and should work towards it with persistence and determination. Without a clear goal, you are unlikely to achieve success.

2. Self-Confidence: Self-confidence is paramount in achieving success. He explains that a person should have faith in their abilities and trust themselves to succeed. Without self-confidence, a person is likely to give up or be easily discouraged when faced with obstacles.

3. Mastermind Alliance: The power of collaboration and the importance of surrounding yourself with like-minded people who share a common goal. A Mastermind Alliance is a group of individuals who work together towards a common purpose, and this kind of collaboration can lead to greater success.

4. Applied Faith: Faith in yourself, others, and a higher power are crucial for success. Applied faith involves taking action towards your goals while believing that success is possible. It’s importance to persist in the face of adversity.

5. Personal Initiative: Successful people are proactive and take action towards their goals, rather than waiting for opportunities to come to them. And, they take responsibility for their actions and decisions.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9 NIV
