Six Rules for Traveling in Retirement

We have found that travel can be satisfying without being exhausting. But it has helped to follow these guidelines.

By Robbie Shell
Wall Street Journal, Aug. 20, 2024

Six guidelines that have made our travel a lot more fulfilling—and a lot less exhausting.

1. Travel offseason
Everyone knows that peak seasons aren’t ideal for traveling. But retirees have more of a commodity that working people lack—time for offseason trips. After all, you have flexibility for perhaps the first time in your life. Take advantage of it.

2. Choose ‘secondary destinations’
As retirees, we have found it easier to adopt a slower, more relaxed pace by focusing on destinations that aren’t always on the usual tourist grid.

3. Don’t be shy with strangers
One of the joys of traveling in retirement is unstructured time to enjoy casual, spontaneous conversations with people we happen to meet. Indeed, I find that impromptu connections with guides, drivers and even guards are often as memorable as the settings in which they occur.

4. Focus on just a few things
This might seem an obvious strategy for seasoned travelers, but it’s easy to slip, especially when enthusiasm for the day ahead is high after (in our case a substantial) breakfast. More can definitely be less when you’re traveling.

5. Stay at least three nights in each location
Packing and unpacking is a waste of energy. Cruises have the problem solved, but one way to approximate their advantage is to spend more nights in fewer places. By the second night, a hotel room or Airbnb is a moved-in place to rest. By the third night, it can become a familiar home-away-from-home.

6. Be prepared to improvise
When you travel in a la carte style, you are free to change the plans you made the day before for no particular reason. Maybe it’s the weather. Or perhaps you have a feeling that yesterday’s pace was too challenging or not challenging enough. Start the day whenever you want, and be open to impulsive detours to areas that aren’t on tourist bureau maps.

The travel experiences are a la carte approach which beats the prix fixe one. You are free to make tour own choices and find your own adventures as you look forward to where the next day will take you.

Stay positive!

“Much of the time, we cannot control what happens to us. But we can always control how we respond to what happens to us. If we cannot choose to be lucky, to be talented, to be loved, we can choose to be grateful, to be content with who we are and what we have, and to act accordingly.” ~ Rabbi Harold Kushner

You must have faith and believe that good things are going to happen in your life. Stay positive!

Saying again, you must believe that good things are going to happen. It may not always feel like it, but trust that life has a way of bringing unexpected joys and opportunities when you least expect them.

Have faith and maintain a positive mindset and outlook that tomorrow will be better than today. Stay positive, because your mindset shapes your reality.

By choosing hope and optimism, you invite goodness into your life. Hold on to your belief in brighter days ahead, and let that faith carry you through whatever challenges you face. Stay patient and be grateful—good things are on their way.

It is always better to be hopeful than pessimistic. It is always better to be an optimist than a pessimist. It is always better to be a dealer in hope than a purveyor of doom and despair.

Only an attitude of gratitude for everything that happens in your life ensures your happiness, mental strength and problem solving capacities.



Moringa oleifera is a tree with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Also known as the drumstick tree, the miracle tree, the ben oil tree, or the horseradish tree, people have used moringa for centuries due to a wide range of health benefits due to its rich nutritional profile and medicinal properties. Here are some of the key benefits:

Nutrient-Rich: Moringa is packed with essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), C, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.
Antioxidant Properties: Moringa contains powerful antioxidants that help protect cells from damage and reduce oxidative stress.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects: The anti-inflammatory properties of moringa can help reduce inflammation and treat conditions like edema.
Liver Protection: Moringa may help protect the liver against damage caused by toxins and support its overall health.

Cancer Prevention: Compounds in moringa, such as niazimicin, have been shown to suppress the development of cancer cells.

Digestive Health: Moringa can aid in treating stomach disorders, such as constipation, gastritis, and ulcerative colitis.

Blood Sugar Regulation: Moringa has been found to help lower blood sugar levels, which can be beneficial for managing diabetes.

Heart Health: Moringa may help reduce cholesterol levels and support cardiovascular health.

Skin and Hair Care: Moringa oil is often used to nourish and protect the skin and hair, promoting wound healing and reducing oxidative stress.

Immune System Support: The high vitamin C content in moringa helps boost the immune system.

Moringa can be consumed in various forms, including as a powder, tea, or oil. However, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplement to your routine, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.



Gratitude Matters

“The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.” ~ William Penn

Gratitude has been shown to increase happiness and the feeling of satisfaction. And whilst every single person will define happiness differently, it’s undeniable that every single person wants more happiness. And to feel more content and satisfied.

Grateful people are focused on what’s going right, on what resources and blessings they already have, and how they can use these blessings to improve their fortunes. This enables them to cope with minor setbacks and crushing defeats without losing their will to carry on.

Many believe that gratitude is the secret to health, happiness and success. By always being grateful, gratitude becomes a very important and beneficial mindset.

Embracing gratitude doesn’t mean you’ll never experience another bad day. But it does mean that you’ll approach those bad days differently.


Zinc Deficiency

Zinc deficiency is a common problem throughout the world that contributes to many unwanted health problems.

Zinc is a foundational mineral that is essential to growth patterns and has an essential role in the development of hormones and immune molecules.

Zinc is one of the best mineral supplements to boost and balance out a tired and over stimulated immune system.

About 75% of people in the world are zinc deficient and being deficient in zinc is very common throughout the world.

The 5 warning signs you’re zinc deficient:

1.) If you get sick a lot or have immune system issues

2.) Have leaky gut

3.) If you struggle with diarrhea or IBS

4.) Thinning hair

5.) Inflammatory skin issues like acne, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis.

One of the biggest factors in causing zinc deficiency is high levels of emotional stress. The second most common cause of zinc deficiency is over-exercise.

Lastly, if you’re older, you may tend to have malabsorption, which causes a zinc deficiency.

In order to get more zinc in your diet, you need to consume more zinc-rich foods.

The top 5 zinc-rich foods are pumpkin seeds, oysters, grass-fed meat, sprouted nuts and seeds, and peas.

Additionally, probiotics are a key supplement to take when zinc deficient because it can help your overall absorption of nutrients.

Moringa Benefits and Risks

Moringa, often referred to as the “miracle tree,” offers a wide range of health benefits due to its rich nutritional profile and medicinal properties. Here are some of the key benefits:

Moringa leaves and seeds are rich in glucosinolates, which are linked to the plant’s beneficial effects on prostate health in rodents and which may have anticancer properties.

Test-tube studies have demonstrated that the glucosinolates from the plant’s seeds may inhibit the growth of human prostate cancer cells

It’s also believed that moringa could help prevent benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). This condition typically becomes more common as men age and is characterized by enlargement of the prostate, which can make urination difficult .

In one study, mice received moringa leaf extract before being administered testosterone daily for 4 weeks to induce BPH. The extract was found to significantly reduce prostate weight .

What’s more, the extract also reduced levels of prostate-specific antigen, a protein produced by the prostate gland. High levels of this antigen may be a sign of prostate cancer

Lastly, the study also demonstrated that the plant decreased testosterone levels in the treated mice. In humans, low testosterone levels can reduce sex drive and erectile function, lead to a loss of lean muscle mass, and cause depression.

Researchers have yet to determine whether these same benefits occur in humans.


Mindfulness: Being Present, Being Grateful

“Mindfulness is moment-to-moment non-judgmental awareness.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness is about living in and being aware of the present moment. Living in the moment means letting go of the past and not waiting for the future. It’s about accepting that every breath is a gift—cherish it.

By embracing the magic of the present moment, day or night, it brings peace, clarity, and gratitude into your life. Cherish the now and present moment, it’s all you have.

Here is a simple, soothing mindfulness practice to help you unwind and reset after a long day:

1️⃣ Find a Quiet Space: Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Allow yourself to settle into the space with no expectations—just a willingness to be here.

2️⃣ Breathe Deeply: Take three deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. With each exhale, feel the tension in your body begin to melt away.

3️⃣ Body Scan: Gently bring your attention to your body. Starting at your toes, slowly scan up to your head. Notice any areas of tension, and with each breath, imagine sending a wave of relaxation to those spots.

4️⃣ Release the Day: As you continue to breathe, visualize the events of the day gently drifting away, like leaves on a stream. Allow them to float past you without holding on to any of them.

5️⃣ Affirm Your Presence: Silently repeat to yourself: ‘I have done my best today. I am here now, and that is enough.’

6️⃣ Rest in Stillness: Spend a few moments in stillness, letting your mind and body rest in the calm you’ve created. When you’re ready, gently bring your awareness back to the room.

Your mind is a garden. Cultivate mindfulness, uproot negativity, manage your thoughts, be always grateful, and nurture compassion.  Watch your world transform!

Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Special: Phil Jackson: The Soul of Success

End Your Vacation on a High Note

The adage to “save the best for last” appears to be the best strategy to craft a pleasant travel or vacation memories,

The outsize role certain final vacation experiences have on memories can be chalked up to a psychological principle called “recency effect”.

“The recency effect helps to explain our tendency to remember the ending portion of an event or sequence of events with far more clarity than the rest,” said Dr. Mary Poffenroth, biopsychologist and author of “Brave New You: Strategies, Tools, and Neurohacks to Live More Courageously Every Day.” She says the bias stems from our short-term memory’s inability to hold on to more than a small amount of information at once.

“Nobody wants to end on a downer—or even worse, let the trip peter out before it’s actually over. You want that travel orgasm at the end,” crime novelist and screenwriter Lee Goldberg said.

Traveling is like telling yourself a story. “There’s a beginning, middle and an end,” he said. “You know what you’re going in for, you have an idea of what to expect, and there are twists along the way. But ultimately you want the big payoff, the big finale.”

To avoid disproportionately spotlighting the final days, whether they’re good or bad, experts recommend creating a ritual to amplify earlier days in the vacation with reminders of those days: a live show ticket, a seashell, a cardboard drink coaster with a pub’s logo on it.


Unpopular Rules Wealthy People Follow

There are several ‘unpopular’ rules wealthy people follow that most don’t

The ultra-wealthy are less concerned with scrimping and saving and more focused on investing and growing and building their wealth.

By observing and learning from their habits, Vivian Tu made her first million by age 27. Here are four unpopular rules rich people follow that most others don’t:

1. Don’t worry about impressing people

Rich people put most of their spending power into buying assets (stuff that makes them money over time) instead of liabilities (stuff that costs them money over time).

Instead of buying, for example, a flashy Lamborghini that loses a third of its value as soon as you drive off the lot, a truly rich person will take that same chunk of change and buy a two-family duplex and rent it out.

They don’t care what you think of them or whether you’re impressed. They’re happy to just cash your rent checks and let youpay their mortgage.

2. Have an abundance mindset

So many people have a scarcity mindset — a constant feeling that we’re never going to have enough money, that we’re one slip-up away from disaster and we have to hoard every last cent.

The problem with this mindset is that it can make people very competitive with other folks in similar financial situations. So you have people at the bottom of the pyramid spending all their time and energy fighting each other for resources, instead of trying to overthrow those at the top.

Rich people have an abundance mindset. Since they know they’re going to be able to take care of their bills, they’re not worried. This gives them the freedom to decide what they want to do with their time, rather than only focusing on what they need to do to survive.

3. Think long-term

Rich people understand that sometimes, things take time, and they’re happy to wait. They’re kings and queens of delayed gratification.

A rich person has no problem, for example, socking away money in a retirement account. Yes, the $6,000 they invested in their IRA account this year is off-limits until they’re 59-and-a-half.

But they know that just because they can’t spend that money now, it’s not like it has disappeared. It’s actually the opposite: the longer they wait, the more money they get later on.

4. Share, swap and scratch each other’s backs

Rich people love being known as the smartest person in their friend group: the one with the best taste, who is on top of all the trends. You’ll often hear them say things like:

– “I have this great tax person — you should work with them.”
– “I found the best cocktail bar — you have to try the martini.”
– “I joined the best country club — and I’ll sponsor you to join, too.”

They recognize that when they’re open about their knowledge, other people will be more inclined to share what they know. It is another valuable form of currency, and it’s the same reason rich people love nothing more than putting their besties in positions of power.

Their thought process is: “I’m not qualified for this job, but my friend is, and once she gets it, she’ll owe me a solid. Then, as soon as she’s in a leadership position, I’m automatically tapped into that whole network.”

Vivian Tu is a former Wall Street trader-turned expert, educator, podcast host, and founder of the financial equity phenomenon Your Rich BFF.

Congress Approved VA Emergency Spending Bill

Congress passed an emergency spending bill that covers a nearly $3 billion shortfall for the Department of Veterans Affairs, according to the American Legion. Had the measure not passed, more than 7 million veterans stood likely to see delays in VA disability benefits payments after Oct. 1.

The measure calls for about $2.9 billion in additional funding for the VA, of which about $2.3 billion would go toward the Veterans Benefits Administration for compensation and pensions. Roughly $597 million would be put toward readjustment benefits.

The department will also need an additional $12 billion or more beyond its current budget recommendation for the next fiscal year to meet fast-rising demand.

VA enrollment increased 34% in 2024, attributable largely to the increased number of veterans eligible for benefits and care under the PACT Act of 2022, which opened the system up to more than 3.5 million veterans exposed to toxic contamination while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces