For many households, financial health is measured by income. While income is an important component of financial health, it is only part of the equation.
Some experts and academics believe that an individual’s net worth is a better measure of financial health than income. Net worth or wealth can determine if a family has the wherewithal to deal with a financial crisis, such as the loss of employment or long-term sickness. And it also allows for investments in a home, small business and higher education. In other words, a household with no wealth or negative net worth may not be financially healthy despite a high salary.

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The type of assets held by a household also affects its financial health, with illiquid assets and short-term liabilities a greater potential risk than liquid assets and long-term debt.
For many financial educators and households, assessing a household’s net worth is the start of the conversation. It allows financial advisers or households to create a financial plan that considers assets and liabilities which can lead to better financial health and outcome.
Net worth considerations would also provide policymakers with a more accurate picture of financial health to assess middle class economic security across different demographic populations.
There are other reasonable approaches to considering overall financial health or well-being. For example, the Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI) looks at four components (spending, saving, borrowing, and planning) and eight indicators of financial health as well as data that can be collected to make the financial health assessment. The data collected to measure the financial health for each component range from the difference between income and expenses (for spending) to the debt-to-income ratio (for borrowing) to the type and extent of insurance coverage (for planning).
The type of assets also matters for financial health. For example, CFSI distinguishes between liquid and illiquid assets by pointing out that liquid assets are “important for coping with an unexpected expense,” while [illiquid] long-term savings promote financial security.27
Financial well-being has been identified as a common outcome goal of financial education efforts.28 CFPB has developed a robust and validated scale to measure a person’s sense of financial well-being, which CFPB defines as the “state of being wherein a person can fully meet current and ongoing financial obligations, can feel secure in their financial future and is able to make choices that allow them to enjoy life.”29 While this measure is subjective, a number of trackable and objective factors are strongly associated with a person’s level of financial well-being, most notably having liquid savings.
27. Parker, Sarah, Castillo, Nancy, Garon, Thea, and Levy, Rob,“Eight Ways to Measure Financial Health”,Center for Financial Services Innovation, May 2016, available at:
28. For example, see Financial Literacy and Education Commission, “Promoting Financial Success in the United States: National Strategy for Financial Literacy 2011”, available at:
29. “Financial Well-being: What it means and how to help”, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 2015, available at: data-research/research-reports/financial-well-being/.
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