Emotional Well-Being: Be at Peace

“If you are depressed, you are living in the past, if you are anxious you are living in the future, if you are at peace, you are living in the present.” Lao Tzu

Being at peace with yourself simply means that you have an ability to focus on your natural emotions of joy and feelings of calm. But, what is peace. Peace is not the absence of conflict; instead, peace is the presence of joy, kindness, love, generosity, patience and self control. It’s about being in the present.

Often, we undermine our inner peace and joy by failing to be grateful and thankful for whom we are, for what we have, and for what we have accomplished. We painstakingly compare our real day-to-day lives with the “highlights of life” depicted and embellished on in social media posts.

Marketers and advertisers constantly have you feeling that you haven’t got enough and that you are inadequate. But, it’s important to realize that you do not have to listen to everything entertainment media or your inner thoughts say. You are not your thoughts and you’re not the marketers or advertisers victim. You are in control of the things that you can control, like muting or turning off the constant media sales and marketing pitches of a better and more exciting life.

Often, we create unnecessary struggle because we believe that wherever we are is not already good enough in its own way. We focus on doing more, having more, and being more so much that we imply to ourselves that we are not yet good enough.

Being able to accept the balance between continuing to learn and grow while accepting your present life’s journey right where you are will dramatically increase your inner peace and joy.

Peace is valuable because it brings together many things that are important for our well-being, such as joy, emotional well-being, health, and fulfillment. Essentially, peace is the quiet joy and contentment of being who you want to be.

Accept the peace of the present moment and release the misgivings of the past and worries of future.


  1. https://thejoywithin.org/increase-happiness/how-to-be-at-peace-with-yourself
  2. https://www.spiritbutton.com/peace-of-mind-quotes/#ixzz78AftX3se