“Stock prices fluctuate unpredictably. But company values stay relatively steady.” Kenneth Jeffrey Marshall,
Value investing is one of the most popular ways to find great stocks in any market environment. Value investing represents an approach to investing, where investors evaluate the fundamentals or intrinsic values of companies rather than estimating the future market prices of stocks. The definition of a value stock, for our purposes, is a stock that is underpriced by the market or due to volatility relative to its worth or fundamentals.
Value investing is about finding stocks that are either flying under the radar and are compelling buys, or offer up tantalizing discounts when compared to fair value (or intrinsic value). According to Investopia, intrinsic value is a measure of what an asset is worth. In short, it’s the underlying value of a company and its cash flow.
The idea of value investing involves purchasing great stocks of companies priced by the market well below their intrinsic values, which can give investors a margin of safety. The margin of safety comes from buying good companies at cheap prices. It comes from buying good companies that you understand, and to do so at a discount to companies estimated intrinsic value. That discount is where the margin of safety comes from.
Great stocks shouldn’t get cheap. But sometimes they are.
Value investing also allows traders to detach from their emotions of fear and greed when stock prices fluctuate. It enables them to hold the stocks for long-term rather than buying and selling if they’re feeling wildly optimistic or pessimistic because of stock price and market volatility.
Price and value differ:
- Price is what something can be purchased or sold for at a given time. Price fluctuates.
- Value is what something is worth, it fluctuates less.
- Identify the right price at which to buy stock
- Hold quality stocks fearlessly during market swings
Value investors understand that over time, the market price of a stock will converge with its actual fundamental worth or intrinsic value. But at a single point in time, it may not. And those single points are enough to purchase good companies cheap or below its intrinsic value.
Value investors also understand that there always comes a time when glamorous businesses stop getting priced like rock stars, and start getting priced like businesses.
Over time, the average price of an asset does converge to the average worth of that asset. But in the short term they can be wildly different, since stock prices fluctuate unpredictably. But company values stay relatively steady. This insight is the basis of value investing, according to Kenneth Jeffrey Marshall, author of the investing book, “Good Stocks Cheap: Value Investing with Confidence for a Lifetime of Stock Market”.
The occasions when a stock price is far away from a company’s intrinsic value is when a patient value investor acts.
Value investing is buying companies for less than they’re worth…their intrinsic value. According to the Kenneth Jeffery Marshall, professor, value investor, and the author of “Good Stocks Cheap”, best value investing procedures to utilize include:
- Do you understand the company
- Is it a good company:
- Has it been historically good
- Will it be good in the future
- Is it shareholder friendly
- Is the stock price cheap or at what price will the company’s stock become cheap (margin of safety)
The secret of successful investing: Staying invested and patience. Stock prices can be volatile and can fluctuate unpredictably in the short term. But the intrinsic values of companies stay relatively steady. Thus, you should chose to invest in companies selling for less than they are worth (intrinsic value) and not over pay for a company.
One way to find companies is by looking at several key metrics and financial ratios, many of which are crucial in the value stock selection process. There are several key metrics that value investors look at, which include:
- Price to Earnings Ratio (PE). PE shows you how much investors are willing to pay for each dollar of earnings in a given stock. The best use of the PE ratio is to compare the stock’s current PE ratio with: a) where this ratio has been in the past; b) how it compares to the average for the industry/sector; and c) how it compares to the market as a whole.
- Price/Sales ratio. P/Sales compares a given stock’s price to its total sales, where a lower value is generally considered better. This metric is preferred more than other value-focused ones because it looks at sales, something that is far harder to manipulate with accounting tricks than earnings. The best use of P/S ratio to compare it to the S&P 500 average. Also, you can evaluate the trend of the stock’s P/Sales over the past few years.
- Price/Earnings to Growth ratio (PEG). PEG ratio is another great indicator of value. PEG ratio is a stock’s price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio divided by the growth rate of its earnings for a specified time period. The PEG ratio is used to determine a stock’s value while also factoring in the company’s expected earnings growth, and it is thought to provide a more complete picture than the more standard P/E ratio. A lower PEG may indicate that a stock is undervalued.
The reality is that some of your selected stocks will lose money. That’s why it is important to diversify your investments, so that losses in a stock may be outweighed by gains in other stocks.
Strength of value investing
Deep value factors, such as book-to-price or tangible book-to-price, usually rally first, when actual levels of rates are still low, says Boris Lerner, Global Head of Quantitative Equity Research. Other value factors, such as earnings yield or free-cash-flow yield, tend to pick up later, as rates rise above trend.
Rising interest rates are the primary reason value investing has staying power. When inflation and rising interest rates are trending higher, it can clip the wings of pricey growth stocks, whose valuations are predicated on future returns, which make pricier growth stocks less appealing. When rates go up, it instantly raises the bar on far-out profits needed to justify today’s stock prices.
Because value names are typically mature companies with valuations based on current cash flow, rising rates don’t have the same impact. At the same time, many traditional value sectors, such as financials, directly benefit from rising rates.
Put the strength of value investing to work for you. In a nutshell, the basic tenet of value investing is paying less for a company than its worth.
- https://growthwithvalue.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Good-Stocks-Cheap-Book-Summary.pdf
- https://finance.yahoo.com/news/10-cheap-value-stocks-buy-140144393.html
- https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/397977
- https://www.morganstanley.com/ideas/value-stocks-forecast-2021
- https://www.gurufocus.com/news/949267/interview-holding-stocks-forever-with-professor-kenneth-jeffrey-marshall
Kenneth Jeffrey Marshall teaches value investing in the Masters in Finance program at the Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden, and at Stanford University. He also teaches asset management in the MBA program at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. Marshall is a past member of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research; he taught Stanford’s first-ever online value investing course in 2015. He earned his MBA at Harvard Business School.
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