Double “V” Campaign During the Second World War

The Double V Campaign was launched by a prominent black newspaper, the Pittsburgh Courier, in 1942.

The campaign came in response to buzz generated from a letter written by a young black man, James G. Thompson. His article, entitled, “Should I Sacrifice to Live ‘Half-American”, broke barriers and started a conversation nationally that many blacks had been having for generations.

As the nation claimed victory in World War II, many black veterans carried their excitement back home.

The charge was clear: victory over fascism abroad and victory over racism at home. This assertion came in response to decades of expecting African-Americans to choose patriotism in times of war, but not experience equal protection of the law at home.

In this episode of ‘Black History in Two Minutes or So’ hosted by Henry Louis Gates Jr. — with additional commentary from Farah Griffin of Columbia University and Peniel Joseph from the University of Texas — the episode explored a campaign that ignited many African-Americans to take down Jim Crow laws and a became key player in the civil rights movement.

6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion

The Six Triple Eight Central Postal Directory Battalion was the only all African American Women’s Army Corps unit deployed overseas to both England and France during World War II.

According to the US Army historical records, The Six Triple Eight Central Postal Directory Battalion had the nicknamed ‘Six Triple Eight’. The Battalion’s motto was “no mail, no morale”. In 1945 they sailed to the UK and were solely responsible for managing US Army post overseas, some of which had not been delivered in two years.

They cut through the two- to three-year backlog of mail in just three months, surpassing the goal of six months set by U.S. Army leaders who felt the lack of mail was hurting the war effort.

After their success in England, the “Six Triple Eight Batralion received follow-on missions in Rouen, France, and Paris to clear mail backlogs.

The unit disbanded in 1946, and the women came home quietly without any parades or awards to welcome them.

The Six Triple Eight was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal on March 14, 2022.

1.2 million African American men and women served during World War II. However, their stories and experiences have been omitted from the remembrances, narratives and documentaries about the war. ~ African American Experience Diring World War II



‘Are We Not American Soldiers?’ When the U.S. Military Treated German POWs Better Than Black Troops

“It was common during World War II for the U.S. Army to treat German Prisoners of War better than Black American soldiers.”

In Jim Crow South, as African American soldiers sat in the restaurant’s kitchen eating their meals, about two dozen German prisoners of war who entered with their American guards “sat at the tables, had their meals served, talked, smoked, in fact had quite a swell time.”

In an April 1944 letter to Yank, a weekly Army magazine, Trimmingham, a Black soldier, asked the obvious: “Are these men”— Nazi prisoners who’d been captured while fighting on Hitler’s behalf—“sworn enemies of this country? Are we not American soldiers, sworn to fight for and die if need be for this our country? Then why are they treated better than we are?”

It was common during World War II for the U.S. Army to treat German Prisoners of War better than Black American soldiers. Segregation was official U.S. military policy during the Second World War

African American soldiers were often relegated to less desirable roles and excluded from promises of patriotic camaraderie. This particular brand of discrimination, however—the preferential treatment of imprisoned Nazi combatants—was especially offensive to many Black troops. It told them, loud and clear, that they were fighting for a country even as that country fought against them. For many white military personnel, there was no point in even pretending otherwise.

This preferential treatment of white German POWs by the U.S. Army on army bases across America seemed during the Second World War, at times, specifically designed to humiliate Black soldiers.

To learn more about this topic and the African American experience during World War II, read:  African American Experience During World War II

“History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, however, if faced with courage, need not be lived again.” ~ MAYA ANGELOU



Jeff Bezos on Amazon Business Strategy,

Jeff Bezos’ three key lessons for business success.

1. Customer Obsession: Bezos’s relentless focus on customer obsession is legendary. It’s not about revenue; it’s about delivering exceptional value to your customers. Develop a systematic approach to proactively engage with existing customers. Seek out their problems and find solutions.

2. Long-Term Thinking: Bezos’s long-term perspective is a cornerstone of Amazon’s success. You can benefit by ditching short-term tactics and prioritizing long-lasting customer relationships. Building trust and prioritizing your customers’ needs may take time, but it leads to sustainable, fruitful relationships.

3. Data and Experimentation: Bezos champions a culture of data-driven experimentation at Amazon. You should adopt this mindset for better decision-making and innovation. Experiment with new approaches and continually refine your methods based on data-driven feedback.


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African-American Soldiers Saw World War II as a Two-Front Battle

“We cannot fight to crush Nazi brutality abroad and condone race riots at home. Those who fan the fires of racial clashes for the purpose of making political capital here at home are taking the first step toward Nazism.” ~ Vice President Henry Wallace

When World War II began on September 1, 1939, The Pittsburgh Courier immediately connected the United States’ treatment of African Americans and Nazi Germany’s treatment of Jewish people.

Drawing the connection between fascism abroad and Jim Crow at home, African American activists and service members declared the necessity of “double victory”, defeating the Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan during World War II overseas and systematic racism on the home front.

In 1942, The Pittsburgh Courier, a leading African-American newspaper at the time, launched the “Double Victory” campaign. The campaign became a rallying cry for black journalists, activists and citizens to secure both victory over fascism abroad during World War II and victory over racism at home.

Advocates of the Double Victory campaign understood that Nazism would not be completely vanquished in Germany until white supremacy was defeated everywhere, including in the U.S. South.

“In the freest country in the world, where even the President rages against racial discrimination, no citizen of dark color is permitted to travel next to a white person, even if the white is employed as a sewer digger and the Negro is a world boxing champion or otherwise a national hero…[this] example shows us all how we have to solve the problem of traveling foreign Jews.” ~ Chicago Defender


“The Double V,” short for “The Double Victory,” was a term first mentioned in an activist’s letter to The Pittsburgh Courier. The letter read, “Let colored Americans adopt the double VV for a double victory; the first V for victory over our enemies from without, the second V for victory over our enemies within.

A “double V for victory” sign, with the first V standing for victory of enemies from without and the second V for victory over enemies within, meaning those in the United States who limited the freedoms of African Americans.


To learn more about “Double Victory” and the experience of African Americans during WWII, you can purchase and read the “African American Experience During World War II” by Edward Brownlee.


  1. Matthew Delmont, Why African-American Soldiers Saw World War II as a Two-Front Battle, Smithsonian Magazine, August 24, 2017

Coffee Can

‘Time is the friend of the wonderful company, the enemy of the mediocre.’ ~ Warren Buffett

How Does the Coffee Can Investment Strategy Work?

  1. Focus on high-quality companies: The coffee can investment strategy involves investing in high-quality, well-established companies with a consistent track record of growth and profitability. To be considered as a sound investment opportunity, the company should demonstrate that it has been in business for at least 10 years and sustainably generating returns of a minimum of 15% on its capital employed over this period.
  2. Look for market leaders: These companies are typically market leaders in their industry, with a competitive edge that allows them to maintain their market position over the long term.
  3. Invest in a small number of companies: Rather than trying to diversify across a large number of companies, the coffee can investment strategy involves investing in a small number of high-quality companies.
  4. Hold onto the companies for an extended period of time: Coffee can investors don’t worry about short-term gains and market volatility. Once you’ve selected your stocks, hold onto them for an extended period of time, typically 10 years or more – don’t let fear and greed get the better of you.
  5. By holding onto these companies for an extended period of time, investors can benefit from the power of compounding, as their returns are reinvested and grow over time.
  6. By investing in high-quality companies with a strong track record of growth and profitability, investors can benefit from the long-term growth potential of these companies.

Coffee Can Investing Strategy (Finding 100 Bagger)

“I try to invest in businesses that are so wonderful that an idiot can run them. Because sooner or later, one will.”  ― Warren Buffett

Coffee Can Investment Strategy involves buying and holding a portfolio of high-quality companies for the long-term, typically ten years or more. The strategy is based on the premise that investing in the right high-quality companies will result in significant capital appreciation over time.

The concept was popularized in India by Saurabh Mukherjea in his book “ Coffee Can Investing:  The Low-Risk Route to Stupendous Wealth”.

In this strategy, investors pick a group of high-quality companies with a proven track record of generating consistent profits, revenue growth and return on invested capital (ROIC). The chosen equity stocks are held for an extended period irrespective of market conditions or short term volatility.

This strategy allows investors to avoid the temptation of selling their equity holdings during short-term market volatility. It protect the investor from their own bad decision and investing behavior.

You only need one of the Coffee Can companies to hit and become a 100 bagger.

But, how to look at a small cap company and know that they have a runway.

Look at the ownership and use your imagination to determine if a company can have organic growth and expand into other markets.

At the end of 10 years, you will have some stocks that have not grown, others that have lost value, and two to four outperformers. Those outperformers will provide a high return on investment.

It refers to companies that have generated a Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) of over 15% every year with the Coffee Can Investing approach. This makes the approach a low-risk route to making stupendous wealth.

Coffee Can Portfolio is mostly concerned with stock quality. As an investor, you must choose a quality stock, which signifies a fundamentally strong company. Here are some points to build a Coffee Can Portfolio.

  1. The company should have been in existence for at least 10 years.
  2. The revenue growth should be at least 10% year per year.
  3. ROIC of at least 15% for 10 years
  4. Market capitalization should be more than $500 million USD
  5. The company should have good brand value.
  6. The company should have a competitive edge.
  7. Founder or CEO has skin in the game focused on driving value in the business. Executive management is strong. 

For instance, let’s take an example of a toothpaste company. If a toothpaste company’s prices are increased, will people stop brushing? The answer is “NO.” Similarly, this strategy neither works on quantity nor growth; it works on quality investing.



Six Triple Eight Central Postal Directory Battalion

The Six Triple Eight Central Postal Directory Battalion was the only all African American Women’s Army Corps unit deployed overseas during World War II.

The President of the United States awarded the 6888th Postal Battalion the Congressional Gold Medal on March 14, 2022.

Small Cap Stocks

Small-cap stocks are usually considered to be stocks with market capitalizations somewhere between $250 million and $2.5 billion.

Most companies start out as small-caps, but by continually growing their earnings and cash flow, their share prices appreciate. This can increase the market capitalization (share price times shares outstanding) of the company to large, or even mega-sized, while investors along for the ride reap the value appreciation.

Big names like Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon were all small-caps at one point.

Not all small-caps companies flourish like those giants have. Many fail or stop growing, which means losses or little profit for investors.

Great companies reveal themselves over the long term by continually producing quality earnings and sales growth.

According to Forbes, here are a few small-cap companies to research further are:

  • ACM Research produces cleaning equipment for the semiconductor industry. The company’s products remove impurities and particles from microchips. The company also offers other equipment that is used in various semiconductor processes.
  • Digi International is a technology company focusing on wireless communication and devices. It has more than 160 patents on products and 15 global offices.



African American Experience During World War II

African American Experience During World War II by Edward L. Brownlee:

Do you want to learn about the untold stories of African American heroes in World War II? Do you want to discover how they fought for freedom and justice on two fronts, at home and abroad? Do you want to explore how they faced racism, discrimination and segregation in a military that denied them equal opportunity and civil rights?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to read African American Experience During World War II by Edward L. Brownlee. This book provides a historical perspective of the 1.2 million African American service members who served in every branch of the U.S. military during the war. It reveals how they overcame challenges, contributed to the war effort, and changed the course of history.

This book is based on extensive research, interviews, and archival sources. It covers topics such as:

  • The roles and achievements of African American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines in various theaters of war
  • The struggles and successes of African American women in the military and civilian sectors
  • The impact of the war on the civil rights movement and the postwar social and political landscape
  • The legacy and recognition of African American veterans and their contributions to American society

African American Experience During World War II is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of World War II, African American history, or military history. It is a book that will inspire, educate, and challenge you to learn more about the brave men and women who fought for a better world.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get your copy of African American Experience During World War II by Edward L. Brownlee today. Click on the link below to order it from Amazon. You won’t regret it!

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