Moringa Benefits and Risks

Moringa, often referred to as the “miracle tree,” offers a wide range of health benefits due to its rich nutritional profile and medicinal properties. Here are some of the key benefits:

Moringa leaves and seeds are rich in glucosinolates, which are linked to the plant’s beneficial effects on prostate health in rodents and which may have anticancer properties.

Test-tube studies have demonstrated that the glucosinolates from the plant’s seeds may inhibit the growth of human prostate cancer cells

It’s also believed that moringa could help prevent benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). This condition typically becomes more common as men age and is characterized by enlargement of the prostate, which can make urination difficult .

In one study, mice received moringa leaf extract before being administered testosterone daily for 4 weeks to induce BPH. The extract was found to significantly reduce prostate weight .

What’s more, the extract also reduced levels of prostate-specific antigen, a protein produced by the prostate gland. High levels of this antigen may be a sign of prostate cancer

Lastly, the study also demonstrated that the plant decreased testosterone levels in the treated mice. In humans, low testosterone levels can reduce sex drive and erectile function, lead to a loss of lean muscle mass, and cause depression.

Researchers have yet to determine whether these same benefits occur in humans.


7 Supplements That Might Actually Help | Readers Digest

There are seven supplements that can help some people strengthen their bones, improve their sleep, protect their heart, and more.

1. Calcium: Strong Bone Builder. Calcium is the  most abundant mineral in the body, and is primarily stored in your bones. If you don’t get enough in your diet, your body will start taking it from your bones, resulting in a heightened risk of osteoporosis. Calcium also helps your muscles to move effectively, your blood vessels to send blood throughout your body, and your nerves to send messages to control important bodily functions, such as the release of hormones.

2. Collagen: For Skin and Joint Health. Collagen is a protein that helps form connective tissue, including skin, bones, cartilage, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. The body makes less of it with age, leading to sagging skin and osteoarthritis, so maintaining adequate levels is important.

3. Fish Oil: For Your Brain and Heart. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids called EPA and DHA, which your body needs to form cell membranes throughout your body—especially in your eyes and brain. They can also reduce triglycerides, a type of fat in the blood linked to heart disease.

4. Magnesium: Healthy Muscles and More. Your body uses this mineral to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar, make proteins, and ensure healthy muscle and nerve function. Low levels of magnesium may contribute to migraine headaches and muscle cramps.

5. Melatonin: For Better Sleep. Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that helps regulate your circadian rhythm, the body’s internal clock that tells you when it’s time to go to bed at night or wake up in the morning. Your body releases melatonin as you approach bedtime to make you sleepy, especially if you manage to get plenty of daylight in the morning and avoid too much light at night. When you wake up, your levels of melatonin dip.

6. Vitamin B12: Important for Nerve Health. Vitamin B12, one of eight B vitamins, plays a key role in red blood cell formation and nervous system function. Healthy levels of B12 can prevent vitamin deficiency anemia, which can lead to weakness and fatigue, along with nerve damage, memory problems, depression, and heart palpitations.

7. Vitamin D: Bone, Brain, and Immunity Booster. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, which is key for maintaining bone density. Your body also needs it for healthy neuromuscular and immune function. Getting enough may support brain function and decrease the risk of depression. Low vitamin D has also been linked to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.


  1. Ashley Abramson, 7 Supplements That Might Actually Help You, Readers Digest, August 1, 2024.

Health is Wealth

Your physical and mental health are investable assets, not a costly liability!

The adage “health is wealth” is a paraphrase of the Roman poet Virgil’s famous comment that “the greatest wealth is health.” The adage presents the idea that your physical and mental well-being are arguably your most valuable asset.

At its core, “health is wealth” means that your physical and mental well-being are far more intrinsically important than financial wealth in the realm of life satisfaction.

It’s saying, “Yes, money is great. It can solve many problems and lead to a fantastic quality of life. But in the absence of good health, money and financial assets mean very little.”

In other words, don’t pursue wealth to the detriment of your health and well-being! After all, you can’t enjoy the financial fruits of your labor if you’re in constant pain, unable to move, struggling to breathe, going to the hospital every few months, or worrying about your health…or dead.

Only if you’re well and feel well can you take full advantage of your wealth. Moreover , staying healthy is also crucial to reaching your full financial personal and professional potential.

It’s hard to be happy when you’re unwell! Thus, chasing wealth at the expense of well-being can often backfire – especially when you realize happiness also tends to make people wealthier.

“Health is wealth” is a proverb and truism that most of us could benefit from being reminded of every now and again.

After all, it’s too easy to fall into the trap of pursuing money at all costs – forgetting that, without our physical and mental health, life really isn’t that pleasant! Furthermore, by prioritizing your health, you stand to accrue even more money in the long run (and to actually be able to enjoy it without pain, discomfort, or a lack of energy getting in the way).

Health Is Wealth: What It Means and Why It’s True


  1. Danny Newman, Health Is Wealth: What It Means and Why It’s True, Wealth Tender,

GLP-1 — Glucagon-like peptide

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a peptide hormone that plays a crucial role in blood sugar regulation. Let’s dive into some key points:

  1. Origin and Production:
    • GLP-1 is produced and secreted by intestinal enteroendocrine L-cells and certain neurons in the brainstem upon food consumption.
    • It derives from the posttranslational processing of the proglucagon peptide.
  2. Biologically Active Forms:
    • GLP-1 exists in two main forms: GLP-1 (7–36) amide and GLP-1 (7–37).
    • These forms enhance insulin secretion in a glucose-dependent manner, helping to lower blood sugar levels.
  3. Incretin Effect:
    • GLP-1 is an incretin, meaning it stimulates insulin release when blood glucose rises.
    • Unlike other incretins, GLP-1’s action remains effective in patients with type 2 diabetes.
  4. Degradation and Treatment:
    • Endogenous GLP-1 is rapidly degraded, resulting in low fasting plasma levels.
    • GLP-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1s) and DPP-4 inhibitors have been developed to enhance GLP-1 activity.
    • GLP-1-based treatments are associated with weight loss and a lower risk of hypoglycemia.

GLP-1 is a player in effective diabetes management!

John D. Rockfeller and The Rockfeller Foundation

John D. Rockefeller was the richest person in American history, with an estimated net worth of $340 billion in today’s dollars.

John D. Rockfeller (July 8, 1839–May 23, 1937), the founder of Standard Oil, was once the richest man in the world. He was the world’s first billionaire.

“He amassed a net worth of at least $1 billion in 1916. When Rockefeller died in 1937, his net worth was estimated to be approximately $340 billion in today’s dollars.”

By the age of 25, he had one of the largest oil refineries in the United States. He was 31 when he became the world’s largest oil refiner. At 38, he controlled 90% of the oil refined in the United States. At fifty, John was America’s richest man. As a young man, every action, attitude, and connection was crafted to establish his wealth.

But at the age of 53, he fell unwell. His entire body became wracked with pain, and he lost all his hair. In total anguish, the world’s lone millionaire could buy anything he wanted but could only eat soup and crackers.

According to an associate, “He couldn’t sleep, wouldn’t smile, and nothing in life meant anything to him”. His personal, highly trained physicians indicated that he would die within the year. That year passed painfully slowly. As he approached death, he awoke one morning with the faint understanding that he would not be able to bring any of his fortune with him to the next world.

The man who could dominate the commercial world suddenly realised he had no control over his personal life. He informed his solicitors, accountants, and management that he intended to devote his assets to hospitals, research, and charity work. John D. Rockefeller started his foundation.

The Rockefeller Foundation financed Howard Florey and his colleague Norman Heatley’s penicillin research in 1941. But arguably the most astounding aspect of Rockefeller’s narrative is that when he began to give back a fraction of all he had gained, his body’s chemistry changed dramatically, and he recovered.

He was expected to die at the age of 53, but he survived to reach 98 years old. Rockefeller learnt gratitude and returned the great bulk of his money. This made him whole. It’s one thing to be healed. It is another to become fit. He was a devout Baptist who attended the Euclid Avenue Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio.

Before he died, he wrote in his diary: “God taught me that everything belongs to Him, and I am merely a conduit to carry out His will. My life has been one long, happy holiday since then; full of work and play, I let go of my worries along the road, and God was wonderful to me every day.

“Who is the poorest man in the world? I tell you, the poorest man I know of is the man who has nothing but money.” ~ John D Rockefeller

10 tips to increase your fluid intake

July 10, 2024
Kathryn Szklany
Registered Dietitian, Syracuse VA

Summer has arrived, and that means hot days and more time outside. As we spend more time outside, it’s easy to forget about keeping your body hydrated. Hydration is important for controlling body temperature, supporting brain health and can even help with reducing joint pain.

Adults 60 years and older are at increased risk for dehydrationrelated to a drop in thirst levels and lower muscle mass. Fluid needs vary from person to person based on many different factors. Generally, healthy women need about 9 cups of water per day and healthy men need about 13 cups per day.

An easy way to tell if you are getting enough water is by checking the color of your urine. If you are drinking enough water, your urine will be a pale-yellow color (like lemonade). Anything darker means you should increase your fluid intake. Dehydration is the lack of water in the body and even mild dehydration can decrease your energy levels and make you feel tired.

If you don’t enjoy drinking water, then milk, juice, sports drinks, herbal teas and coffee can all contribute to your total water intake. It’s important to remember that some of these beverages do contain added sugars.

10 tips to increase your fluid intake:

  1. Carry a refillable water bottle.
  2. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty, drink water throughout the day.
  3. Drink water when you first wake up.
  4. Drink water at all your meals.
  5. Eat foods that are high in water content, such as juicy fruits and vegetables (Grapes, melon, cucumbers, lettuce, celery, pineapples).
  6. If you struggle to drink water, alternate your drinks. If you drink juice or soda, challenge yourself to have a cup of water as your next beverage.
  7. Add fruit to your water to jazz it up. Slices of lemon or oranges can be a fun way to add a little flavor to your water.
  8. Dilute juice with water or use club soda.
  9. Set a timer on your phone or watch to remind yourself to hydrate throughout the day.
  10. Set a goal on how much fluid you’re going to drink in the day.

To learn more about hydration or another nutrition-related topic, contact your local VA to speak with a registered dietitian.



Health Benefits of Cinnamon Spice

Cinnamon has many healthy benefits. Cinnamon is derived from the inner bark of Cinnamomum trees, and is high in cinnamaldehyde, a potent polyphenol antioxidant which has anti-inflammatory effects, reduces risk of heart disease, cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure.

There are wo main types: Ceylon cinnamon (also known as “true” cinnamon) and Cassia cinnamon (more common).

Cinnamon also increases sensitivity to the hormone insulin, having a potent anti-diabetic effect. This spice also makes improvements in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, and it may have protective effects against cancer.

Cinnamon contains powerful antioxidants, including polyphenols.

Cinnamon is loaded with highly potent polyphenol antioxidants. These antioxidants protect against oxidative damage caused by free radicals. One study found that cinnamon supplementation increased antioxidant levels in the blood and reduced inflammation markers.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Cinnamon’s antioxidants have anti-inflammatory effects. Cinnamon’s anti-inflammatory effects contribute to its health benefits and chronic inflammation can be harmful to the body.

Other Benefits:

Modern studies suggest that cinnamon may have antitumor, analgesic, cardiovascular protective, neuroprotective, and immune system-boosting effects. While more evidence is needed, cinnamon shows promise in protecting against cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Remember to incorporate cinnamon into your diet through recipes or as a spice to enjoy its potential health benefits!


Increasing Your Health Span

“While aging is inevitable, how you age is something you can control.” ~ Lieutenant Colonel Nick Barringer, USA, Program Director, U.S. Military-Baylor University Graduate Program in Nutrition

Health span is vital as you age and involves being healthy to continue doing what you enjoy as you live longer.

Exercise and eating healthy (nutrition) are essential in increasing and maintaining your health span. Frailty is the state between a healthy and disease state. The longer you can fight it and keep it away, the healthier and more robust you can be.

Lt. Col. Nick Barringer, USA, Program Director, U.S. Military-Baylor University Graduate Program in Nutrition, suggest three foods to include in your diet that help you live long and healthy life.

Fish:  Fish is an excellent source of protein to preserve muscle mass; and it us also a source of healthy fats like eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that can help lower triglycerides and assist with cognitive functions.

A study of more the 4,000 Norwegians found regular fish intake, two to three servings per week, resulted in an average of 30% lower odds of frailty.

Nuts:  Nuts are full of protein and also fight frailty.  A study of more than 10,000 participants found nut intake of just 1.02 ounces, or 23 almonds, daily was the significant threshold to reduce the odds of frailty.

Carrots and Orange Peppers:  Beta-carotene has been shown to fight aging. Part of the aging process is oxidative damage to telomeres in your body. In essence, the shorter your telomeres, the older your biological age. High levels of beta-carotene in the blood have been shown to protect telomeres and brain.

Thus, nutrition, healthy diet, adequate sleep and regular exercise are essential to maximize your health span.

Source:  Nick Barringer, 3 Foods to Increase Your Health Span, Military Officer Magazine volume 21, issue 12, December 2023, pg 30.

Be Healthier and Live Longer by Eating Less

Researchers at the Longevity Institute of the Leonard Davis School of Gerontology at the University of Southern California have been able to predict the significant risk reduction and life-extending power of periodically mimicking a fasting diet.

According to their study, published in the scientific journal Nature, the potential health benefits gained from moderate, intermittent near-fasting are quite impressive. By periodically following a fast-mimicking diet, they say, it’s possible to delay the biological or physical aging process and have an extended disease-free period of life.

The fast-mimicking diet is a five-day (per month), plant-based diet low in calories and protein, followed by a normal diet supporting new or more functional cell growth. The fast-mimicking diet for study participants included vegetable-based soups, energy bars and drinks, chip snacks, tea, and a high-level vitamin, mineral, and essential fatty acid supplement.

Study participants included 100 men and women ages 18 to 70 and excluded anyone with major physical health conditions or mental illness.

The researchers found that just three monthly cycles of the fast-mimicking diet reduced biological aging by an average of two and a half years. Study participants also experienced weight loss, total body fat loss, reduced abdominal and liver fat, lower blood pressure, reduced triglycerides and cholesterol, lower fasting glucose levels, and reduced insulin resistance, especially in those with higher rates of these risk factors at the beginning of the study.

While ongoing calorie restriction alone can help reduce weight and control disease risk factors, it’s well-documented how difficult it is for most people to maintain a low- to very low-calorie diet for any significant time. For many, a periodic fast-mimicking plan may provide the same, if not more, risk-reducing benefits while less burdening the individual.



Humana TRICARE and Medicare

Tricare for Life coverage will be effective when your Medicare is effective. Medicare Part A is free for eligible beneficiaries, but there will be a premium for Medicare Part B. The premium amount varies yearly and may be based on your income.

Humana TRICARE and Medicare are two programs that play crucial roles in providing health coverage to different groups of individuals. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. TRICARE and Medicare Interaction:
    • TRICARE is the health care program for uniformed service members, retirees, and their families. It provides comprehensive coverage for medical services, prescriptions, and more.
    • Medicare, on the other hand, is a federal health insurance program primarily for people aged 65 and older, as well as certain younger individuals with disabilities or specific medical conditions.
  2. Becoming Medicare-Eligible:
    • At Age 65:
      • If you’re age 65 and entitled to Medicare, you are automatically covered by TRICARE For Life (TFL). TFL acts as a wraparound coverage, paying your out-of-pocket costs in Original Medicare for TRICARE-covered services.
      • You are not eligible to enroll in other TRICARE health plans.
    • Under Age 65:
      • If you’re under age 65 and Medicare-eligible, you have options:
        • Enroll in a TRICARE Prime option or use TRICARE For Life.
        • TRICARE-eligible family members under 65 can also enroll in different TRICARE health plans.
        • Request enrollment changes within 90 days of the Medicare-eligible family member’s Medicare effective date.
  3. Medicare Basics:
    • Original Medicare (Parts A and B):
      • Part A: Hospital insurance (financed by payroll deductions during working years).
      • Part B: Medical insurance (primarily covers outpatient services; you pay a premium based on income).
    • Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap):
      • Optional coverage that pays out-of-pocket costs in Original Medicare.
    • Medicare Advantage (Part C):
      • Offered by private companies, it provides all Part A and Part B services, often with Part D pharmacy coverage.
    • TRICARE For Life:
      • Coordinates with Medicare, eliminating the need for you to file claims.
  4. Important Considerations:
    • Medicare Part B Requirement:
      • To maintain TRICARE coverage, you must have Medicare Part B, even if you live overseas.
      • Failure to have Part B may result in losing TRICARE coverage.
      • Sign up for Part B during your Medicare Initial Enrollment Period.
    • Veterans and Medicare Advantage Plans:
      • Humana Medicare Advantage (MA) plans complement VA coverage.
      • They offer additional benefits, affordable costs, and options for care closer to home.

Medicare Part B

For 2024, the standard monthly premium for Medicare Part B enrollees will be $174.70, which is an increase of $9.80 from the 2023 premium of $164.901. Additionally, the annual deductible for all Medicare Part B beneficiaries will be $240 in 2024, up from $226 in 20231.

If your income is above a certain threshold, you may be subject to an Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA), which is an additional charge on top of the standard monthly premium. The IRMAA affects individuals with an income of more than $103,000, or couples filing jointly with an income above $206,0002. The exact amount of the IRMAA depends on your income level.

Please note that these figures are based on the information available as of now and could be subject to change. It’s always a good idea to check the latest details from the official Medicare website or contact Medicare directly for the most current information.

Understanding the intricacies of TRICARE and Medicare is essential!