Brownlee Global: Gratitude to Greatness

Helping People Live the Lives They Want

Brownlee Global:  Gratitude to Greatness


There’s a reason why players that have multiple championships have multiple championships. There’s a certain characteristic and an understanding and knowledge and that’s not something that’s easily taught. You kind of have to go through it and it kind of has to be part of your DNA from the beginning.” – Kobe Bryant, NBA legend and Hall of Fame inductee

“The hunger [to succeed] is the same, no matter what it is that you’re doing. It’s like an unquenchable thirst to learn more, or to feel like you could have done more, and to be brutally honest and self critical, which is very hard to do. It’s easy, and human nature is to just blame somebody else. It’s very, very hard to self assess.” ~ Kobe Bryant

Family Financial Checklist

Here’s a recommended list of financial and life topics to cover with your family meeting.

Adult family members might be encouraged to review it before an initial conversation, and then use each item as a platform for discussion. Think of it as a conversation starter:

  1. Do you have an updated will. Attorneys usually recommend that all adults have one, not just senior family members.)
  2. Are there specific family heirlooms you would like to give to specific family members, or is there something special you would like to receive some day? These decisions can be included in a will.
  3. Do you have guardians for minor children?
  4. Do you have a durable power of attorney?
  5. Do you have a living will and/or a medical power of attorney? You have a legal right to specify the level of care you wish to receive if you are incapacitated. Most importantly, you can designate the individuals responsible for making such decisions.
  6. Are your life insurance, pension, IRA, and annuity beneficiary designations current?
  7. Are all your important documents in one place, such as a safe deposit box? Are designated family members’ names on the signature card?
  8. Do you have an available list of important information? This might include bank accounts, retirement accounts, other financial accounts, life insurance policies, and other assets, as well as the names and contact information of your attorney, accountant, New York Life agent, and other professionals.
  9. Do you need to contact your attorney to update your will, or do you need to contact your life insurance agent or financial advisor to review your life insurance and other financial concerns?

Managing family financial information
Sometimes it’s difficult to have the answers to these questions right at your fingertips. But it’s important to know your loved ones can find your life insurance policy or will, should something come up. So, we have come up with something to help.

Persuasive Communications and Influence

Your ability to communicate persuasively determines whether your opinion is actively sought out or you have to fight to get your voice heard.

The ability to influence others can set you up for career and personal success.

The most powerful communicators are thoughtful professionals who’ve learned to leverage their perceptiveness strategically. They understand psychology: how people think, what drives their choices, and how to present ideas to get seen, heard, and paid.

Persuasive communication is a learnable skill. Here are three strategies to get started.

1. Lead with your bottom line

Decision-makers are busy and overwhelmed. When you take too long to get to your point, you risk losing their attention, and you may inadvertently signal that you don’t have a good handle on your own message.

Contrast this with someone who can articulate their key point in a few crisp sentences. That level of clarity suggests expertise and confidence.

To be more persuasive, start with your conclusion, request, or recommendation, then follow with supporting evidence as needed. This might sound like:

  • “I recommend pushing the product launch to September. The three factors driving this are ….”
  • “We need to consider redesigning our app’s navigation by Q3 to stop losing users. The data shows ….”
  • “Can you review this report by Thursday? I need your input specifically on X and Y.”
  • Before your next meeting, write down your main “take-home” message in one to two clear sentences. That constraint forces you to filter out the fluff and focus on the information that matters.

2. Sell your idea as a way to solve specific problems
Persuasive communicators have mastered the art of translation. They reframe their messages through the lens of their audience’s needs.

People in power don’t just want clever solutions. They want good ideas that speak directly to their pressures, pain points, and priorities. Make that connection and you’ll gain a competitive edge.

To be more persuasive, start with your conclusion, request, or recommendation, then follow with supporting evidence as needed.

For example, instead of saying, “This new system will improve data processing efficiency by 40%,” you might say, “This solution will help you deliver quarterly reports three days faster, giving you more time to prepare for board meetings.”

Even when you need to defer or push back, the same principle applies. Jazz up a simple “I’ll get back to you,” by saying instead, “I want to make sure I give you the most useful answer for your quarterly planning. Can I have until Friday to gather the specific data you’ll need?”

3. Speak with authority

Small shifts in your word choice can dramatically change how your message lands, especially with senior stakeholders.

Consider the difference between saying “I think we should …” versus “In my experience …” One signals uncertainty, the other expertise.

Or how about “I’m trying to …” versus “We’re implementing …”? The first suggests struggle, the second implies purposeful action.

Look for opportunities to swap weak verbs with more powerful ones. For example:

  • “Had to” can become “decided to,” “chose to,” or “opted to”
  • “Helped” could be replaced with “guided,” “directed,” “led,” “advised,” or “oversaw”
  • Don’t get caught up in fancy words or corporate jargon. This is about choosing more precise language that reflects the scale and scope of your actions.

Melody Wilding, LMSW, is an executive coach, human behavior professor, and author of ”Managing Up: How to Get What You Need from the People in Charge.”


If Only I Spent More Time in the Office

No one on their deathbed has ever looked back on their life and said, “I wish I had just spent more time at the office.”

But people do look back and say, “I wish I had pursued my dreams.” Or, “I wish I had spent more time with my family.” Or, “I wished I had traveled and experienced the world.”

Only you know what matters to you and what you value the most; and only you know your dreams, ambitions and goals  — just make sure that’s what you’re pursuing and devoting your time, talents and treasure towards.

However, you might be thinking, “Easier said than done!” And yes, you’d be absolutely right. But the things worth doing and pursuing, the treasures worth finding and the things worth doing, are always the most challenging to do.

But, the reward is embedded in the process and journey.

“Success in life comes from holding a good hand, but in playing a poor hand well.” — Denis Waitley

Not all hands in life are dealt fairly or evenly. Yes, some people are born on third base and think they’ve hit a triple, while others are born on the outside of the ballpark and have seemingly insurmountable challenges to even get in the game. But the wonderful thing about life is that you’re able to change your circumstances.

So if you don’t hold the perfect hand, focus on the strategies you can play well right now to get you through to the next round. You can set ambitious goals, maintain a positive attitude and mindset, take responsibility for your choices and responses to circumstances, develop productive habits, and always be grateful. Eventually, you’ll succeed and win the whole damn thing.

Taking Responsibility

Sometimes, the most powerful thing you can do in a situation is to simply step back and let people walk away with their own narrative.

Cutting someone off, not to punish or create drama, but because you recognize that their version of the story is just that—theirs—is a form of emotional maturity and self-preservation.

There’s a certain peace in letting them leave with their delusions intact, knowing you no longer have to fight for your truth or your space. It’s not about winning an argument, but about protecting your mental and emotional energy from people who will never see things from your perspective.

Letting go of the need for closure or resolution in these scenarios is liberating. It’s a quiet form of control, choosing to invest in your own peace rather than engaging with someone who refuses to accept accountability.

In the end, their delusional story will fade, and you’ll be left unburdened, free to move forward without the weight of trying to change their mind. It’s a top-tier move because it demonstrates that you’re not interested in endless conflict—only in reclaiming your sense of peace and self.

— Balt Rodriguez, author of Choose Yourself

Ignoring the Economic Fundamentals

“This [2024 Presidential] election is something of an indictment on the political information complex. The story that was portrayed was not true. We were just ignoring the fundamentals.”

“Blaming people who almost always vote for you for not voting for you is an interesting strategy. Can’t see it working out well myself but doesn’t look like there’s any stopping it”, states Konstantin Kisin .

For my British and European friends who are “shocked” and “surprised”, here are 10 reasons you didn’t see Trump’s win coming, writes Political Satirist Konstantin Kisin.

1. Americans love their country and want it to be the best in the world. America is a nation of people who conquered a continent. They love strength. They love winning. Any leader who appeals to that has an automatic advantage.

2. Unlike Europeans, Americans have not accepted managed decline. They don’t have Net Zero here, they believe in producing their own energy and making it as cheap as possible because they know that their prosperity depends on it.

3. Prices for most basic goods in the US have increased rapidly and are sky high. What the official statistics say about inflation and the reality of people’s lives are not the same.

4. Unlike you, Americans do not believe in socialism. They believe in meritocracy. They don’t care about the super rich being super rich because they know that they live in a country where being super rich is available to anyone with the talent and drive to make it. They don’t resent success, they celebrate it.

5. Americans are the most pro-immigration people in the world. Read that again. Seriously, read it again. Americans love an immigrant success story. They want more talented immigrants to come to America. But they refuse to accept people coming illegally. They believe in having a border.

6. Americans are sensitive about racial issues and their country’s imperfect history. They believe that those who are disadvantaged by the circumstances of their birth should be given the opportunity to succeed. What they reject, however, is the idea that in order to address the errors of the past new errors must be made. DEI is racist. They know it and they reject it precisely because they are not racist.

7. Americans are the most philosemitic nation on earth. October 7 and the pro-Hamas left’s reaction shocked them to their very core because, among other things, they remember what 9/11 was like and they know jihad when they see it.

8. Americans are extremely practical people. They care about what works, not what sounds good. In Europe, we produce great writers and intellectuals. In America they produce (and attract) great engineers, businessmen and investors. Because of this, they care less about Trump’s rhetoric than you do and more about his policies than you do.

9. Americans are deeply optimistic people. They hate negativity. The woke view of American history as a series of evils for which they must eternally apologise is utterly abhorrent to them. They believe in moving forward together, not endlessly obsessing about the past.

10. America is a country whose founding story is one of resistance to government overreach. They loathe unnecessary restrictions, regulations and control. They understand that freedom comes with the price of self-reliance and they pay it gladly.

  • Mathematically, it’s impossible to replace federal government taxes on W-2 income with tariffs.

The Winner’s Effect

The Winner’s Effect.

Researchers found that if you let a mouse win a few staged fights early on, it starts racking up real wins later, according to Success Mentor Darren Daily. And the real wins were not because it learned better fighting skills.

Those early staged wins flip the switch in the mouse’s brains and it starts to impact the mice’s performance for real. The mouse’s mindset changes and it starts believing that it can win

In humans, the same has been observed to be true. Legendary NFL football coach Vince Lombardi would become upset if his quarterback threw too many completions in practice.

Lombardi was deliberately trying to build up his defense’s confidence. He knew that even if it meant a slightly off practice for the offense, Those early wins by the defense, even if a little manufactured, would pay off big time later in the season.

From DarrenDaily On-Demand: DarrenDaily Recap: The Week Unpacked November 2nd, Nov 2, 2024

Believe Tomorrow Will Be Better

“Three months from now, you will be in a better situation. Claim it.”

Close your eyes and imagine it. Three months from now, a new chapter unfolds. The anxieties that weigh you down now have begun to lift, like clouds parting to reveal a brighter sky. The challenges you face today are fading into the background, replaced by a sense of peace and progress.

Claim it. Claim this better situation, this improved circumstance, this renewed sense of hope. It’s not just wishful thinking, it’s a declaration of faith, a commitment to your own growth and evolution.

Three months may seem like a long time, but it’s a blink of an eye in the grand scheme of things. Within that time, you can cultivate new habits, embrace new opportunities, and make choices that align with your dreams.

Visualize it, believe it, and claim it. Three months from now, you will be in a better situation. It’s not luck, it’s not chance, it’s the power of your own intention, the unwavering belief in your own potential, and the unwavering commitment to create the life you desire.

Source:  Tips That Change Your Life.

Family Financial Checklist

Don’t wait any longer. Take the time to sit down with the family members and discuss important financial matters.

There is rarely an ideal time to discuss important financial matters with family members. Yet, it is important to talk to your family about inheritance, guardianship, and living wills.

Important questions like the ones below never seem to get answered or considered until it’s too late:

  • How will we manage the bills while Dad is in assisted living?”
  • “Does Dad have a durable power of attorney?”
  • “Where does Mom keep her will?”
  • “Has anybody found the key to the safe deposit box?”

Here’s a recommended list of financial topics to cover with family members.

Adult family members might use each item as a platform for discussion. Think of it as a conversation starter:

  1. Do you have an updated will? (Attorneys usually recommend that all adults have one, not just senior family members.)
  2. Are there specific family heirlooms you would like to give to specific family members, or is there something special you would like to receive some day? These decisions can be included in a will.
  3. Do you have guardians for minor children?
  4. Do you have a durable power of attorney?
  5. Do you have a living will and/or a medical power of attorney? You have a legal right to specify the level of care you wish to receive if you are incapacitated. Most importantly, you can designate the individuals responsible for making such decisions.
  6. Are your life insurance, pension, IRA, and annuity beneficiary designations current?
  7. Are all your important documents in one place, such as a safe deposit box? Are designated family members’ names on the signature card?
  8. Do you have an available list of important information? This might include bank accounts, retirement accounts, other financial accounts, life insurance policies, and other assets, as well as the names and contact information of your attorney, accountant, financial advisor, and other professionals.
  9. Do you need to contact your attorney to update your will, or do you need to contact your insurance agent or financial advisor to review your life insurance and other financial concerns?

Source:  New York Life article: How to talk about managing family finances


Focus Like A Lion

“What you focus on expands; results follow focus.” – Marcus Buckingham

“What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it.” – Oprah Winfrey

Focus and concentration are key components for success, progress, and improvement. Focus allows for, and even accelerates accomplishment.

“Results Follow Focus.”

NBA legend and Hall of Fame basketball player Kobe Bryant often spoke about the importance of focus and how it contributed to his success on and off the basketball court. He believed that maintaining a high level of focus was crucial for achieving greatness, both on and off the basketball court.

Key Points from Kobe Bryant on Focus:

  • Attention to Detail: Kobe emphasized the importance of paying attention to the smallest details in everything you do. He believed that mastering the basics and refining every aspect of your craft were essential for success.
  • Mindset and Purpose: He often talked about having a clear direction and purpose. Knowing what you want to achieve and staying committed to that goal helps maintain focus. “Everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise,” convey Kobe Bryant. 
  • Meditation and Mental Training: Kobe practiced meditation to help center his mind and improve his focus. He found that mental exercises were just as important as physical training for peak performance.

The key points are that focus and concentration are essential to winning and succeeding.

Kobe’s dedication to focus and his relentless work ethic are inspiring examples of how maintaining concentration and purpose can lead to extraordinary achievements.

Kobe once said about focus and winning, “I focus on one thing and one thing only – that’s trying to win as many championships as I can.”
