Getting Started on the Road to Building Wealth

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.” ~Amelia Earhart~

Amelia Earhart addresses one of the hardest parts about achieving financial freedom and building wealth—just getting started. After getting started, she suggests correctly, it’s merely a matter of sticking with a system and your financial or wealth building plan.

Ms. Earhart’s advice mirrors another adage about the importance of just getting started by China’s Lao Tzu, the father of Taoism: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Saving money is important, whether you’re creating an emergency fund or working toward a long-term goal like a vacation or retirement. But there is a difference between saving money and building wealth.

If you establish an habit to save 10% to 20% of your income each year, the money will add up over time, and you will end up with savings that you can dip into when you need it. If you invest the money that you save, your money will start working for you and create more money through stock price appreciate, dividends and the power of compounding.

This is when and where you will begin to build substantial wealth.

The purpose of earning (active and passive income) and saving money are to pay for your investments, which will build wealth and pay for your future. Investing involves buying assets, which are things that will likely go up in value. It’s important to “see every dollar as a “seed” that can be planted to earn a hundred more dollars, which can then be replanted to earn a thousand more dollars”, says T Harv Eker, author of The Millionaire Mind.

“Focus on all four of your net worth factors: increasing your income, increasing your savings, increasing your investment returns, and decreasing your cost of living by simplifying your lifestyle.”– T. Harv Eker

Focus on all four net worth factors:

The true measure of wealth is net worth, not working income.The four net worth factors, according to Eker, are:

  1. Income (working income and passive income)
  2. Savings
  3. Investments
  4. Simplification – decreasing your cost of living by simplifying your lifestyle (you consciously create a lifestyle in which you need less cash flow).

By tracking your worth, you are focusing on it, and because what you focus on expands, your net worth will expand. By the way, these laws go for every other part of your life: what you focus on expands and, like, what you measure, you manage.

The goal is to get educated. Learn about the world of investing. Become familiar with a variety of different investment asset classes and financial instruments, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, exchange traded funds (ETF), real estate, mortgages, stocks, and currency exchange. Then choose one primary asset class in which to become an expert. Begin investing in that asset and then diversify into other assets later.

It comes down to this: you must work hard, save, and invest your money so you can have options, live the lifestyle of your dreams and achieve financial freedom later in life.



Inflation…the Enemy of Savers

Inflation is the enemy of those who save.

For most of the 21st century, savers and investors have experienced a favorable period of relative low inflation stock market growth. In fact, the average annual inflation rate from 2000 through 2021 was 2.31%. Even with that “low” inflation rate, the proverbial uninvested dollar hidden under one’s mattress in the year 2000 would be worth a mere $0.62 today.

With inflation approaching 7% in late 2021, we’re on the precipice of witnessing the rapid erosion in the value of the dollar which will create substantial risk for ordinary savers and ultra conservative investors. Keeping your money in a savings account, money market or CDs is failing to protect it from inflation.

Instead, the best place to invest is in the economy. While large sums of money are generally required to purchase real estate or a small business, the stock market allows those with limited capital a means to invest regularly in a wide variety of businesses and benefit from the strength of the economy.

The equity markets have a history of robust returns over the long run. Over the last one hundred years, the average annual stock market return is 10%. That means investors who stay invested are nearly doubling their investments every seven years.

Some individuals view the stock market as too risky and they literally view investing in the market as “gambling”. But, when you choose to use less “risky” investments like bonds rather than investing in stocks, the results vary great.

A study by NYU’s Stern School of Business gives insights into historical returns provided by an investment in U.S. Treasury bonds as opposed to corporate bonds and the S&P 500.

Assume an investor received a $300 inheritance on the day he was born. On that date, his parents invested $100 (the inflation-adjusted equivalent of $1,630 today) in several asset classes in 1928.

As of September of 2021, the above investor would have $8,920.90 in U.S. Treasury bonds, $53,736.50 from corporate bonds, and $592,868 in returns from an index fund that tracked the S&P 500.

Obviously, the stock market beats “safe” investments. While bonds might play an important role in a balanced portfolio, a 100% bond portfolio will fail to achieve the investment goals for most.

Investing a little now is better than a lot later

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.” – Albert Einstein

A strong argument can be made that the amount of time one is in the market is of more importance than the sum invested in stocks.

Consistently timing the market is impossible. There literally is no human being who can claim that he or she has been successful at that task with any degree of honesty. However, timing the market is not only unachievable, attempting to time the market can lead to poor investment returns.

Over time, this would result in an ever-falling income stream. You spent your life buying stocks because they are a great source of return, that doesn’t stop just because you retire! The market is still the best source of future returns, you should be continuing to buy more, not sell!

If one largely invests in stocks with yields of 5% or more, you can receive a substantial annual income without cannibalizing your portfolio. Furthermore, if the average annual market return is 10%, a stock that yields in the high single digits does not need to appreciate markedly to provide market-beating returns.

Higher yield stocks outperform more often. They distribute cash on a recurring basis, whether share prices are up or down. Prices are volatile, and at the whims of emotional investors, dividends are the profit generated by the business and distributed to shareholders.

Any investor with an employer with matching contributions should take full advantage of that opportunity. Any investor with an employer with matching contributions should take full advantage of that opportunity.

By investing in dividend-bearing stocks and resisting the temptation to time the markets, you can be well on your way to building wealth and achieving financial freedom.



The Ultimate Buy and Hold Strategy

The Ultimate Buy and Hold Strategy is an extremely effective way to “beat the market” if you regard the S&P 500 as “the market.” Paul A. Merriman

For more than half a century, investors who held equal parts of the S&P 500 index funds and nine other equity asset classes could more than double their long-term returns — with surprisingly little additional risk, explains Paul A. Merriman, founder of investment-advisory firm Merriman Wealth Management..

Much of the additional investment return comes from adding value, small-cap and international stocks to the S&P 500 index portfolio. By itself, the S&P 500 index is a good investment. Since 1928, the worst 40-year period for the S&P 500 index was a compound annual growth rate of 8.9%; the best was 12.5%.

For the past 52 calendar years, from 1970 through 2021, the S&P 500 index has compounded at 11%. An initial investment of $100,000 in 1970 would have grown to $23.1 million by the end of 2021.

The Ultimate Buy and Hold Strategy is an extremely effective way to “beat the market” if you regard the S&P 500 index as “the market.” Instead of investing all your capital into a S&P 500 index fund, you diversify your money amongst a variety of index funds, as follows:

  • 10% into large-cap S&P 500 index stocks
  • 10% into large-cap value stocks
  • 10% into U.S. small-cap blend stocks
  • 10% into U.S. small-cap value stocks
  • 10% of the portfolio to four more important asset classes:
  • 10% into international large-cap blend stocks
  • 10% into international large-cap value stocks
  • 10% into international small-cap blend stocks
  • 10% international small-cap value stocks
  • 10% in emerging markets stocks

Index funds are exchange-traded fund (ETF) or mutual fund. ETFs and mutual funds that are pooled investments of stocks or bonds. They offer investors a highly diversified opportunity to invest in a specific index, sector, or a wide range of other portfolio compositions.

When it comes to index funds, these funds’ portfolios are constructed specifically to mimic the action seen in the underlying index. Index funds — in particular low-cost index funds — should have a place in just about anyone’s investment portfolio.

Ultimate portfolio requires owning and periodically rebalancing 10 component parts.

The “ultimate” all-equity portfolio automatically takes advantage of stock-market opportunities wherever the opportunities might be.

“A low-cost index fund is the most sensible equity investment for the great majority of investors. By periodically investing in an index fund, the know-nothing investor can actually out-perform most investment professionals.” Warren Buffett



9 Good Financial and Wealth Building Habits

Developing good financial habits is pivotal to maintaining a healthy financial life. It can be the most important tool you have to reach your goal of eliminating personal debt. Regardless of any bad money habits you’ve had in the past, there’s always time to make changes for the future.

When adjusting your approach, don’t hesitate to learn from others. This could be the difference between success and continuing down the same old path.

Below are nine good financial habits.

1. Create a budget.

The median household income in the United States in 2019 was $68,703. Whether you earn more or less than this, a budget can help keep your finances on track.

When you know how much you earn, it’s much easier to determine how much you can comfortably spend each month.

2. Avoid or consolidate higher-interest credit card and personal debt.

Unexpected expenses can come up and we don’t always have the cash to pay for them. So we might swipe a credit card or take out a loan.

The good news is you may be able to consolidate your higher-interest debt with a fixed rate personal loan, saving time and interest costs.

If you’re paying a high interest rate on debt, and you had the opportunity to pay a lower rate that might lessen your monthly payment, why wouldn’t you?

3. Understand your financial circumstances.

You need to understand every aspect of your financial situation. From how much you earn to how you’re spending your money, every last detail is important.

With an understanding of your finances, you’ll always know what makes the most sense for you and your money.

4. Learn from past mistakes and failures.

Learning from you past mistakes is one of the most critical money habits you can form. Even the most successful people make financial mistakes from time to time. For example, maybe you buried yourself in store card debt. Or maybe you “bit off more than you could chew” with a car loan.

It’s okay to make financial mistakes, as long as you learn from them and use what you learn to manage your debt.

5. Set goals and create a plan .

Have you set both short- and long-term financial goals? Are you tracking your progress, month in and month out?

Taking this one step further, you can do more than think about goals in your head. See where putting your goals to paper takes you. You could get a new sense of clarity and focus with everything written out in front of you.

According to a research study completed by Gail Matthews at Dominican University, people who write down their goals accomplish “significantly more.”

6. Ask questions.

Although you know your financial situation better than anyone else, there are times when it makes sense to ask questions.

For example, a CPA can provide guidance related to your tax situation. With more than 658,000 of these professionals in the United States alone, there are plenty of options for advisement.

7. Save for retirement.

Many Americans carry debt and find it difficult to save money. These challenges can make it hard to pay attention to retirement savings. In fact, a recent Employee Benefit Research Institute survey found a majority of people saying debt may be a hindrance to their retirement plans.

You won’t be alone if you opt against saving for retirement, but if comfortable retirement is one of your goals, look towards the future. Putting a bit of money away for retirement is a good financial habit; consolidating higher-interest debt so that you save money on interest may be one way to find more savings opportunities.

8. Automate your savings.

There are many reasons why people may not save as much money as they should. For example, they may touch every bit of money they earn, meaning it never ends up in the right place.

Protect against this by automating savings. Think about it like this: you can’t spend money that you don’t see or touch.

9. Pay down debt.

Taking on debt can be a successful strategy as long as you’re comfortable with two things:

  • The monthly payment
  • Your ability (and willingness) to pay down the debt.

The longer you let debt linger the more you’ll pay in interest. Furthermore, debt can hold you back from reaching other goals, such as saving for retirement.

If you implement these nine good financial habits, you may end up feeling better about your current situation and what the future will bring.

Creating a wealth plan

A well thought out wealth plan rests on three essential pillars:

  • Save
  • Invest
  • Repeat

These are the core principles of every wealth plan. Disregarding even one will render a wealth plan useless. An important aspect to consider is that a wealth plan should be tailored to each individual’s needs and goals. So pay attention, and make sure that these simple steps are followed in order to create a wealth plan that allows individuals to achieve their dreams of building wealth and financial freedom.

A wealth plan is a resource to help you achieve your financial goals. As it allows you to plan, and use it as a guide throughout your journey. However, having a wealth plan is not a guarantee of anything.

Achieving wealth is like building a house. Thus, having the best architectural design will not ensure that the final product will be outstanding. This is why execution is the differentiating factor in achieving wealth. There are certainly several advantages to having a well-thought-out plan to help you in this process, such as:

  • Clear vision over goals
  • Easily control expenses and estimate savings
  • Automate investments
  • Define a strategy to achieve wealth
  • Adapt your strategy over time

In essence, a wealth plan acts as a roadmap to financial freedom. The main difference is a map usually has a clear path towards a destination. A wealth plan, on the other hand, is filled with unknowns and obstacles that may lay ahead.

In essence, a wealth plan acts as a roadmap to financial freedom.



Successful Investors are Patient

“The stock market is a device to transfer money from the impatient to the patient.” — Warren Buffett

Patience is ofter referred to as the most underused investing skill and virute. And, learning patience could help you reach your financial goals of wealth building and finacial freedom.

Be extremely patient when investing in assets and wait until you can buy an investment at an entry price when everybody else hates the investment or are extremely pessimistic about the prospects of the investment.

In other words, wait until you can buy the asset at a extremely discounted price.  Keep in mind that every investment is affected by what you pay for it.  The less you pay, the better your rate of return on that investment.  Never, Never, Never…overpay for an investment.

People feel losses twice as much as they feel gains.

Successful investors develop a number of valuable skills over their lifetimes. And many report that patience is the most important skill to learn and master, but often it goes underused.

We’re not born patient. But, patience can be learned and, if you’re an investor, learning it could help you reach your financial goals.

Patience often involves staying calm in situations where you lack control. Even if we’re patient in some parts of life, we have to practice and adapt to be patient in new situations. Just because you’re a patient person while waiting in line at the DMV doesn’t mean you’re a patient investor.

Alway keep in mind and retain the mantra that…if there is a good opportunity now, a better one will come in the future.

Yet, patience can be difficult for investors to master, why it’s an important investing skill and how to apply patience to investing.

Why Is it so Hard to Be Patient?
Simply put, your brain makes it hard to be patient. Human beings were designed to react to threats, either real or perceived. Stressful situations trigger a physiological response in people. You’ve likely heard this called the “fight-or-flight” response — either attack or run away, whatever helps alleviate the threat.

The problem is, your body doesn’t recognize the difference between true physical danger (during which fighting or fleeing would actually be helpful) and psychological triggers, like scary movies. Being patient is difficult because it means overcoming these natural instincts. Turbulent financial markets can trigger the response too but, unlike scary movies, there can be real-world impacts you’ll need patience to overcome.

When markets are seesawing and you’re overwhelmed with negative financial media, as we experienced this year during the pandemic-driven bear market, your brain perceives a threat to your financial well-being. Even though stock market volatility isn’t a physical threat, the fight-or-flight response kicks in, emotion takes over, and your brain starts telling you to do something. Your investment portfolio is being harmed! Take action! Now! With investing, action too often translates into selling something because selling feels like you’re shielding your portfolio from further harm. But selling at the wrong time — like in the middle of a major downturn — is one of the biggest investment mistakes you can make.

Impatient investors let anxiety and emotion rule their decision-making. Their tendency towards “doing something” can lead to detrimental investing behaviors: checking account balances too often, focusing on short-term volatility, selling or buying at the wrong time or abandoning a long-term strategic investment plan. And those bad behaviors could damage investors’ long-term returns.

Selling out of the market during a correction might feel like you’re taking prudent action. And you may even derive some pleasure in seeing the market continue to fall after you’ve sold your equities. But that pleasure could soon be replaced by regret, because consistently and correctly timing the market by selling and buying back in at the right time requires an incredible amount of luck — and we don’t know any investors who have that much luck.

Investment entry point and investor patience are super-important too.

Benjamin Graham, known as the “father of value investing,” knew the importance of patience in investing. Patience and investing are actually natural partners. Investing is a long-term prospect, the benefits of which typically come after many years. Patience, too, is a behavior where the benefits are mostly long-term. To be patient is to endure some short-term hardship for a future reward.

The importance of being patient when investing can be best summed in this quote by Benjamin Graham…“In the end, how your investments behave is much less important than how you behave.”

“We agree with Warren Buffet’s observation that the stock market is designed to transfer money from the active to the patient. By only swinging at fat pitches and avoiding curveballs thrown far outside the strike zone, we attempt to compound your capital at an above average rate while incurring a below average level risk. In investing, patience often means the accumulation of large cash balances as we wait to purchase ‘compounding machines’ at valuations that provide a margin of safety.” Chuck Akre

Compounding works exponentially for the patient investor. The power of compounding is one of the most important concepts that investors need to learn and embrace. Since, patient and time are better friends to the investor than experience, expertise, and even research.

“A lot of people historically have done fairly well investing in companies they just genuinely like, whether it’s been Starbucks or Nike.” Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO, VAYNERMEDIA



Racial Economic Disparity vs. Economic Inclusion

“The economic downturn has not fallen equally on all Americans, and those least able to shoulder the burden have been hardest hit.” Jerome Powell, Chairman Federal Reserve

Wealth inequality, also known as the wealth gap, is a measure of the distribution of wealth—essentially the difference between the richest of the rich and the poorest of the poor, according to World Population Review. American household wealth—the value of assets subtracted by the liabilities and debts owed—may have increased largely in the form of equity, mutual funds, and similar investments, but not equally among all Americans.

Wealth inequality is closely related to income inequality, which tracks the money people earn. However, wealth inequality includes not just income, but also the value of bank accounts, stocks and investments, homes, and personal possessions such as cars, jewelry, artwork, and other valuables. Wealth inequality is a major cause of unequal living standards in many communities.

The Federal Reserve’s statistics have confirmed the racial inequity gap related to income and wealth disparities. In its 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances, white families were reported to have had a median wealth level of $188,200, substantially larger than the median Black family’s wealth level of $24,100.

“These disparities still stand from a racism that’s systemic. It can be traced from employment to small businesses and wealth and still exist today in ways that still damage our country’s health,” Cleveland-based artist Chris Webb said.

The central bank is studying racial inequities in the U.S. economy. The Federal Reserve says it can only do so much to address earnings and wealth disparities, but feels an obligation to at least research the economic implications of uneven economic outcomes in the U.S.

While the assets of white households are equally split between real estate, equity and mutual fund shares, pensions, and other assets, the assets of other racial groups are less diversified. Almost two-thirds of Black wealth is composed of real estate and pensions, with 38% coming from pension assets alone. Similarly, 61% of Hispanic wealth and 56% of wealth from other races is composed of just these two asset types.

Additionally, according to data from the Census Bureau, 35% of white Americans are 55 and older, whereas only 24% of Black Americans are and only 16% of Hispanic Americans are. Hence, a part of the reason why wealth ownership is much lower among Black and Hispanic Americans may be due to the fact that they are relatively younger on average than white Americans. Black and Hispanic populations may be younger for a variety of reasons, including differences in life expectancy—Black Americans’ life expectancy is 3.5 years less than that of white Americans—as well as immigration trends.

The white population is more likely to be older, has earned more income over their lifetime and hold more wealth than Black and Hispanic populations.

In summary, the causes of wealth inequality in America remains deeply rooted and are systemic. And, the results of wealth inequality in America persists even today.



Budgeting 50-30-20 Strategy and Cash Flow

Managing your money and tracking your finances is essential in building wealth, but it doesn’t have to be complicated or painful process. It can be as simple as creating a budget. And, a budget starts with listing of your income and your expenses.

One simple strategy for tracking your personal cash flow (income and expenses) is the 50-30-20 budgeting strategy. With this budgeting strategy, you divide your income into three broad categories: necessities, wants, and savings and investments, according to those ratios.

—- 50% of your income should go toward things you need

This category includes all of your essential costs, such as rent, mortgage payments, food, utilities, health insurance, debt payments and car payments.

If your necessary expenses take up more than half of your income, you may need to cut costs or dip into your wants fund.

—- 20% of your income should go toward savings and investments

This category includes liquid savings, like an emergency fund; retirement savings, such as a 401(k) or Roth IRA; and any other investments, such as a brokerage account.

Experts typically recommend aiming to have enough cash in your emergency fund to cover between three and six months worth of living expenses. Some also suggest building up your emergency savings first, but, you don’t just want to save this money.

You want to invest it and make it work for you. That means contributing to your employer’s 401(k) plan if they offer one or saving in other retirement accounts, such as a Roth IRA or traditional IRA.

—- 30% of your income should go toward things you want

This final category includes anything that isn’t considered an essential cost, such as travel, subscriptions, dining out, shopping and fun.

This category can also include luxury upgrades: If you purchase a nicer car instead of a less expensive one, for example, that dips into your wants category.

But think about what matters to you before spending this money. As research shows, how you spend is oftentimes more important than your overall income or the amount you spend in total.

Money experts suggest you spend on experiences, such as trips or classes, rather than things. “All of the best psychological research on money and happiness tell us that spending money on experiences brings more (and more lasting) happiness than spending money on material objects,” says Ron Lieber, New York Times columnist and author.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to money management, but the 50-30-20 plan can be a good place to start if you’re new to budgeting and are wondering how to divide up your income.



Building Wealth and Reaching Financial Freedom

Change your life. If you want something different, you are going to have to do something different.

It has never been easier to make more money, manage your own money, and live a life financially free from the typical nine-to-five. It would take an early start to saving and log term investing gives your money more time to grow over time.

Many people dream of being free from the rat race and desire to spend their time indulging in leisure, volunteering, hobbies and traveling.

The concept of your ‘number’ (the money you need to have to be financial free). Your number is the amount of money that you need to have invested so that you can live off the income from your investments for the rest of your life.

Net worth is the most important number in personal finance and represents your financial scorecard. Your net worth includes your investments, but it also includes other assets that might not generate income for you.

“Spending money to show people how much money you have is the fastest way to have less money-” Morgan Housel

Financial freedom means different things to different people, and different people need vastly different amounts of wealth to feel financially free. Maybe financial freedom means being debt-free, or having more time to spend with your family, or being able to quit corporate America, or having $5,000 a month in passive income, or making enough money to work from your laptop anywhere in the world, or having enough money so you never have to work another day in your life.

Ultimately, the amount you need comes down to the life you want to live, where you want to live it, what you value, and what brings you joy. Joy is defined as a feeling of great pleasure and happiness caused by something exceptionally good, satisfying, or delightful—aka “The Good Life.”

It is worth clearly articulating what the different levels of financial freedom mean. Grant Sabatier’s book, Financial Freedom: A Proven Path to All the Money You’ll Ever Need, states that there are Seven Levels of Financial Freedom, which are:

  1. Clarity, when you figure out where you are financially (net worth and cash flow) and where you want to go
  2. Self-sufficiency, when you earn enough money to cover your expenses
  3. Breathing room, when you escape living paycheck to paycheck
  4. Stability, when you have six months of living expenses saved and bad debt, like credit card debt, repaid
  5. Flexibility, when you have at least two years of living expenses invested
  6. Financial independence, when you can live off the income generated by your investments and work becomes optional
  7. Abundant wealth, when you have more money than you’ll ever need

Trading your time for money, you can make only so much money because you have a limited amount of time. There’s risk in any investment and your full-time job is an investment of your time. Even if you make a high salary, it’s still worth diversifying your income streams so you can walk away from your nine-to-five if you ever determine it’s not worth it.

Income from investments is the ultimate passive income. It is the main strategy the wealthy use to accumulate wealth and achieve financial freedom. By diversifying your income streams, consistently looking for new ways to make more money, and investing as much money as possible as early as possible.

Building wealth relies on four basic principles:

  1. Savings rate: Your savings rate is directly correlated with the amount of time it will take you to hit your number. The higher your “savings rate,” the faster you can retire. Saving a high percent of your income might sound challenging for most people, but if you are willing to make both saving and making more money a priority, it’s possible. “It’s not about deprivation, it’s about optimization.” For every 1 percent more you save will decrease the amount of time you’ll need to work to reach financial independence.
  2. Enterprise mindset: Purchase assets that appreciate and generate income. To make as much money as possible, you want to combine and maximize as many moneymaking strategies as possible. The wealthy look at money not as a fungible tool that can be used for any purpose. Focus on making as much money as possible per minute and hour of their time. There are four general types of ways to make money:
    1. Full-time employment—working for someone else.
    2. Side hustling—making money on the side.
    3. Entrepreneurship—scaling your side hustle and/or,
    4. Making it your full-time job Investing—growing your money in the market
  3. Maximized the value of your time through a combination of personal finance, entrepreneurship, and investing. Find a side hustle: Investing is the ultimate passive income, and this is the main strategy the wealthy use to both get rich and stay rich. Multiple income streams give you options, flexibility, and more control.
  4. Spending less than you earn and learning to contently live with less has the same effect as growing your income and increasing your feeling of being wealthy. And it’s easier and more in your control. The price of building wealth isn’t just the trouble of earning money; it’s avoiding the post-earnings urge to spend what you’ve accumulated.

Earning more will do little for building wealth if every extra dollar is offset by a dollar plus of new spending. Thus, wealth, at every income level, has less to do with your increased earnings and more to do with your ability to leave the increased earnings alone and save more.

“Wealth is what you don’t spend.” Morgan Housel



The next financial crisis | Economist

Over the past 15 years power and risk in financial markets have shifted radically, according to the Economist.

New investors have flooded into the stock market and, buoyed by pandemic stimulus, most have had an incredible and volatile ride.

But as policymakers are putting the brakes on loose monetary policies, global financial markets are starting to wobble.

The message from the Federal Reserve is that interest rates must rise soon to tackle high inflation. Due to fear of rising interest rates and the current impact to consumers experiencing the highest inflation in four decades, there has been a rocky start to 2022 for investors.

The day-to-day numbers for the broad indices do not do full justice to the jumpiness of markets, reports the Economist. Much of the drama has been beneath the surface, at the stock or industry level. Technology shares in particular have fared badly.

Below is an Economist podcast to discuss…”How might this new high-tech, bank-light system fare under a serious stress test?



Wealth Building and Dividends

“Systems are the vehicles that are going to take you to your goals—your goals are simply the destination.” James Clear

“We don’t rise to the level of our goals; we fall to the level of our systems.  Don’t share with me your goals; share with me your systems.” James Clear

Are you prepared for your financial future and to build wealth? There are many benefits of investing for the long term and to building wealth. Here is a simple and straightforward checklist to get started:.

  • Start early!
  • Investing starts with a plan
  • Investment plan starts with defining and identifying your financial goals.
  • Create a savings and investment plan based on your goals.
  • Two primary goals must be creating an emergency fund and building wealth for retirement
  • Develop good financial habits
  • Pay off high-interest debt first.
  • Participate in your company’s 401(k) plan and max out any employer match.
  • Understand your risk tolerance.
  • Understand investment fees and their impact on returns.
  • Research all investments thoroughly.
  • Check your investments regularly and maintain a diversified portfolio.
  • Avoid investment opportunities that sound too good to be true.

40% of stock market returns come from dividends

It’s interesting that most investors don’t know how powerful stocks that pay dividends are. Dividend stocks are stocks of companies which pay out a portion of their earnings to the shareholder in the form of dividends. Between January 1926 and December 2004, 41% of the S&P 500’s total return owed not to the price appreciation of the stocks in the index, but to the dividends its companies paid out.

An additional benefit is that, under the current tax laws, qualified dividends are taxed at lower rate instead of your standard income bracket rate which translates into more money in your pocket.

Investors know that the best dividend stocks aren’t those with a high yield, but rather are quality businesses that can grow over time and pass along profits to shareholders through the dividend, by repurchasing shares and reinvesting in the business.

Bottomline is that dividend-paying stocks have outperformed in the past and that they have a good chance of doing so in the future. The secret is to reinvest those dividends, and put the power of compounding to work in your portfolio.

To build wealth, investors need to account for a range of significant, real-world challenges, including:

  • Longevity
  • Inflation and rising costs
  • Fixed income vs. equity valuations
  • Low yields

With tens of billions of dollars trading hands every day on the New York Stock Exchange alone, it’s easy to lose sight that when purchasing a stock investors are effectively purchasing ownership interest in a business. Assume for a moment that you don’t get a quote every day for your shares in that business and that you can’t sell your ownership interest for several decades. Your focus would likely shift from price to value.

And the value of that business, whether publicly traded or privately held, is the present value of all future cash flows. After all, what is the point in owning a business – or any investment – if you’re never going to receive any cash from it? When a company generates positive free cash flow, it has several options; the company can hold cash in reserve, fund organic growth, make acquisitions, pay down debt, or return it to shareholders through dividends or stock buybacks.

Using dividends to pay your expenses and allow you to reinvest to get more income. You can achieve this by investing in excellent dividend-paying securities now and letting those dividends reinvest as you work towards your retirement.

