Becoming Ageless: The Four Secrets to Looking and Feeling Younger Than Ever

Don’t try to overhaul your life overnight. Instead, focus on making one small change at a time. Over time, those small changes will add up to big transformation. Don’t give up!”

A reporter once asked Albert Einstein what’s man’s greatest invention was, and the scientist, after a long pause, simply replied: “Compound interest.”

Compounding—the idea of something gaining value exponentially into the future through better decisions made in the present—is one of the greatest lessons any human being can ever learn.

In Becoming Ageless, “it is never too late to reverse how you look and feel, and to develop the mindset of how you do it. Day in and day out, if you want to live longer and live better, you need a clear and basic understanding that the outcome of your journey is the sum of its steps.”

There are no guarantees with your physical or emotional health, just as there are no guarantees with your wealth. But, you can stack the odds in your favor by making sacrifices today that are worth the gains in the long term.

And with the principles explained in Becoming Ageless, you’ll be living longer—and with greater clarity of thought, mobility, and freedom from pain. Ultimately, you can take the tactical insights about daily living and the strategic insight into the larger quest to live longer and better. After all, you can be living proof that if you’re willing to consistently and incrementally implement small changes—while keeping your eye on the larger goal at all times—you’ll boost your chances of living longer and living happier than you ever imagined.

You can have the mind, body, and spirit of someone half your age, and add more years to your life. Or, you can have people stare in disbelief when they discover how old you really are. You can become…ageless?  You can. It’s possible.

Becoming Ageless: The Four Secrets to Looking and Feeling Younger Than Ever is the result of years of research into the science of longevity. It is about looking and feeling eternal. It has worked, and it will work for you. On this effective plan, you’ll:

  • Lose stubborn belly fat and watch the pounds melt away.
  • Enjoy amazing meals, workouts, and a sense of community.
  • Look and feel noticeabley younger—for life!
  • The strategies contained inside Becoming Ageless, you’ll discover:
    • An easy and effective program for everyone that will help you flatten your gut and become healthier than you ever thought possible.
    • Delicious, healthy, and easy-to-make recipes including hearty breakfasts, easy-to-make lunches, filling dinners, and even desserts.
    • A full workout plan that will sculpt your body and help you prevent back pain and sleep better.
    • A holistic mind/body approach that really works. Look and feel better than ever without deprivation dieting, counting calories—or ever feeling hungry!

    Becoming Ageless: The Four Secrets to Looking and Feeling Younger Than Ever, explains exactly what it takes to be fit and healthy at any age with all the research to support it.

    The three most interesting things Zelnick learned about keeping the mind and body young.

    1. Try the less-is-more approach.

    When it comes to staying youthful and increasing longevity, deliberately plodding along can actually be more effective than going all out. A 2015 study looked at more than 1,000 runners and found that those who jogged slowly had lower mortality rates than those who ran faster. “I was a terrible runner, so a few years ago I worked with a coach,” says Zelnick. Even though they suggested brisk, one-hour sessions, Zelnick insisted on 45-minute jogs. “That was just at the brink of what I could live with before saying, ‘I hate this so much, I’ll never do it again,’” he says. “Taking it slow and steady was my strategy.”

    2. Stay adventurous.

    Research from the University of Texas at Dallas found that trying new, cognitively demanding activities improves memory function in older adulthood. “It’s just not true that we lose the ability to learn or improve our performance after the age of 25,” says Zelnick. “I picked up skiing in my 30s, cycling in my 40s, boxing in my 50s, and I’m picking up gymnastics and squash now.” Not only is it possible to learn new skills as you age, but doing so can keep your body and brain young.

    3. Accept the learning process.

    Study upon study shows the importance of grit in predicting success, and Zelnick believes it also keeps you young. You probably won’t pull off a world-class performance the first, even the 10th time you try something. “Don’t be afraid of failure or slow progress,” he says. “There are days when I play squash and I do really badly. And yes, I might get frustrated with myself but then I realize, you know what? I showed up, I did the best I could, I’ll do better the next time—or I won’t. But I’m still going to keep going.”

    With Becoming Ageless, you’ll feel fitter, sharper, and more energized than ever before—with the body of someone half your age! Boost your metabolism and enjoy all-day energy. Feel younger for life. All you have to do is follow the four secrets in the book.

    – Ageless Secret #1 You’ll Indulge in Delicious Foods 
    It’s true: You can eat to be younger. Most people associate eating for health or weight loss with a “diet”—It’s important to break that association. Diets fail. Instead, focus on “Forever Fuel.” It doesn’t mean you can’t eat your favorite foods; you’re just getting the best versions of them. On the Becoming Ageless plan, enjoy the following and lose 20+ pounds:

    • Unlimited Foods—Lean Protein, Salads, and Vegetables—eat as much as you want. bison, light tuna, chicken, eggs, grass-fed beef.
    • Limited Foods—Some fruits and dried fruits, nuts, and cheese—in moderation.
    • Highly restricted foods—no processed foods, fried foods, or added sugars. Processed foods account for 70% of the calories that Americans take in. They don’t just make you fat; they age you. Research has linked ultraprocessed foods to a higher risk for obesity, heart disease, and cancer. Intriguing new work even suggests that they may actually encourage overeating, possibly because their particular mashup of ingredients disrupts the hormones that control hunger, or it scrambles the gut-brain signals that tell us how much to eat.
    • Commit yourself to eating sensibly and eating yourself healthy.

    The book is packed with a ton of easy-to-make recipes that will help you get your best body ever. It’s true—even with a busy schedule, you can cook, because they’re that simple. And if you cook just three meals a week, you’ll live a decade longer, studies show.

    – Ageless Secret #2: You’ll Unlock Your Inner Strength
    Fitness is the foundation for so much success in many individuals lives—it improved their moods, shrunk their belly, got them out with colleagues (which led to promotions) and you don’t have to run an ultra-marathon or climb Mt. Everest. Just commit and be consistent. Get moving a little every day.

    Work out every morning and some evenings. Some moves take just minutes to do. Here’s a few ways to do it right:

    • Start slow—incorporate regular walks or body weight exercises to feel the burn.
    • Workout when you’re working—like with a stressball or a hand grip strengthener
    • Incorporate a complete exercise plan for building muscle. Use it and you’ll avoid back pain and get injured less.

    – Ageless Secret #3: You’ll Bulletproof Your Body
    You can’t feel younger if you’re sick all the time.  You want to turn your body into a disease-fighting machine. That’s why you should include:

    • Preventative measures—a complete checklist of all the tests you need, and when you should have them.
    • A guide to better sleep, so you can have a more peaceful rest.
    • Cover mental health too…favorite tip to boost confidence is to ditch the scale. Measure success by what you see in the mirror and how you look and feel. If you like what you see, what the scale reads isn’t important. That was a game-changer. Little changes mean big results.

    – Ageless Secret #4: You’ll Discover a Deeper Connection
    People who focus solely on the body and not the mind are shortchanging themselves. For lasting success, it’s essential to construct a support system that will hold you accountable—and provide incentives for you to succeed. Consider texting a friend after every workout, and revel in the virtual high-five; better yet, join a workout class. You’ll strengthen bonds with friends and loved ones and elevate your mood and productivity.

    It’s a benefit in embracing my spiritual side. For quiet reflection, personally integrate morning prayer. It’s life-changing, and feeds into personal success on every level. To help you focus, meditate, do yoga, and find a community that supports your new lifestyle.

    By following the pillars in Becoming Ageless, you’ll be happier and healthier; stave off disease; enhance your spiritual connections; and lose fat from where it matters most. That’s something you want at any age. It works.

    Start by asking yourself an important question: “What do I want?” That answer will drive every decision you make. It will also make the how easier to pinpoint and, eventually, accomplish. Here are a few answers to that question: You May want to . . .

    • Live as long and healthily as possible while being cogent and mobile.
    • Be fit and strong.
    • Perform my job at my highest level.
    • Have warm and meaningful relationships with my family and friends.
    • Push my limits both mentally and physically.
    • Look good in and out of clothes.
    • Feel youthful, happy, satisfied, and as stress-free as possible.
    • Be spiritually connected.
    • Help others achieve their goals.

    You don’t want is to be limited or defined by your age. Yet sometimes, we forget that, while there’s no stopping the passage of time, we can control how well we age. Because the notion that you’ll get too old to run marathons, too weak for century rides, too fragile to ski or snowboard, or too fatigued to keep up with your grandchildren at a park is just plain wrong.

    It doesn’t matter if you’re a millennial or a centenarian: Right now, you have all the resources you need to make changes to obtain or reclaim the life you want. That’s if you know what you want. So think about what you want. Be honest and don’t edit your thoughts. Contemplate it for a week if you need to. Then write down five to 10 goals. Write them right now.

    About the Author

    Strauss Zelnick is founder of the private equity firm Zelnick Media Capital and president and CEO of Take-Two Interactive, the company behind blockbuster video games such as Grand Theft Auto and NBA2K.

    “Live your truth!”
