Life is Painful If You Do It Right

 “Life is painful if you do it right. Life will inevitably hurt you and the quality you need is not to lead a charmed life so that you’ll never be tested. The quality you need is the resilience to get over that. The answer is: live bravely. Live bravely in an unreliable world.” ~ Rabbi Harold S. Kushner

More than eighty times in the Bible it says “Don’t Be Afraid”. “Do not be afraid is the most mentioned passage in the Bible.

Fear distort your ability to think clearly and to accurately assess risks.

“There are worst things in life than being killed and one of them is to live everyday of your life being afraid and living in fear.” ~ Rabbi Harold Kushner

The cure for the fear of death is to live a life that matters.

Living a Life That Matters

“Much of the time, we cannot control what happens to us. But we can always control how we respond to what happens to us. If we cannot choose to be lucky, to be talented, to be loved, we can choose to be grateful, to be content with who we are and what we have, and to act accordingly.” ~ Rabbi Harold Kushner,

Each person has the ability to do great things, according to Rabbi Harold Kushner. Every single person has the ability to change the world, for the better. Each individual can live a life that matters.

At Point program begins at time 7:40.


Stay positive!

“Much of the time, we cannot control what happens to us. But we can always control how we respond to what happens to us. If we cannot choose to be lucky, to be talented, to be loved, we can choose to be grateful, to be content with who we are and what we have, and to act accordingly.” ~ Rabbi Harold Kushner

You must have faith and believe that good things are going to happen in your life. Stay positive!

Saying again, you must believe that good things are going to happen. It may not always feel like it, but trust that life has a way of bringing unexpected joys and opportunities when you least expect them.

Have faith and maintain a positive mindset and outlook that tomorrow will be better than today. Stay positive, because your mindset shapes your reality.

By choosing hope and optimism, you invite goodness into your life. Hold on to your belief in brighter days ahead, and let that faith carry you through whatever challenges you face. Stay patient and be grateful—good things are on their way.

It is always better to be hopeful than pessimistic. It is always better to be an optimist than a pessimist. It is always better to be a dealer in hope than a purveyor of doom and despair.

Only an attitude of gratitude for everything that happens in your life ensures your happiness, mental strength and problem solving capacities.


Gratitude Matters

“The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.” ~ William Penn

Gratitude has been shown to increase happiness and the feeling of satisfaction. And whilst every single person will define happiness differently, it’s undeniable that every single person wants more happiness. And to feel more content and satisfied.

Grateful people are focused on what’s going right, on what resources and blessings they already have, and how they can use these blessings to improve their fortunes. This enables them to cope with minor setbacks and crushing defeats without losing their will to carry on.

Many believe that gratitude is the secret to health, happiness and success. By always being grateful, gratitude becomes a very important and beneficial mindset.

Embracing gratitude doesn’t mean you’ll never experience another bad day. But it does mean that you’ll approach those bad days differently.


Unpopular Rules Wealthy People Follow

There are several ‘unpopular’ rules wealthy people follow that most don’t

The ultra-wealthy are less concerned with scrimping and saving and more focused on investing and growing and building their wealth.

By observing and learning from their habits, Vivian Tu made her first million by age 27. Here are four unpopular rules rich people follow that most others don’t:

1. Don’t worry about impressing people

Rich people put most of their spending power into buying assets (stuff that makes them money over time) instead of liabilities (stuff that costs them money over time).

Instead of buying, for example, a flashy Lamborghini that loses a third of its value as soon as you drive off the lot, a truly rich person will take that same chunk of change and buy a two-family duplex and rent it out.

They don’t care what you think of them or whether you’re impressed. They’re happy to just cash your rent checks and let youpay their mortgage.

2. Have an abundance mindset

So many people have a scarcity mindset — a constant feeling that we’re never going to have enough money, that we’re one slip-up away from disaster and we have to hoard every last cent.

The problem with this mindset is that it can make people very competitive with other folks in similar financial situations. So you have people at the bottom of the pyramid spending all their time and energy fighting each other for resources, instead of trying to overthrow those at the top.

Rich people have an abundance mindset. Since they know they’re going to be able to take care of their bills, they’re not worried. This gives them the freedom to decide what they want to do with their time, rather than only focusing on what they need to do to survive.

3. Think long-term

Rich people understand that sometimes, things take time, and they’re happy to wait. They’re kings and queens of delayed gratification.

A rich person has no problem, for example, socking away money in a retirement account. Yes, the $6,000 they invested in their IRA account this year is off-limits until they’re 59-and-a-half.

But they know that just because they can’t spend that money now, it’s not like it has disappeared. It’s actually the opposite: the longer they wait, the more money they get later on.

4. Share, swap and scratch each other’s backs

Rich people love being known as the smartest person in their friend group: the one with the best taste, who is on top of all the trends. You’ll often hear them say things like:

– “I have this great tax person — you should work with them.”
– “I found the best cocktail bar — you have to try the martini.”
– “I joined the best country club — and I’ll sponsor you to join, too.”

They recognize that when they’re open about their knowledge, other people will be more inclined to share what they know. It is another valuable form of currency, and it’s the same reason rich people love nothing more than putting their besties in positions of power.

Their thought process is: “I’m not qualified for this job, but my friend is, and once she gets it, she’ll owe me a solid. Then, as soon as she’s in a leadership position, I’m automatically tapped into that whole network.”

Vivian Tu is a former Wall Street trader-turned expert, educator, podcast host, and founder of the financial equity phenomenon Your Rich BFF.

Practicing Gratitude Can Benefit Physical Health, and Mental Well-Being

Practicing gratitude and being thankful can lead to greater success in just about every area of your life.

Researchers have found that gratitude impacts physical and mental health, correlating to lower blood pressure and heart rate and even better sleep quality. Other studies have found that gratitude builds stronger relationships and emotional well-being.

You can spend 40 seconds a day being consciously thankful and grateful. At a certain point, that thankfulness will start to become second nature—your brain can be rewired to find the positive in every situation and with less conscious work on your part.

Granted, it’s much easier to be positive when everything feels and is going great. The challenge is to figure out how to be grateful when things feel horrible and then train your brain to find that the positive in every situation.



Gratitude is a Powerful Emotion

Gratitude is a powerful emotion and mindset that has been extensively studied for its positive effects on well-being and health.

Gratitude is about recognizing the good and appreciating what you have in your life. It’s means everyday, thinking, believing and saying, “Today, I’m thankful and grateful.”

Key insights from recent gratitude research found:

Neuroscience of Gratitude: Gratitude activates brain regions associated with dopamine and serotonin, the neurotransmitters responsible for happiness. This activation can lead to improved mood and overall well-being.

Psychological Benefits: Practicing gratitude can enhance mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. It also promotes resilience and strengthens social relationships.

Physical Health: Grateful individuals tend to have stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure, and better sleep quality.

Social and Emotional Well-being: Gratitude fosters positive emotions, enhances life satisfaction, and boosts self-esteem. It also encourages prosocial behavior, which can improve relationships and social bonds.

Practical Applications: Simple practices like keeping a gratitude journal, writing gratitude letters, or regularly reflecting on things you’re thankful for can significantly enhance your happiness and life satisfaction.

There is always a reason to be grateful!





7 HABITS OF A GRATEFUL ATHLETE by Brian Smith published by Athletes in Action

Studies show that people who practice gratitude are generally more happy, healthy, and optimistic about life.

Athlete who practice gratitude have better results during practice, coaching and in the arena of competition.

There are many reasons athletes specifically have to be grateful. Yet, it can be hard to practice gratitude in the midst of the daily grind of our sport. Our ability to be grateful often ebbs and flows with the circumstances in front of us.

Gratitude is like a muscle—it gets stronger if we consistently give it attention and push it beyond it’s level of comfort. Conversely, if we fail to exercise it consistently, our ability to be thankful atrophies.

Here are seven habits of thankful athletes, mental choices that athletes can incorporate into their daily lives to grow and maintain their gratitude “muscles.”


Before a practice or competition, they stop, take a deep breath, and make it a point to appreciate what they are about to engage in. Who else on this earth gets to play a game they love in front of fans who cheer them on in the process?

Is there pressure involved in that? Sure. But grateful athletes make it a habit to pause and enjoy, if only for a moment, the unique opportunity they get to experience.



They shake the hand the of maintenance worker who helps cut the grassy field that they are about to tear up with their cleats or the janitor who mops the floor so their feet won’t slide on the dust. They write their athletic trainer a thank you note for taping them up, helping them rehab, or stretching them out before practice. They give a hug to the die-hard fan that is at every game and cheers for his/her team regardless of the outcome.


They recognize every blessing they receive as a gift they are not entitled to. Entitlement stands in direct opposition to gratitude.

Per diem money on a road trip. New shoes. New gear. Laundry being done on their behalf. Water or Gatorade received from a trainer. Tutors helping them pass their classes. Teachers giving them grace because of their travel schedule.

Grateful athletes fight against the “I deserve” mentality that is so pervasive in our culture by thanking the giver of these gifts and frequently checking the posture of their heart.


They listen to advice and instruction from their coaches and, when appropriate, from their fellow teammates. They realize they do not have all of the answers. Even if they disagree with input that is given, it will not keep them from at least testing it out on the field. Grateful athletes have an appreciation of the authority they currently sit under and a desire to soak up any knowledge given to them.



They understand that life is not always going to be rainbows and butterflies. There will be hardships in the form of injuries, losses, poor performance, and team conflict.

Grateful athletes do not pretend these circumstance do not exist or pretend they are not affected by them. They do, however, constantly ask themselves “What good can come of this or has already come of this?” in the midst of the struggle.

In difficult times, gratitude can be tough to grab onto. Grateful athletes make an effort to step back, look at the bigger picture, and cling to any silver lining they find.


They do not need a win or an epic personal best to be thankful. Gratitude for a grateful athlete is not birthed from good results, nor is it circumstantial.

They understand that lasting joy cannot be found in a game that delivers both the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. How do they set themselves on a trajectory of consistent gratitude?

They put their hope in the one who does not change. God. They read—no, devour His Word. They participate—no, are actively involved in a community of like-minded people to sharpen one another.

  • They pray.
  • They confess.
  • At all costs they stay connected to the one who calls Himself “The Rock.”


They have an appreciation for their competitors. Have you ever noticed that rivals tend to bring their best to the table when they play? Grateful athletes practice gratitude towards a rival on two levels.

  • One, they are thankful that their rival will ultimately bring out the best in their own performance.
  • Two, because their joy is not dependent on winning, they are able to appreciate and look forward to the competition itself. Grateful athletes have a unique ability to want to beat their opponent while at the same time appreciating the intensity that is about to ensue.



Gratitude and Success

“Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.” ~ Earl Nightingale, American radio host and writer

Nightingale emphasizes the importance of gratitude in achieving success. He believes that by expressing gratitude for what we have, we attract more positive experiences into our lives.

Nightingale suggests practicing gratitude daily by writing down three things we are grateful for. He believes that by focusing on the positive aspects of our lives, we can cultivate a mindset of abundance and attract more success.
