88% of Americans Adults in Poor Metabolic Health

Only 1 in 8 Americans are metabolically healthy

88 percent of Americans adults are in poor metabolic health, according to survey by Cleveland Clinic and Parade Magazine. American adults suffer from high blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride. And, a metabolically unhealthy lifestyle puts you at elevated risk of COVID-19 related complications.

Metabolic syndrome is the name for a group of risk factors that raises your risk for heart disease and other health problems, such as diabetes and stroke, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). The term “metabolic” refers to the biochemical processes involved in the body’s normal functioning. Risk factors are traits, conditions, or habits that increase your chance of developing a disease.

These conditions include increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels. Metabolic syndrome is closely linked to overweight or obesity and inactivity. Insulin resistance also may increase your risk for metabolic syndrome. Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body can’t use its insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone that helps move blood sugar into cells where it’s used for energy, according to NHLBI.

Metabolic Risk Factors

The five conditions described below are metabolic risk factors. You can have any one of these risk factors by itself, but they tend to occur together.

  • A large waistline (e.g., abdominal obesity). Excess fat in the stomach area is a greater risk factor for heart disease than excess fat in other parts of the body, such as on the hips.
  • A high triglyceride level (or you’re on medicine to treat high triglycerides). Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the blood.
  • A low HDL cholesterol level (or you’re on medicine to treat low HDL cholesterol). HDL sometimes is called “good” cholesterol. This is because it helps remove cholesterol from your arteries. A low HDL cholesterol level raises your risk for heart disease.
  • High blood pressure (or you’re on medicine to treat high blood pressure). Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps blood. If this pressure rises and stays high over time, it can damage your heart and lead to plaque buildup.
  • High fasting blood sugar (or you’re on medicine to treat high blood sugar). Mildly high blood sugar may be an early sign of diabetes.

A person has metabolic syndrome when they have too high or too low levels of three of the five factors, meaning that someone who has high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high triglycerides would be considered unhealthy, metabolically speaking. The three risk factors combined put a person at much greater risk for diseases like type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart disease, according to the Mayo Clinic

In order to have perfect metabolic health, according to a study published in the journal Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders, you need:

  • a waist circumference below 40 inches for men and below 34.6 inches for women,
  • blood sugar below 100 mg/dL,
  • blood pressure below 120/80,
  • triglycerides below 150 mg/dL, and
  • high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (also known as “good” cholesterol) greater than or equal to 40 mg/dL for men and 50 mg/dL for women.

According to this study, only about 12% ( or one in every eight) of adults based on these guidelines in the U.S. have perfect levels of all five risk factors without having to take medication, researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Gillings School of Global Public Health found in their study. The scientists examined National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data from 8,721 people in the U.S. between 2009 and 2016. And they’re calling their findings “alarmingly low.”

“Based on the data, few Americans are achieving metabolic health, which is quite alarming and should spur renewed attention to population-based interventions,” Joana Araujo, PhD, a postdoctoral research associate in nutrition, said.

Even small steps add up.

Doctors generally agree on when it comes to a person’s health that blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides (a type of fat found in blood), blood sugar, and waist circumference are all often used to measure what’s called “metabolic health.”

Now is a great time to focus on eating unprocessed food and eliminating process food from your diet, exercising, getting adequate sleep, managing stress and anxiety, and maintaining social connections.

Mark Hyman, M.D., head of strategy and innovation for Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional medicine, “Poor metabolic health can be reversed in a couple of weeks, simply by dietary change.”


  1. https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health-topics/metabolic-syndrome
  2. Pajer, Nicole, Parade, September 27, 2020, pg. 11
  3. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/metabolic-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20351916
  4. https://www.health.com/condition/heart-disease/metabolic-health

Healthy Aging: Resistance (Weight) Training

One form of exercise, weight or resistance training, proves to be most effective for long-term weight loss

Weight lifting, also known as resistance training, helps us build strength, and also improves muscle size and can help counteract age-related muscle loss.

Recently weight lifting has become popular among those looking to lose weight.

Endurance exercises such as running and walking are indeed effective for reducing body fat. However, these exercises can simultaneously decrease muscle size, leading to weaker muscles and greater perceived weight loss, as muscle is more dense than fat.

But unlike endurance exercises, evidence shows resistance training not only has beneficial effects on reducing body fat, but it also increases muscle size and strength.


When you exercise, your muscles need more energy than they do when resting. This energy comes from your muscles’ ability to break down fat and carbohydrate (stored within the muscle, liver, and fat tissue) with the help of oxygen. So during exercise, you breathe faster and our heart works harder to pump more oxygen, fat, and carbohydrates to your exercising muscles.

Resistance training exercises should engage the largest muscle groups, use whole body exercises performed standing, and should involve two or more joints. All of these make the bodywork harder, thereby increasing the amount of muscle and therefore RMR. An effective resistance training program should combine intensity, volume (number of exercises and sets), and progression (increasing both as you get stronger). The intensity should be high enough that you feel challenged during your workout.

The most effective way of doing this is by using the repetition maximum method. For the purpose of fat loss, this should be performing between six and ten repetitions of an exercise with a resistance that results in fatigue, so that you cannot comfortably do another full repetition after the last one. Three to four sets, two or three times a week for each muscle group is recommended.


  1. https://www.inverse.com/mind-body/resistance-training-heres-why-its-so-effective-for-weight-loss

Healthy Aging: Vitamin K may offer protective health benefits

Vitamin K is an often ignored nutrient, but new research has found that low levels among older adults may increase their risk of early death. The findings were published in the June 2020 issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Vitamin K benefits. It is an essential micronutrient that has been shown to improve bone strength, protect against heart disease, enhance blood sugar control, fight cancer, boost brain function and ensure healthy blood clot formation.

Researchers looked at about 4,000 adults ages 54 to 76 who were involved in three studies. Everyone was free of heart disease at the start of the analysis. The researchers categorized the people according to their blood levels of vitamin K, and compared that information with rates of heart disease and death over 13 years. The results showed no definite link between vitamin K levels and heart disease. However, people with the lowest vitamin K levels were 19% more likely to die during the study period than those whose K levels were adequate.

The exact reason for the link between low vitamin K and a higher death rate is unclear. But scientists know that vitamin K helps prevent calcium buildup in arteries, which is associated with decreased blood flow throughout the body. Other studies have shown a link between low levels of vitamin K and a higher risk of osteoarthritis; that condition can affect mobility and increase falls, which can also contribute to earlier death.

Guidelines suggest men get 120 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin K per day, but more than 60% of men ages 70 and older do not consume the suggested daily quantities, according to a survey conducted by the study’s researchers.

Leafy greens and vegetables like broccoli and cabbage are loaded with vitamin K, an important nutrient that’s been associated with improved insulin levels, a reduced risk of cancer and protection against heart disease. Vitamin K is also found in vegetable oils like soybean and canola. A cup of leafy green vegetables has more than 120 mcg, and a tablespoon of soybean oil offers 25 mcg.


  1. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/vitamin-k-may-offer-protective-health-benefits-in-older-age
  2. https://draxe.com/nutrition/vitamin-k-foods/

Healthy Aging: Exercise lowers risk for serious health problems

Being Physically Active…move your body more…pursue a well-rounded exercise plan that fits your lifestyle

Hundreds of studies have shown that exercise lowers your risk for serious health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and certain forms of cancer. What’s more, physical exercise eases arthritis and preserves independence while trimming your waistline. Put simply, exercise helps you feel better, look great, and live a longer, more joyful and satisfying life.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines recommend exercising moderately for 150 to 300 minutes or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous activity — and that the higher number should be the target. Exercise strengthens your heart muscle, lowers your blood pressure and cholesterol, and burns calories. It can also enhance your mood.

Aerobic exercise can improve the way your heart and other muscles use oxygen. The right blend of exercises for you incorporates aerobic workouts (including walking), as well as stretching and strength-building / resistance exercises.

Exercise is the best investment you can make for your health.

“It is never too late to reverse how you look and feel, and develop the mindset of how you do it. Day in and day out, if you want to live longer and live better, you need a clear and basic understanding that the outcome of your journey is the sum of its steps.” Strauss Zelnick, Becoming Ageless

Researchers are learning just how exercise fights cardiovascular disease. What they know is that exercise improves the efficiency of the muscles that it puts to work, including the heart. It improves blood flow to the heart muscle and reduces the risk of abnormal pumping rhythms.

Studies have evaluated exercise and health in men and women of diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. Although the details vary, the vast majority agree that regular exercise is associated with a sharp reduction in heart attacks and cardiac deaths; most cite protection in the range of 35% to 55%.

Furthermore, studies show that modest exercise, such as walking about two miles a day or burning about 1,000 calories a week, can provide enormous protection against heart disease. And exercise helps even people who don’t start exercising until later in life, as well as patients who don’t start until they suffer a heart attack. In fact, a meta-analysis of 48 trials involving nearly 9,000 cardiac patients found that exercise-based rehabilitation reduced the patients’ risk of dying from heart disease by 26%.

Aerobic exercise helps your heart and other muscles better use oxygen.

In addition, exercise lowers LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and triglyceride levels while boosting HDL (“good”) cholesterol. It also reduces body fat, insulin levels, and the risk of diabetes — all cardiac risk factors. Regular exercise improves the body’s defenses against artery-blocking blood clots and quiets the vascular inflammation that fuels the fire of atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is the accumulation of pockets of cholesterol-rich gunk inside the arteries, according to Harvard Health. These pockets, called plaque, can limit blood flow through arteries that nourish the heart — the coronary arteries — and other arteries throughout the body. When a plaque breaks apart, it can cause a heart attack or stroke.

A healthy lifestyle which includes exercise goes a long way to preventing cardiovascular disease. Aerobic and resistance exercise can prevent heart-harming trends, like high blood pressure or high cholesterol, before they can cause damage.

“A man is as old as his arteries.” Thomas Sydenham, English physician

A regular exercise program has a major effect on the health of your arteries. Every artery has three layers in its wall. The endothelium is the innermost of the artery’s three layers and is composed of a thin layer of endothelial cells that are in direct contact with the bloodstream. It produces nitric oxide, which helps keep the artery open and healthy. Plaques have the opposite effect.

Endothelial cells have a crucial role in vascular health, and exercise has an important effect on endothelial cells. Among other things, endothelial cells produce nitric oxide. Tiny amounts of nitric oxide produced by your endothelial cells are a boon to your circulation.

This nitric oxide has two crucial functions. It keeps the arterial lining smooth and slippery, preventing white blood cells and platelets from latching on and causing damaging inflammation and artery-blocking blood clots. In addition, it relaxes the smooth muscle cells of the artery wall’s middle layer, preventing spasms and keeping arteries open.

Invest in yourself!  Exercise is the best investment you can make for your health

Cardiovascular and chronic diseases are not inevitable as we get older. Although, more research is needed, the evidence suggests that regular exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease and other common chronic health problems as you age.


  1. https://www.harvardhealthonlinelearning.com/courses/starting-to-exercise
  2. https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/supplements-vs-exercise-for-heart-disease-and-cancer
  3. https://www.veteranshealthlibrary.va.gov/HealthyLiving/Active/Benefits/142,82041_VA

Age-related muscle loss | Harvard Men’s Health Watch

After age 30, men begin to lose as much as 3% to 5% of muscle mass per decade, according to WebMD.com. Most men will lose about 30% of their muscle mass during their lifetimes. Less muscle means greater weakness and less mobility, both of which may increase your risk of falls and fractures.

A 2015 report from the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research found that people with sarcopenia, age-related muscle loss, had 2.3 times the risk of having a low-trauma fracture from a fall, such as a broken hip, collarbone, leg, arm, or wrist.

“Older men can increase muscle mass lost as a consequence of aging,” says Dr. Thomas W. Storer, director of the exercise physiology and physical function lab at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “It takes work, dedication, and a plan, but it is never too late to rebuild muscle and maintain it.”

Increasing strength and endurance

One possible contributor to sarcopenia, age-related muscle loss, is the natural decline of testosterone, the hormone that stimulates protein synthesis and muscle growth. Think of testosterone as the fuel for your muscle-building fire.

The FDA has not approved taking testosterone supplements to build muscle mass in men due to their side effects.

The best means to build muscle mass, no matter your age, is progressive resistance training (PRT), says Dr. Storer. With PRT, you gradually amp up your workout volume—weight, reps, and sets—as your strength and endurance improve. This constant challenging builds muscle and keeps you away from plateaus where you stop making gains. To gain more muscle mass, older men need a structured and detailed PRT program, says Dr. Storer.

Set up a detailed progressive resistance strength training workouts

You should do strength-training that works all major muscle groups—legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms—at least two days a week.  Strength training can involve lifting weights, using resistance bands, or exercises like push-ups and sit-ups, in which your body weight furnishes the resistance.

A typical training program might include

  • 8 to 10 exercises that target all the major muscle groups
  • sets of 12 to 15 reps, performed at an effort of about 5 to 7 on a 10-point scale
  • two or three workouts per week.

After you have established a routine, the way to progress is to add a second and then a third set of the exercises. Another way is to decrease the number of reps per set and increase the weight or resistance to the point where you are able to complete at least eight reps, but no more than 12.

Increasing muscle power

Building muscle is not all about strength, says Dr. Storer. You also need power. “Muscle power, how fast and efficiently you move, is more connected to the activities of daily living and physical function than muscular strength,” he says.

A good way to improve overall muscle power is with your legs, since they are most responsible for mobility. “Doing quicker movements against resistance, like one’s own body weight, can be an effective means of developing power,” says Dr. Storer.

For instance, when rising from a seated position, try to do it quickly. When climbing stairs, hold the handrail and push off a step as fast as possible. “It does not have to be every step—begin with one to three steps—but this teaches your muscles to use strength in a more effective way.”


  1. https://www.webmd.com/healthy-aging/guide/sarcopenia-with-aging
  2. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/preserve-your-muscle-mass

Vitamin D might make sense

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, recommends getting enough sleep, maintaining a healthy diet, and avoiding or alleviating stress as the three most potent ways to keep your immune system strong. 

He states that “it is much more healthy living than giving yourself supplements of anything”.

Recently, when responding to a question, Dr. Fauci told the actress Jennifer Garner that he takes two supplements: vitamin D and vitamin C.

Fauci states consistently that the best ways to control the pandemic are: good hand hygiene, mask-wearing, and social distancing.

Vitamin D might make sense.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in a few foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement. It is also produced when ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight strike the skin and trigger vitamin D synthesis. It comes in two main forms, D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol). Both forms are well absorbed in the small intestine.

Yet, regarding vitamin D, “there is good evidence that if you have a low vitamin D level, you have more of a propensity to get infected”, Dr. Fauci commented.

Several scientific studies have concluded that being deficient in vitamin D can put you at greater risk of infection, and it appears anecdotally that finding has held true again during the coronavirus pandemic.

“There is good evidence that if you have a low vitamin D level, that you have more of a propensity to get infected when there are infections around,” Fauci said. “Those data are pretty good data.”

In addition to reducing inflammation in the body, vitamin D also helps our bodies absorb calcium, keeping bones healthy and strong, so it’s good for people of all ages and races to make sure they’re getting enough.

Sources of Vitamin D

Few foods naturally contain vitamin D. The flesh of fatty fish (such as trout, salmon, tuna, and mackerel) and fish liver oils are among the best sources.


  1. https://www.msn.com/en-us/Health/wellness/forget-vitamins-fauci-says-the-3-best-things-to-keep-your-immune-system-working-optimally-cost-nothing/ar-BB199xsP?li=BBnbfcL&ocid=overlayclose
  2. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminD-HealthProfessional/

Vitamin D: The supplement Dr. Fauci takes to help keep his immune system healthy | CNBC

Date Tue, Sep 15 20208:00 PM EDT

“Vitamin D is a key nutrient for your immune system.” Dr. Anthony Fauci

According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, most “so-called immune boosting supplements” actually do “nothing.” However, there are two vitamins Fauci does recommend to help keep your immune system healthy.

“If you are deficient in vitamin D, that does have an impact on your susceptibility to infection. So I would not mind recommending, and I do it myself taking vitamin D supplements,” Fauci said during an Instagram Live on Thursday, when actress Jennifer Garner asked Fauci about immune-boosting supplements.

“COVID-19 infection is more prevalent among African Americans, older adults, nursing home residents and health care workers—populations who all have increased risk of vitamin D deficiency.” University of Chicago Medicine

Researchers at the University of Chicago Medicine recently found a link between vitamin D deficiency and the likelihood of being infected with COVID-19.   Those with an untreated deficiency were more likely to test positive. Half of Americans are thought to be deficient in vitamin D, with much higher rates seen in African Americans, Hispanics and individuals living in areas where it is difficult to get enough sun exposure in winter.

Vitamin D is important to the function of the immune system and vitamin D supplements have previously been shown to lower the risk of viral respiratory tract infections,” said David Meltzer, Chief of Hospital Medicine at UChicago Medicine and lead author of the study. “Our statistical analysis suggests this may be true for the COVID-19 infection.”

The research team looked at 489 patients at UChicago Medicine whose vitamin D level had been measured within a year before being tested for COVID-19. Patients who had vitamin D deficiency (defined as less than 20 nanograms per milliliter of blood) that was not treated were almost twice as likely to test positive for COVID-19 compared to patients who had sufficient levels of the vitamin.

In addition to vitamin D, Fauci said that vitamin C is “a good antioxidant.” “So if people want to take a gram or two at the most [of] vitamin C, that would be fine,” he said.

Vitamin C “contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions” of the body’s immune systems, according to 2017 study published by The National Institutes of Health, and vitamin C also appears to prevent and treat “respiratory and systemic infections.” according to researchers.

But “any of the other concoctions and herbs I would not do,” Fauci said.

During another interview with actress Tiffany Haddish released on Sept 4., Fauci said in clinical studies most “so-called” immune-boosting supplements didn’t really help people unless they had some sort of a deficiency. If fact, a lot of these herbs “either do nothing, or, if you take too much of them, they harm you,” Fauci told Haddish.

Overall, the best way to boost your immune system is to get good sleep and exercise, Fauci said. “Those are the things that are so much better than a bunch of herbs that really have never really been shown to do that,” Fauci told Haddish.

To read More:  https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/14/supplements-white-house-advisor-fauci-takes-every-day-to-help-keep-his-immune-system-healthy.html


  1. https://news.uchicago.edu/story/vitamin-d-deficiency-may-raise-risk-getting-covid-19-study-finds
  2. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/14/supplements-white-house-advisor-fauci-takes-every-day-to-help-keep-his-immune-system-healthy.html

All About Fats | VAntage Point

Fat is one of our macronutrients (along with protein and carbohydrates), and it is an essential part of our intake. It has many functions within the body, including organ protection, providing fuel, coating nerve cells, making up organs (our brains are roughly 60% fat), making up cells (lipid bilayer), nutrient and phytochemical absorption, skin/hair/nail health, and hormone balance.

As with anything diet related, the first step is to evaluate the source of your food. Are you eating mostly real, whole foods from nature, or processed, refined foods from the grocery store shelf.

Good sources of fat are going to come from those whole food options.


  1. Continue to eat real, whole foods, and follow a system (such as the healthy plate) to guide you to a balanced intake.
  2. Include good fats, such as from olives and olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds, fatty fish, coconut oil, eggs, dairy, minimally processed meat, and even butter (especially if it’s grass fed and organic). Remember that, although we shouldn’t fear fat from animals, we should still get plenty of it from antioxidant-rich plant-based foods. Balance is important.
  3. Avoid the following: fast food, fried foods, heavily processed meats, processed/packaged foods – like TV dinners and box meals – refined sugars and sweets (including sugar from fluids); highly processed vegetables oils, such as soy, corn, safflower, as well as Crisco and other hydrogenated oils.

The fat sources we choose, as well as the overall quality of our diet and lifestyle, will make a huge difference on whether that fat will be helpful or harmful.

Eat well!

Source: Sieger Giroux MS, RD, LDN is a registered dietitian at the Marion VA. In this episode of Fresh Focus, MOVE! Dietitian Sieger Giroux provides insight on saturated and unsaturated fats and how listeners can incorporate those into the healthy plate method.


  1. https://www.blogs.va.gov/VAntage/77632/fresh-focus-4-healthy-plate-method-about-fats/

Wealth accumulation can create estate tax issues

Financial security is a goal for us all, but with wealth comes complexity. An increase in wealth not only typically causes an increase in annual income taxes, but it may also beget estate and gift taxes. Current federal law allows each citizen to transfer a certain amount of assets free of federal estate and gift taxes, named the” applicable exclusion amount.

cancun beach

In 2020, every citizen may, at death, transfer assets valued in the aggregate of $11.58 million ($23.16 million for married couples), free from federal estate tax. For gifts made during one’s lifetime, the applicable exclusion amount is the same. Therefore, every person is allowed to transfer a total of $11.58 million during their life or at death, without any federal estate and gift tax. (This does not include the annual gift exclusion, which applies as long as each annual gift to each recipient is less than $15,000.)

Therefore, generally, only estates worth more than these amounts at the time of death will be subject to federal estate taxes. But this wasn’t always so. From 2001 to 2009, the applicable exclusion rose steadily, from $675,000 to $3.5 million. 2010 was a unique year, in that there was no estate tax, but it was brought back in 2011 and then made permanent (unless there is further legislation) by the American Tax Relief Act of 2012 at an exclusion amount of $5 million, indexed for inflation. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed in December of 2017 doubled the exclusion amount to $10 million, indexed for inflation ($11.58 million for 2020). However, the new exclusion amount is temporary and is scheduled to revert back to the previous exclusion levels in 2026.

Outdated estate documents may include planning that was appropriate for estates at much lower exemption values. Many documents have formulas that force a trust to be funded up to this applicable exclusion amount, which may now be too large or unnecessary altogether, given an individual’s or family’s asset level.

Take the time to review the formulas in your estate documents with your attorney and tax professional to determine whether the planning you have in place is still appropriate.


The Many Health Benefits of Beets

Beets are a nutritional powerhouse.

Beetroot’s history dates back to around 300 B.C., when Greek doctors began using the leaves to bind and dress wounds, believing the leaves were a source of healing. Then Hippocrates in the 4th century discovered it was the root itself that was the source of beneficial nutrients.

Beetroot is one of the more clinically researched foods. More than 2,500 studies have been done, showing beetroot to have high levels of dietary nitrates, which go through a chemical exchange in our bodies – the NO (Nitrate-nitrite-nitric oxide) pathway.

Healthiest foods

Beetroot is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. They’re a powerhouse of nutrients, packed with tons of vitamins and minerals that have been proven to provide a wealth of benefits for overall health and well-being.

One cup of cooked beet roots has 75 calories, 17 grams of carbs, 3 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber and meets more than 10 percent of the daily value for potassium, magnesium and vitamin C.

Betaine compounds

Beets are also rich in betalains, a class of potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatories that battle free radical- and inflammation-related chronic diseases like heart disease, obesity, and possibly cancer. Speaking of cancer, research suggests that betacyanin, the pigment that gives beets its pretty purple hue may help protect against common carcinogens; it has also shown promise against laboratory-grown breast cancer cells and is currently being investigated as a cancer-fighter.

This nutrient can help to protect cells, protein and enzymes from inflammation and environmental stress.  While inflammation is helpful for the body, too much can be destructive, leading to cellular damage in the brain that can contribute to the development of neurological diseases. Beets also contain a high amount of antioxidants that protect your body – including your brain – from damage caused by free radicals.

Research shows that betaine, an amino acid found in beets, can help prevent and reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver. And, betaine improves growth and the efficiency of food utilization and reduces body fat. Animal studies show that rats given beet juice have higher levels of detoxifying enzymes in their bloodstream. Research on people with diabetes shows that betaine improves liver function, slightly decreases cholesterol, and reduces liver size.


Beetroot is a rich source of nitrates, which your body uses to create energy. When you ingest nitrates, your body turns it into nitric oxide, a molecule that improves the dilation of your blood vessels and helps to promote better blood flow. That means better circulation, and possibly lower blood pressure. A very small study from 2012 found that 13 men who drank just one glass of beet juice temporarily lowered their systolic blood pressure by an average of 4 to 5 points.

These compounds in beets can help to widen your blood vessels, which makes it easier for your muscles to absorb vital nutrients. As a result, your muscles will repair themselves more quickly, which leads to increased growth.

Additionally, the nitric oxide found in beets can help to enhance the development of the cells that surround the muscles and rebuild tissue.  Additionally, nitric acid is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in triggering neurons, thereby activating your brain and making you feel more alert.  Beets have also been found to enhance mental clarity and improve focus; two things that can help to increase your energy levels and make you feel more awake.

High nitrate veggies promote the formation of nitric oxide (NO) which is a powerful vasodilator. As a result, arteries will dilate to their fullest. Favorite 6 ‘greens’ are KALE, SPINACH, SWISS CHARD, ARUGULA, BEET GREENS, BEETS (yes, beets!)

Improve your stamina

Research has suggested that nitrates boost endurance performance. In one study, cyclists who drank beet juice could pedal hard 15% longer in a time trial to exhaustion. It takes about three to five beets (depending on their size, which varies widely) to get a performance boost, says study author Andy Jones, PhD, dean of research in the College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter. “Peak nitrate levels occur two to three hours after you eat or drink them,” he says.

Soluble fiber

Beets are a good source of soluble fiber.  Fiber is good for you because they fuel your body, giving you the energy that is needed to perform virtually all functions.  Fiber also aids in healthy digestion, which means that eating these veggies can help you maintain your weight.

By eating beets, you reduce the amount of time it takes for you to recover from some ailments, such as a cold, the flu, or a stomach virus. Beets could also help your body fight against more severe illnesses, such as cancer and heart disease.  If you want to give your immune system a boost, look into eating more beets.

Beets can lower your blood sugar is because of the high amount of soluble fiber they contain.  Research has found that soluble fiber can reduce blood glucose levels because it slows digestion, and slower digestion means slower absorption of glucose.


  1. https://veryhealthy.life/20-nutritional-facts-beets/20/
  2. https://www.health.com/nutrition/beets-health-benefits?slide=a8542d7b-d983-46ee-a995-4e78991f156d#a8542d7b-d983-46ee-a995-4e78991f156d