Roth IRA Conversion

A Roth individual retirement account (IRA) is off-limits for people with high annual incomes.

If your earnings put Roth IRA contributions out of reach, a backdoor Roth IRA conversion is an option that lets you enjoy the tax benefits of a Roth IRA. A backdoor Roth IRA is a strategy that helps you save retirement funds in a Roth IRA even though your annual income would otherwise disqualify you from accessing this type of individual retirement account.

Backdoor Roth IRA conversions are mainly useful for high earners whose annual income (plus access to workplace retirement plans) already make them ineligible for tax deductions for traditional IRA contributions.

Who Benefits from a Backdoor Roth?

  • High earners who don’t qualify to contribute under current Roth IRA rules.
  • Those who can afford the taxes for a Roth conversion and want to take advantage of future tax-free growth.
  • Investors who hope to avoid required minimum distributions (RMDs) when they reach age 72.

A general rule of thumb with Roth IRA conversions is that you will owe taxes on any money that has never been taxed before.

Roth IRA Conversion makes little Tax difference f

A Roth conversion will not make a significant difference to your retirement standard of living, according to an exhaustive new study.

The study findings reveal that “…only if you’re in the top 1% of retirement savers will a Roth conversion move the needle more than a little bit in your retirement.” The study, “When and for Whom Are Roth Conversions Most Beneficial?,” was conducted by Edward McQuarrie, a professor emeritus at the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University.

Unlike many previous analyses of Roth conversions, McQuarrie adjusted all his calculations by inflation and the time value of money, likely changes in tax rates, and a myriad other obvious and not-so-obvious factors.

McQuarrie finds that only if you have millions in your IRA or 401(k)—at least $2 million for an individual and $4 million for a couple—will your required minimum distributions in retirement be so large as to put you into even the middle tax brackets.

Only for those select few will the potential tax savings of a Roth conversion be significant. For most of the rest of us, we’ll likely be in lower tax brackets in retirement years, with an effective rate of 12% or less. That almost certainly will be lower than the tax we would pay for a Roth conversion during our peak earning years prior to retirement.

Even if tax rates themselves go up, furthermore, it’s still likely that your tax rate in retirement will be lower than preretirement. That’s because you’ll likely be at your peak earning years prior to retirement, when you might be undertaking a Roth conversion, and therefore in a relatively high tax bracket.

Once you stop working and retire, and are living on Social Security and the withdrawals from your retirement portfolio, your tax rate will most likely be lower—even if the statutory tax rates themselves have been increased in the interim.

Backdoor Roth IRA conversions lets you circumvent the prescribed AGI limits if your annual earnings put direct Roth IRA contributions out of reach.



Time in the Market

Time in the market, not timing the market

Investors have a bad tendency to do the wrong thing at the wrong time with regards to investing decisions. They want to panic sell when the market is getting hit really bad (sell low) or they fear that they’re missing out on the market rally and buy when markets start to go up (buy high). Successful investors know that it is impossible to predict a stock’s outcome. Any stock can result in a potential profit or loss, but the hope of “hitting it big” in the markets has led plenty of investors to try and time the market. Instead, it’s importance of investors to have a clear idea of their goals, as well as the time frame for their financial plan.

 Focus on time in the market – not trying to time the market

Timing the market involves trying to predict the future price trend of a stock and the market. As a result, there is a high probability of failure with this strategy, because no consistently predict the future of the markets. Although it sounds ideal to buy stock at a low price and sell it shortly after at a higher price for a profit, it’s often too good to be true. There are always people who get lucky, but that’s exactly what it is: luck. Essentially, someone may have luck with one stock, but lose it all on the next trade.

“The idea that a bell rings to signal when investors should get into or out of the market is simply not credible. After nearly 50 years in this business, I do not know of anybody who has done it successfully and consistently. I don’t even know anybody who knows anybody who has done it successfully and consistently.” John Bogle

It can be tempting to try to sell out of stocks to avoid downturns, but it’s nearly impossible to time it right.  If you sell and are still on the sidelines during a recovery, it can be difficult to catch up. Missing even a few of the best days in the market can significantly undermine your performance.

The most important course of action for investors is patience and maintaining a long-term mindset. History has repeatedly demonstrated the value for investor to stay invested in the market, even during a market sell off. Going back to 1930, if you had stayed exposed to the equity market, your returns would have been around 15,000%.

If you missed the top 10 performing days of each decade since 1930 because of mistiming the market over that period, your returns would be a mere 91%. And missing even a few days as the market rebounds can significantly diminish your returns, research from JP Morgan shows.

Keep perspective: Downturns are normal and typically short

Market downturns may be unsettling, but history shows stocks have recovered and delivered long-term gains. Over the past 35 years, the stock market has fallen 14% on average from high to low each year, but still managed gains in 80% of calendar years, according to Fidelity.

Investors must ignore the urge to panic and sell off their investments. Perspective is what is important during days like these and long term perspective is key. No one can consistently time the market and one of the most important factors in building wealth is time in the market.

Essentially, you don’t want to sell off your stock positions when the market has a bad day. Instead, ride it out. Research indicates that over the long-term, you reap the rewards of the power of compounding by staying invested in the market.

Rather than give in to emotion, stay the course. The wealthy are in the market for the long term. The headlines are scary, but there’s always going to be a new threat to investors, whether it’s election fears or whatever the Fed will do next.


  3.  The hypothetical example assumes an investment that tracks the returns of the S&P 500® Index and includes dividend reinvestment but does not reflect the impact of taxes, which would lower these figures. There is volatility in the market, and a sale at any point in time could result in a gain or loss. Your own investing experience will differ, including the possibility of loss. You cannot invest directly in an index. The S&P 500® Index, a market capitalization–weighted index of common stocks, is a registered trademark of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., and has been licensed for use by Fidelity Distributors Corporation.

Sage Advice: Stay Invested

“If you’ve got $25,000, $50,000, $100,000, you’re better off paying off any debt you have because that’s a guaranteed return.” Mark Cuban

The late Jack Bogle was fond of saying, “Nobody knows nothing.”  Which demonstrates that predicting the future is always hard, but 2020 illustrated to us just how difficult it can be. If you would’ve predicted that U.S. domestic stocks would rise over 10% in the same year as a global pandemic, no one would have believed you.  But that’s what makes markets so complex and volatile, especially in 2020, a year unlike any other.

The real problem is that there are too many economic and financial market unknowns to consider in the coming years and decade. And, he says, we, as a nation, are not focusing on what he believes to be the single most important concern in the economy: the “soaring cost of health care”. There is also the soon to be problem of pandemic caused ballooning federal deficits and national debt as a percentage of GDP.

Elected officials seem content to continue to kick the health care cost can down the road. But, with all of the potential economic uncertainty and financial market volatility, it’s hard to know what to do when it comes to investing.

The U.S. stock market is the greatest wealth-creation tool in history.

Investing in the stock market allows you to become a partial owner of thousands of profitable and growing companies. And, when paired with the power of compounding, the market is what allows you to save for retirement.

Below are five pieces of advice for investors who are worried about the turbulent economy and volatile financial markets:

  1. Keep investing. Keep putting money away. Despite fluctuations in the market, Investors should continue to save. And if the market dips? That’s okay since a lower market can be beneficial for funding longer-term goals such as retirement and education. Saving is always a good idea, and if you can add to savings when the market is low, you may be in a better position when the market goes back up.
  2. Pay attention to asset allocation. A good starting point for asset allocation, according to most financial advisors is a portfolio consisting of 65% stocks and 35% bonds. That’s it. “Stay out of the exotic stuff,” he says, however, noting that the allocations of assets may change depending on age and circumstances. If you’re younger, for example, you might skew towards investing more in stocks: you have time to take more risks. However, if you’re older, you might consider putting more in bonds, typically more conservative and consistent. But don’t tilt too far in either direction, he warns, noting that you should pay attention to the norms.
  3. Diversification is the key to any successful portfolio, and for good reason–a well-diversified portfolio can help an investor weather through the most turbulent markets. Diversification is the practice of spreading money among different investments to reduce risk. Historically, stocks, bonds, and cash have not moved up and down at the same time. The rationale is that a portfolio constructed of different kinds of assets will, on average, yield higher long-term returns and lower the risk of any individual holding or security. Diversification is a strategy that can be neatly summed up as “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”
  4. Expect lower returns. For years, the market was flush and paying out significant returns. That’s not going to continue. You should expect to see lower stock returns for the next 10-20 years, noting that 12% returns moving forward isn’t realistic. The same is true when it comes to bonds, he says, claiming that 6% returns are not in the cards. Managing those expectations is key.
  5. Don’t pay attention to fluctuating markets and keep putting money away so long as you are able. Remember that the markets – and your own investment strategy – may change over time. That shouldn’t make you so nervous that you bail. “Stay the course.”

If 2020 taught investors anything, it was, “Nobody knows nothing.”

It’s important to focus on saving and investing. You need to live below your means and invest the difference to accumulate wealth. There’s no backdoor trick around that fact.



Investing in Edge Computing: Cloudflare

Cloudflare’s platform helps clients secure and accelerate the performance of websites and applications. Motley Fool

Cloudflare (NYSE:NET), which completed its IPO in 2019, is a software-based content delivery network (CDN) internet security company that uses edge computing to protect against cybersecurity breaches. The whole premise of edge computing is to bring the access points closer to the end users. Cloudflare has access points at over 200 cities throughout the world, and they claim that 99% of Internet users are close enough that they can access the network within 0.1 seconds or less.

This internet infrastructure company manages the flow of information online and therefore plays an important role in migrating data from the cloud to the edge. Its platform helps clients secure and accelerate the performance of websites and applications. And, it offers myriad security products and development tools for software engineers and web developers.

The public internet is becoming the new corporate network.

Cloudflare is a leading provider of the network-as-a-service for a work-from-anywhere world. Effectively, the public internet is becoming the new corporate network, and that shift calls for a radical reimagining of network security and connectivity. Cloudflare is focused on making it easier and intuitive to connect users, build branch office on-ramps, and delegate application access — often in a matter of minutes.

No matter where applications are hosted, or employees reside, enterprise connectivity needs to be secure and fast. Cloudflare’s massive global network uses real-time Internet intelligence to protect against the latest threats and route traffic around bad Internet weather and outages.

Edge computing

While cloud computing houses data and software services in a centralized data center and delivers to end users via the internet, edge computing moves data and software out of the cloud to be located closer to the end user.

Edge computing reduces the time it takes to receive information (the latency) and decreases the amount of traffic traveling across the internet’s not-unlimited infrastructure. Businesses that want to increase the performances of their networks for employees, customers, and smart devices can take advantage of edge computing to bring their apps out of the cloud and host them on-site either by owning and using networking hardware or paying for hosting at localized data centers.

The company recently launched Cloudflare One, a network-as-a-service solution designed to replace outdated corporate networks. Cloudflare One acts as a secure access service edge (SASE). Rather than sending traffic through a central hub, SASE is a distributed network architecture. This means employees connect to Cloudflare’s network, where traffic is filtered and security policies are enforced, then traffic is routed to the internet or the corporate network.

This creates a fast, secure experience for employees, allowing them to access corporate resources and applications from any location, on any device.

Enterprise accelerating growth

Cloudflare has gained hundreds of thousands of users with a unique go-to-market strategy, according to Motley Fool. It launches a new product for free (with paid premium features) to acquire lots of individual and small business customers and then markets its new product to paying enterprise customers.

Cloudflare has created a massive ecosystem that it can leverage to land new deals and later expand on those relationships. It’s what makes this company a top edge computing pick since businesses and developers continue to flock to the next-gen edge network platform.

There is increased risk associated with a small-cap, pure-play edge computing company like Cloudflare.



ARK’s Cathie Wood

“Cathie Wood is a star stock-picker and founder of ARK Invest, which invests in innovations like self-driving cars and genomics.” Forbes

Cathie Wood founded ARK Investment Management seven years ago in 2014. One of the biggest secrets to ARK’s investment strategy and noteworthy success, according to Wood, is “the willingness to step in when others are selling a stock for very short-term reasons. We get great opportunities like that.”

Wood said it “pains me more than anything” to think clients might be panicking and selling at the wrong time.

Thus, Wood isn’t focused on short-term fluctuations. She takes a long term and bold view. “We have a five-year investment time horizon,” she says. Since, the big ideas blossoming todaywere planted 30 years ago, she says: “We are ready for prime time now.

Additionally, Wood and her team has been early on many themes—they embraced active management when investing seemed inexorably tied to indexing; they implemented stock-picking in active ETFs while the largest asset managers said it couldn’t be done; and she bought companies that others thought were overpriced, a novelty, or both.

Investing in transformative technologies that are going to change the world

Wood’s focus has been on innovative companies with technology to disrupt the way we live. Her portfolios are loaded with stocks that have skyrocketed—for example, Tesla is a big holding in three of her funds. She is an advocate of a future where technology would make everything better, more productive and profitable.

As Wood and her company’s research frequently remind investors, electrification, the telephone, and the internal combustion engine turned the world upside down a century ago. Now, she believes that five technologies—artificial intelligence, blockchain, DNA sequencing, energy storage, and robotics—are bringing about an equally profound transformation of the economy. These innovations will converge, recombine into things like autonomous taxis and whatnot, and create a perfect economic storm of higher wages, falling prices, and wider profit margins.

Ark’s ideas start with their research. Wood researched stocks with dogged determination. “Cathie is insatiably curious; she was a voracious consumer of research from all over the Street. She read everything from everyone,” says Lisa Shalett, chief investment officer for Morgan Stanley Wealth Management.

For example, they state that they take a blank sheet of paper and just say, “What is an autonomous vehicle? What’s the right way to build one? What are the critical variables?” They believe that they will inevitably run into the companies that not only have good answers, but are leading the charge

She was on a mission to allocate capital to its best use—transformative technologies. Innovation is early-stage growth, and it is typically exponential growth. Companies developing these platforms can generate revenue growth of more than 20% [annually] for years and years.

Wood looked at places that other investment analysts ignore. She found stocks that sat at the intersection of multiple industries, and weren’t followed by analysts from any side. This, she realized, is where innovation happens.

Most growth companies have a decay rate, which means the bigger a company gets, the harder it is to grow. Exponential growth often includes network effects and virality, which means the more people joining the network, the more valuable it becomes, and the faster it grows.

Wood’s believes in transparency when financial firms don’t allow portfolio managers and analysts to use social media to share their research or even gather information. At ARK, Wood created an open-source ecosystem, where the team can share research and collaborate with scientists, engineers, doctors, and other experts. Every Friday morning, she convenes an investment ideas meeting with her analysts and outside experts that’s part business school seminar and part free-form futurist bull session. “Most compliance teams would not be comfortable with that,” Wood says. “From the beginning, ARK actively shares the knowledge they’re generating.

Conservative philosophy

The dawning of a high-tech future is central to Wood’s life philosophy. In starting ARK, her goal was “encouraging the new creation,” by investing in “transformative technologies that were going to change the world.” The triumph of innovation also fits well with her free-market views. To a younger generation tempted by socialism, she’s hoping to show that capitalism can still work its magic.

She’s conservative, both politically and economically. For decades she’s championed green investments. Wood has bemoaned President Joe Biden’s plans to spend big and tax the wealthy, even though many of his proposals are designed to bring the economy closer to her futuristic vision for it, and though higher capital-gains taxes could push more money into tax-efficient funds like hers. She warns that higher taxes on companies and investors will discourage future innovation.



The Five Simple Rules to Investing | TD Ameritrade

Investing does not have to be complicated and can be a hedge to expected strong inflation.

“Global investment managers are more worried about the risk of inflation on markets than they are about the risk of Covid-19.” Bank of America survey

72% of global fund managers expect strong inflation to be transitory, despite US prices surging 5% year-on-year in May, according to Bank of America’s latest survey. The Bank of America survey polled 224 managers with $630 billion in assets under management between March 5 and 11, 2021.

In their collective opinions, trillions of dollars in federal stimulus spending in the United States helped set the economy on the path to recovery, but it’s also fueled concerns about ballooning levels of debt and the rapid inflation that could accompany the injection of so much money into the fragile economic system, according to an article in Forbes. 

Despite the risks, investor sentiment overall is still “unambiguously bullish,” the survey found, with 91% of fund managers expecting a stronger economy in the future and nearly half of fund managers are now expecting a v-shaped recovery in global markets. 

“Investors (are) bullishly positioned for permanent growth, transitory inflation and a peaceful Fed taper,” said Michael Hartnett, chief investment strategist at BofA, adding that 63% of the investors believe Fed will signal a taper by September.



Investing Goals

“The goal of investing is to maximize your returns and to put your money to work for you.” 

Emergency funds
Being prepared for life’s surprises can take a burden off your mind—and someday, your wallet. An emergency fund is a stash of money set aside to cover the financial surprises life throws your way. These unexpected events can be stressful and costly.

Here are some of the top emergencies people face:

  • Job loss.
  • Medical or dental emergency.
  • Unexpected home repairs.
  • Car troubles.
  • Unplanned travel expenses.

3 benefits of having emergency money

Aside from financial stability, there are pros to having an emergency reserve of cash.

— It helps keep your stress level down.

It’s no surprise that when life presents an emergency, it threatens your financial well-being and causes stress. If you’re living without a safety net, you’re living on the “financial” edge—hoping to get by without running into a crisis.

Being prepared with an emergency fund gives you confidence that you can tackle any of life’s unexpected events without adding money worries to your list.

— It keeps you from spending on a whim.

You’ve heard the saying “out of sight, out of mind.” That’s the best way to store your emergency money. If the cash is only as far away as your closest debit card, you may be tempted to use it for something frivolous like a designer cocktail dress or big-screen TV—not exactly an emergency.

Keeping the money out of your immediate reach means you can’t spend it on a whim, no matter how much you’d like to.

And by putting it in a separate account, you’ll know exactly how much you have—and how much you may still need to save.

— It keeps you from making bad financial decisions.

There may be other ways you can quickly access cash, like borrowing, but at what cost? Interest, fees, and penalties are just some of the drawbacks


Saving for retirement might be the most important thing you ever do with your money. And the earlier you begin, the less money it will take.

When it comes to preparing for retirement, there are a lot of things you can’t control—the future of Social Security, tax rates, and inflation, for example. But one big thing that you can control is the amount you save.

Social Security shouldn’t be your only retirement plan since Social Security was never meant to be anyone’s sole source of retirement income.

In fact, a 30-year-old making $50,000 per year today—and who might realistically expect to make substantially more by the time he or she retires—can expect less than $22,000 per year from Social Security at age 67 (in today’s dollars).

In the past, pensions often offered an additional source of income for retirees. But pension plans are becoming rare in today’s world, and it’s more important than ever to take advantage of the opportunity to save for your future.

Keep in mind that on average, Social Security payments make up only about 33% of Americans’ retirement income, according to Social Security Administration.

Spending now could mean you’ll pay for it later

Perhaps you’d rather spend your money on other things that are more fun than saving for retirement.

But because compounding can enhance the value of your savings, the “pain” of each dollar you save now can be greatly outweighed by the flexibility you gain later.

Of course, we’re not suggesting you’d be better off squeezing the last drop of enjoyment from your life.

But we think that knowing you’ll be all set to meet your basic needs later—with enough left over to let you comfortably do the things you look forward to in retirement—is worth going without a few treats now and then.

Choosing to spend less on certain expenses now could make a huge impact in the long run! For example, you could spend $3,600 a year on payments for a new car during the next 5 years … or you could watch that money grow to $80,000 over the next 40 years!*

Control what you can

In the end, the future of Social Security isn’t the only thing that’s out of your hands. Tax rates will almost certainly change between now and your retirement date, and inflation will continue to increase prices over time. Other government programs, like Medicare, might also change.

But there’s one thing that only you can completely control: how much you save. Start now and you might be surprised at how little you notice the sacrifice.

Taxes Strategies in Retirement

“Taxes in retirement will likely be lower than you expect and not all your retirement income is taxable.”

Managing taxes in retirement can be complex. Yet, thoughtful planning may help reduce the tax burden for you and your heirs. By formulating a tax-efficient investment and distribution strategy, retirees may keep more of their hard-earned assets for themselves and their heirs.

The inconvenient truth is that you’ll continue to pay taxes in retirement, which in most cases will be typically at a lower effective tax rate. And, there are a variety of reasons why your tax rate in retirement will be lower.

When you’re working, the bulk of your income is earned from your job and is fully taxable (after deductions and exemptions) at ordinary income tax rates.

When you’re retired, different tax rules can apply to each type of income you receive. You should know how each income source shows up on your tax return in order to estimate and minimize your taxes in retirement.

In retirement, only pension income, withdrawals from taxable retirement accounts such as 401(k), and any rental, business, and wage income you have is taxable at ordinary income tax rates.

Withdrawals from tax-deferred retirement accounts are taxed at ordinary income rates. These are long-term assets, but withdrawals aren’t taxed at long-term capital gains rates. IRA withdrawals, as well as withdrawals from 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans, and 457 plans, are reported on your tax return as taxable income.

Social Security is taxed at ordinary income rates, but only part of it is taxable.

You probably won’t pay any taxes in retirement if Social Security benefits are your only source of income, but a portion of your benefits will likely be taxed if you have other sources of income. The taxable amount—anywhere from zero to 85%—depends on how much other income you have in addition to Social Security.

Withdrawals from Roth accounts are tax-free if you’ve had the account for at least 5 years and are over age 59 1/2.

Accessing the principal from savings and investments is tax-free and long-term capital gains are taxed at lower rates or can even reduce other taxes if you’re selling at a loss.

You’ll pay taxes on dividends, interest income, or capital gains from investments. These types of investment income are reported on a 1099 tax form each year. Each sale of an asset will generate a long- or short-term capital gain or loss, and is reported on your tax return. Short term capital gains are taxed as ordinary income and long term gains are taxed at lower capital gains tax rate.

Tax rate: Marginal vs. Effective

Marginal tax rate is the tax rate you pay on an additional dollar of income. The reason is because the next dollar that you contribute to your retirement account would normally be taxed at the marginal tax rate.

For example, a single person with a taxable income of $50k would have a 22% marginal tax bracket for 2021. But according calculations, the effective tax rate would be 13.5% of taxable income since only taxable income over $40,525, or $9,475, would be taxed at that 22%.

When you take funds out of your 401(k) in retirement, some of your income won’t be taxed at all because of deductions and exemptions. In fact, your standard deduction would be $1,700 higher if you were age 65 or older this year.

The first $9,950 of taxable income would only be taxed at 10%. Then the next bucket of income up to $40,525 would be taxed at 12%. Only the income over $40,525 would be taxed at the 22% rate.

Ideally, you want to use the lower effective tax rate when you’re estimating how much of your retirement income will go to pay taxes.

Tax strategies

Less taxing investments

Municipal bonds, or “munis,” have long been appreciated by retirees seeking a haven from taxes and stock market volatility. In general, the interest paid on municipal bonds is exempt from federal income tax and sometimes state and local taxes as well. The higher your tax bracket, the more you may benefit from investing in munis.

Also, tax-managed mutual funds may be a consideration. Managers of these funds pursue tax efficiency by employing a number of strategies. For instance, they might limit the number of times they trade investments within a fund or sell securities at a loss to offset portfolio gains. Equity index funds may also be more tax efficient than actively managed stock funds due to a potentially lower investment turnover rate.

It’s also important to review which types of securities are held in taxable versus tax-deferred accounts. Because the maximum federal tax rate on some dividend-producing investments and long-term capital gains is 20%.

Securities to tap first

Another major decision facing retirees is when to liquidate various types of assets. The advantage of holding on to tax-deferred investments is that they compound on a before-tax basis and therefore have greater earning potential than their taxable counterparts.

On the other hand, you’ll need to consider that qualified withdrawals from tax-deferred investments are taxed at ordinary federal income tax rates of up to 37%, while distributions — in the form of capital gains or dividends — from investments in taxable accounts are taxed at a maximum 20%. Capital gains on investments held for one year or less are taxed at regular income tax rates.)

For this reason, it potentially could be beneficial to hold securities in taxable accounts long enough to qualify for the favorable long-term rate. And, when choosing between tapping capital gains versus dividends, long-term capital gains may be a consideration from an estate planning perspective because you could get a step-up in basis on appreciated assets at death.

It may also make sense to consider taking a long term view with regard to tapping tax-deferred accounts. Keep in mind, however, the deadline for taking annual required minimum distributions (RMDs).

The ins and outs of RMDs

Generally, the IRS mandates that you begin taking an annual RMD from traditional individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and employer-sponsored retirement plans after you reach age 72.

The premise behind the RMD rule is simple — the longer you are expected to live, the less the IRS requires you to withdraw (and pay taxes on) each year.

In most cases, RMDs are based on a uniform table based on the participant’s age. Failure to take the RMD can result in an additional tax equal to 50% of the difference between the required minimum distribution and the actual amount distributed during the calendar year. Tip: If you’ll be pushed into a higher tax bracket at age 72.

Estate planning and gifting

There are various ways to reduce the burden of taxes on your beneficiaries. Careful selection of beneficiaries of your retirement accounts is one example. If you do not name a beneficiary of your retirement account, the assets in the account could become distributable to your estate. Your estate or its beneficiaries may be required to take RMDs on a faster schedule (such as over five years) than what would otherwise have been required (such as ten years or over the remaining lifetime of an individual beneficiary). In most cases, naming a spouse as a beneficiary is ideal because a surviving spouse has several options that aren’t available to other beneficiaries, such as rolling over your retirement account into the spouse’s own account and taking RMDs based on the surviving spouse’s own age

Key takeaways

“Nothing in life is certain except death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin

When it comes to investing, nothing is certain but taxes.

  • Taxation and rates varies depending on the type of retirement income you receive.
  • You may pay taxes on Social Security benefits if you have other sources of income.
  • Income from pensions, traditional IRAs, 401(k)s, and similar plans are taxed as ordinary income.
  • You’ll pay taxes on investment income, including capital gains taxes if applicable.
  • Know and calculate your effective tax rate, which in most cases, will be lower than your marginal tax rate.

Strategies for making the most of your money and reducing taxes in retirement are complex. Plan ahead and consider meeting with a competent tax advisor, an estate attorney, and a financial professional to help you sort through your options.



Investment Risks and Taxes

No investment is completely free of risk.

When it comes to investing, it’s critical to understand that no investment is 100% safe and all investments come with risk. Unlike when you store your money in a savings account, investing has no guarantees that you’ll earn a return. When you invest, experiencing a financial loss is a possibility.

Investing means that you’re putting your money to work into a financial asset in the expectation of getting a positive return. Yet, where there’s the chance of financial gain, there’s always going to be the chance of a financial loss. Investment risk and investment reward are two sides of the same investing coin.

On the other hand, saving — which is basically parking your money in an account so it’ll keep its value.

Some investments are considered safer than others, but no investment is completely free of risk, because there’s more than one kind of risk, according to SoFi.

Different Types of Risk

Investors who choose products and strategies to avoid market volatility may be leaving themselves open to other risks, including:

  • Inflation risk – An asset could become less valuable as inflation erodes its purchasing power. If an investment is earning little or nothing (a certificate of deposit or savings account, for example), it won’t buy as much in the future as prices on various goods and services go up.
  • Interest rate risk – A change in interest rates could reduce the value of certain investments. These can include bonds and other fixed-rate, “safe” investment vehicles.
  • Liquidity risk – Could an asset be sold or converted if the investor needs cash? Collections, jewelry, a home, or a car could take a while to market—and if the owner is forced to sell quickly, the price received could be lower than the asset is worth. Certain investments (certificates of deposit, some annuities) also may have some liquidity risk because they may offer a higher return in exchange for a longer term, and there may be a penalty if the investor cashes out early.
  • Tax risk – An investment could lose its value because of the way it’s taxed. For example, different types of bonds may be taxed in different ways.
  • Legislative risk- A change in law could lower the value of an investment. For example, if the government imposes new regulations on a business, it could result in higher costs (and lower profits) for the company or affect how it can serve its customers. Or, if taxes go up in the future, savers who put all or most of their money into tax-deferred accounts [IRAs, 401(k)s, etc.] could end up with a hefty tax bill when they retire.
  • Global risk – An investment in a foreign stock could lose value because of currency problems, political turmoil, and other factors.
  • Reinvestment risk – When an investment matures (think CDs and bonds), the investor might not be able to replace it with a similar vehicle that has the same or a higher rate of return.


“Worried about an IRS audit? Avoid what’s called a red flag. That’s something the IRS always looks for. For example, say you have some money left in your bank account after paying taxes. That’s a red flag.” Jay Leno

Taxes are a key consideration for investors – and not one that investors might think about when logging into their brokerage account. Yes, $0 trades are exciting, but don’t forget about taxes — which are an investors “biggest expense” or every traders “silent partner”.

The key to taxes is to not just think about taxes in tax season, because there’s not that much you can do besides contribute to an IRA.

When it comes to tax planning, most of it has to be done before the year is over. One strategy that’s very useful is tax-loss harvesting. Essentially, it allows investors with any sort of investment losses to use that to offset any gains, reducing the amount of taxes owed.

Investors can use the tax-loss harvesting proceeds to buy something else, and it can even be very similar. Or they can use the money to rebalance. “Don’t hesitate to take losses and use them to your advantage,” said Hayden Adams, director of tax and financial planning at Charles Schwab. “You’re likely to have losses and tax-loss harvesting is a great way to rebalance to get back to proper risk tolerance.”

The key for investors is to know the rules and work within them.



Letter from a Dead Husband|

If something tragic were to happen to you, would your surviving family members be able to manage the family finances without you? Motley Fool

Devoted husband Bob Hassmiller asked himself this same question because he was concerned that his spouse wouldn’t be able to take care of the household finances if he passed away, according to an article posted by Motley Fool.

So he wrote his spouse a letter, called “A Letter From Your Dead Husband,” that he updated every year. This letter was a document that contains information and instructions to help your loved ones make sense of their financial life after you die. If something happened to him, his wife would have the letter providing detailed instructions about where to find everything she needed.

In Hassmiller’s “Letter From Your Dead Husband”, he included things that were important to him. Additionally, in the letter, he described why this is important and meaningful, both for him and his spouse.

But, before you begin, spend some time thinking about how you’d like to structure your letter. Do you want to create a giant table or spreadsheet in a program like Excel? Or do you prefer typing out instructions in a word processor? Maybe you want to use a hybrid of both approaches.

Before discussing the topics to include in your letter, keep in mind that federal and state laws often differ depending on where you’re located. Please use this as a basic guide — but financial and estate experts recommend you do your own research.

Have an introduction

Although it may seem self-explanatory, your letter should describe why this is important and meaningful, both for you and whomever you leave behind.

This is a good place to list the contact info for those who are part of your “financial team” (attorney, financial planner, executor, etc.).

You should also include the locations of your personal documents (Quicken files, utility bills, tax returns, etc.), as well as the locations of any legal documents and the names of anyone else who has copies. Don’t forget to include access instructions for safes, alarms, and websites.

Break down your accounts

List all the accounts that hold your money, including the account numbers. Leave no account unidentified! Be sure to note what is and isn’t automatically paid. You can also include a section for recurring and automatic payment accounts that your spouse may wish to stop — things such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, home loans, insurance, and others. Some types of accounts to consider include savings, checking, money market, CDs, brokerage accounts, retirement accounts (401(k), IRA, Roth IRA), and FSAs (health and dependent care).

List out your assets

Provide the physical locations of your non-monetary items that have value. Include identifying information such as license plates, VINs, insurance appraisals, etc.. Some assets to consider are real estate, personal property (autos, motorcycles, jewelry, artwork, etc.), stock or bond certificates held outside brokerage accounts, what’s owed you (money, goods, or services), business interests, Social Security income, and pension income.

Explain your liabilities

List all the debt or other liabilities in this section. List everything you owe, with account numbers and information about automatic payments, if applicable. Be sure to identify debts held in your name alone separately from what is held jointly by you and another person (spouse, business partner, etc.).

Liabilities to consider are credit card accounts, home equity loans or lines of credit, student loans, personal loans, mortgages, auto loans, business loans, and money, goods, or services you owe someone.

Run through your insurance

People sometimes forget how many different types of insurance they have. If you have minor children, it is wise to review your insurance needs about every three years. And be sure to list the term/renewal date of any insurance.

Some insurances to consider are life, health, disability, vehicle, home or renters, and property (you know, for Aunt Gertrude’s rubies that nobody wants to wear).

Collect your legal documents

Provide the locations of all your legal or other important documents, as well as who has hard copies.  Legal documents should include a will, a living will, instructions for final arrangements, trusts or a living trust, power of attorney, medical power of attorney or an advance directive, financial power of attorney, and account names and locations of any passwords.

You can also use this section to address the general disposition of your assets when you die.

Share your financial roadmap
Use this section to provide a summary of your existing finances. You want to give your spouse a general overview of how your finances are set up, what your short- and long-term goals are, and how those may change once you’re gone. Along with a net-worth summary and a list of all our investments.

List trusted financial advisor and their telephone number, especially if you have allowed your investments to become complicated.

Plan for your spouse’s future, and end with love
Your can dictate the disbursement items or money that you feel strongly about. But many people choose to leave everything in bulk to a spouse, giving them the flexibility to spend as they see fit. So make your general wishes known, and include any special instructions.

End your letters with a statement of love. Your completing this letter speaks of all the wonderful times you’ve planned for your future. The document should require only minimal “tweaking” in the future, though it should be a yearly reminder to you and your spouse that financial planning, too, is a sign of your love.

There’s no “right” way to write your letter, so do what makes sense for your family. Remember, this document is for them — make sure they’re comfortable using it!


  2. file:///C:/Users/ebrow/Downloads/DeadLetterChecklist.PDF