The Next Pandemic: Mental Illness has Arrived

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which is a time to bring awareness to this pervasive issue affecting millions of Americans and people worldwide. 

Within the past couple of years, this country has been facing a crisis that can no longer be ignored, the number of Americans dealing with mental health continues to grow.  

Mental Illness is the emerging post-Covid reality that a building crisis of poorly treated mental illness, anxiety, depression and suicide, writes Daniel Henninger, Opinion Columnist, Wonder Land, The Wall Street Journal.

Depression, self-harm and suicide are rising among young people. Suicide, already the second leading cause of death among people 15 to 34 before the pandemic, has increased.

The 2020 pandemic highlighted the significance of prioritizing mental health yet the number of those walking around untreated continues to grow. At some point, we will have to realize that mental health is a serious crisis for the country. 

America is facing a national mental health crisis that could yield serious health and social consequences for years to come. —American Psychological Association (APA).

According to the Centers for Disease Contro and Prevention (CDC), a study released in August 2020 that showed that over 40 percent of adults in the United States reported dealing with mental health challenges or substance use. 

Additionally, suicidal ideation continues to increase among adults in the U.S. The number of youth struggling with depression has increased, according to Mental Health America.

What’s alarming is that more than 50 percent of of adults with a mental illness do not receive treatment, totaling over 20 million adults in the United States who are being untreated. White youth with depression were more likely to receive mental health treatment while Asian-Americans youth were least likely to receive mental health care.

Many Americans spent the 26 months of the pandemic drinking too much alcohol or using drugs. One result: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just reported a record number of deaths from drug overdoses last year, nearly 108,000 and 15% higher than 2020, prominently from fentanyl.

Absent medical treatment, some of the most severely mentally ill individuals self-medicate on the street with alcohol or drugs, turn violent and typically end up in filling the jails and prisons across the country.

The solution to the deinstitutionalization movement of the 1970s emptied the mental hospitals was supposed to be outpatient “community care.” It never happened.

With the incidence of disorders and suicides rising, there will be postmortems on the damage done during the pandemic to young people. With their schools closed, some isolated from friends and disintegrated inside social-media sites like TikTok or the online cauldrons.

It was clear the lockdowns and closings were wrecking mental health, especially among children and teens. Sadly, the National Institute of Mental Health did not have a seat at the decision table at the national level. Political officials ceded complete control of pandemic policy to public-health authorities. Next time, private and personal mental health should get a voice.

Between the social isolation, economic instability, political turmoil, racial violence, death and sickness, and overall uncertainty about the future, it is no wonder that mental health in America is on the decline, that depression and anxiety levels are on the rise, and that the demand for mental health and addiction treatment is skyrocketing.

Mental disorder has become too pervasive to sweep under a rug. The current national solution has been to let families alone pick up the broken pieces. It’s not enough.


Your mental health matters!

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Good mental health helps you cope with stress and improve your quality of life.


  4. #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth

Better Workouts Include the Brain and Body

Movement is Medicine: ‘We can use our bodies as a tool to affect the way we think and feel, like a hotline to the mind.” Caroline Williams, researcher and author of ‘Move: How the New Science of Body Movement Can Set Your Mind Free’

“Movement affects your brain; but your brain also affects movement.”

Regular physical activity is an important part of a healthy mind, body and lifestyle. Not only is exercise good for your muscles and bones, but it is also an important part of keeping your brain healthy too. Exercise doesn’t only mean working out or playing sports, it just means moving your body and being active. A few other examples of exercise are: dancing, walking, biking, swimming, or throwing a Frisbee.

What happens in the body and brain during exercise: As your heart rate increases during exercise, blood flow to the brain increases. As blood flow increases, your brain is exposed to more oxygen and nutrients. Exercise also induces the release of beneficial proteins in the brain. These nourishing proteins keep brain cells (also known as neurons) healthy, and promote the growth of new neurons. Neurons are the working building blocks of the brain. As a result, individual neuron health is important to overall brain health.

Studies have shown that the connection between your brain and your body is a “two-way street” and that means physical movement can effectively change your brain for the better, explains Srini Pillay, M.D., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

Your brain plays a major role in your physical and emotional well-being, and it directly affects your ability to exercise. Your brain was designed for survival and avoiding danger (fight, flight or freeze). Regular aerobic exercise can reduce anxiety by making your brain’s “fight, flight or freeze” system less reactive.

One way to trick your brain is doing a Gatorade swish, which misleads your brain into thinking your body is getting a jolt of energy from a sugary beverage, even if it isn’t. The act triggers the brain, which naturally wants to preserve energy for survival, into releasing dopamine to help jump start exercise based on the false promise is sugar, Dr. Jennifer Heisz, explains in Move Your Body; Heal Your Mind.

Movement can improve your cognitive functions and mental health. Regular physical activity and movement benefit more than just the body. They actually augment brain function. Movement supplies brain cells with oxygen, promotes the production of new brain cells, and aids in creating new synapses.

Regular exercise such as aerobic, resistance, flexibility, and balance exercises can reduce depressive symptoms. Exercise can be as effective as medication and psychotherapies.

Regular exercise may boost mood by increasing a brain protein called BDNF that helps nerve fibers grow.

Mindfulness during exercises and workout.

“A 12 minute walk alters metabolites in our blood, molecules that affect the beating of our heart, the breath in our lungs, the neurons in our brain.” explains Annabel Streets, “52,ways to Walk: The Surprising Science of Walking for Wellness and Joy, One Week at a Time.

Physical activity is ignored by experts who are too focused on addressing mental health issues from the neck up. “It’s low hanging fruit,” she says, “brain chemist, thought, behaviors might take years to address on the couch.” Dr. Ellen Vora, a New York psychiatrist.

“The brain is always working against you to not expend energy, but we can override it,” says Dr. Heisz.

Exercise can be turned into a powerful meditation practice states Anita Sweeney, author of “Make Every Move a Meditation: Mindful Movement for Mental Health, Well-Being, and Insight”. Exercise can be turned into a powerful meditative practice by focusing the mind on a single thought, object or sensation during exercise can help bring clarity and peace of mind. For example, focusing on your left foot hitting the pavement can help you focus.

Exercise is essential for those seeking better emotional well-being and better mental health. Both physical exercise and meditative movement are activities that you can do to improve the way you feel.

Studies have found that people who exercise daily are at greatly reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Rudolph Tanzi, Kennedy professor of neurology and cofounder of the McCance Center for Brain Health at MGH, states, “It’s hard to imagine anything better for brain health than daily exercise, and our findings shed new light on the mechanism involved: protecting against neuroinflammation, perhaps the biggest killer of brain neurons as we age.”



Building Resilience

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Reinhold Niebuhr

The author of “Healthy Brain, Happy Life” and “Good Anxiety” explains how to harness the power of anxiety into unexpected gifts.

We are living in the age of anxiety. There are about 40 million Americans— or 18% of the population—suffering from clinical anxiety disorders today.

Anxiety is a situation that often makes you feel as if you are locked into an endless cycle of stress, uncertainty, and worry. But, there are ways to leverage your anxiety to help you solve problems and fortify your wellbeing, explains Dr. Wendy Suzuki, PhD, a neuroscientist and professor of Neural Science and Psychology in the Center for Neural Science at New York University. Thus, instead of seeing anxiety strictly as a problem or curse to dread, you recognize it as the unique gift that it is.

Dr. Suzuki has discovered a paradigm-shifting truth about anxiety: yes, it is uncomfortable, but it is also essential for your survival. In fact, anxiety is a key component of your ability to live optimally. Every emotion you experience has an evolutionary purpose, and anxiety is designed to draw your attention to vulnerability. If you simply approach it as something to avoid, get rid of, or dampen, you actually miss an opportunity to improve your life. Listening to your anxieties from a place of curiosity, and without fear or worry, can actually guide you onto a path that leads to inner peace and joy.

Drawing on her own struggles and based on cutting-edge research, Dr. Suzuki has developed strategies for managing unwarranted anxiety and exercises you can do to build your resiliency and mental strength. The exercises include:

Visualize positive outcomes

At the beginning or at the end of each day, think through all those uncertain situations currently in your life — both big and small. Now take each of those and visualize the most optimistic and amazing outcome to the situation. Not just the “okay” outcome, but the best possible one you could imagine.

This process of visualizing “the most optimistic and amazing outcome” should build the muscle of expecting the positive outcome and might even open up ideas for what more you might do to create that outcome of your dreams.

Turn anxiety into progress

Our brain’s plasticity is what enables us to be resilient during challenging times — to learn how to calm down, reassess situations, reframe our thoughts and make smarter decisions.

Reach out

Asking for help, staying connected to friends and family, and actively nurturing supportive, encouraging relationships not only enables you to keep anxiety at bay, but also shores up the sense that you’re not alone.

The belief and feeling that you are surrounded by people who care about you is crucial during times of enormous stress — when you need to fall back on your own resilience in order to persevere and maintain your well-being.

When we are suffering from loss or other forms of distress, it’s natural to withdraw. Yet you also have the power to push yourself into the loving embrace of those who can help take care of you.

Practice positive self-tweeting

Lin-Manual Miranda sends out tweets at the beginning and end of each day. The tweets are essentially upbeat little messages that are funny, singsongy and generally delightful.

If you watch him, you’ll see an inherently resilient, mentally strong and optimistic person.

For you to be that resilient, productive and creative, it’s essential to come up with positive reminders. You don’t necessarily need to share them. The idea is to boost yourself up at the beginning and at the end of the day.

This can be difficult for those who automatically beat themselves up. Instead, think about what your biggest supporter in life — a spouse, partner, sibling, friend, mentor or parent — would tell you, and then tweet, remind or say it to yourself.

Although popular science continues to suggests that persistent, low-level anxiety is detrimental to your health, performance, and wellbeing, but if you could learn how to harness the brain activation underlying your anxiety and make it work for you, you could turn anxiety into superpower, says Dr. Suzuki.

Her research and her own experience demonstrate that this paradigm shift from bad to good anxiety can accelerate focus and productivity, boosts performance, lead to happiness, create compassion, and foster more creativity.

Twenty-five positive quotes and reminders to build resilience:

  1. You’re awesome, Bro.
  2. You can do all things through Christ which strengthens you!
  3. Believe in yourself; have faith in your abilities!
  4. Everyday, in every way, you’re getting better and better, dude!
  5. “Great minds discuss ideas.” Eleanor Roosevelt
  6. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” Robert Collier
  7. “Be patient with yourself.” Stephen Covey
  8. “People will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou
  9. “Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the world belongs to you.” Lao Tzu
  10. “If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.” Andrew Carnegie
  11. “Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” Denis Waitley
  12. “Happiness never decreases by being shared.” Buddha
  13. “The secret of health for both mind and body…is to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” Buddha
  14. “Happiness…is appreciating what you have.”
  15. “We make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill
  16. “Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty.” Charles Dickens
  17. “He is a wise man who rejoices for the things which he has.” Epictetus
  18. “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more.” Oprah Winfrey
  19. “Open your eyes and your heart to a truly precious gift–today.” Steve Maraboli
  20. “This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it.”
  21. “Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.” Brené Brown
  22. “Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.” T. Harv Eker
  23. “Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” Christopher Robin
  24. “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal.” Thomas Jefferson
  25. “Do what you can, where you are, with what you have.” Theodore Roosevelt

“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs–even though checkered by failure–than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.” Theodore Roosevelt



Positive and Optimistic Mindset for Healthy Aging

It’s essential to look ahead with optimism and a positive outlook as you age.

With advance aging, you should adopt an optimistic and positive mind-set and focus on new discoveries and experiences. It’s more important than ever as you age to follow a healthy lifestyle, remain positive and passionate about life, stay connected with family and friends, and look forward to better days ahead.

You must consistently attempt to find things that continue to be meaningful and engaging. These meaningful activities can include traveling around the world, spiritual pursuits, hobbies such as reading or painting, lifelong learning, or spending more time with loved ones. Experts suggest planning for purposeful activities before transitioning to retirement, and to embrace this change and follow where their passions lie.

Try to keep the mind active by challenging yourself to learn something new every week or month, or try something you’ve always wanted to.

Embrace thoughts such as, “As I age, I’ll keep learning,” says Vonetta Dotson, an associate professor of psychology and gerontology at Georgia State University. Feeding yourself a rich diet of positive messages can in itself brighten your outlook.

“Anytime we do something and try new things, it helps to reinforce this feeling of positivity,” Dotson said. “And keep those social connections. When you socialize, your focus is diverted. When you’re by yourself, you may ruminate” about your current and future physical and mental deterioration.”

Better yet, learning something new enables your brain to form new pathways. This helps you stave off gloomy thoughts about the aging process.

“By engaging in rewarding and meaningful activities and staying mentally active, we can retrain our brains,” said Kevin Manning, a neuropsychologist and associate professor of psychiatry at UConn Health. “These activities can enhance our self-efficacy, lessen fears of decline and sharpen our cognitive functioning.”

Ideally, passion drives you to take action. Why sign up for a course on current events or foreign affairs if you find the state of the world dispiriting and you dread consuming the news?

To channel your activity in a more uplifting direction, set short-term goals. If you’re learning a musical instrument, aim to perform a simple piece in one month.

When you embrace a purpose that gives you something to do that’s meaningful,” it focuses your efforts and displaces fears of aging. It’s one of several keys to healthy aging.

The key to healthy aging is a physically, socially, mentally and spiritually active lifestyle and mindset.



Life on the Edge

“As you get older, the days go by quicker and you need to make the time count.” Mary Peachin, Octogenarian

As you age, it becomes more important to “live each day right to the limit”, states octogenarian Mary Peachin, in Costco Connection magazine, September 2021, Members Connection. Peachin has “walk the talk” and lived her life as a self proclaim world-traveling, deep sea diving adrenaline junkie. “If your body aches, you ignore it and keep on trucking”, she preaches.

When it comes to going after what you love in life, do not take no for an answer. You should expect and intend to live a life well lived and always believe the best is yet to come

“Life is too short not to enjoy it.”

Make your life happen and take action today. Be amongst the few who dared to live their dreams. Live your life in such a way that there is no regret.

Time is short; live every day for a higher purpose. Let’s invest the limited time we have on your life’s purpose and mission. Do not focus on your problems and challenges; instead focus on purpose and destination.

Life is brief and it passes quickly. The average American male lives to be 70 years 4 months. The average American female lives 70 years 4 months. To live life to its fullest, it is not the quantity of your life, but the quality.

Time is running out for all of us.

“Your job will not take care of you when your elderly and sick, your friends and family will.”

  1. Select a few friends to be close to in your life and communicate and strengthen your relationship with them
  2. Get over those who disappoint you and refuse to let those people steal your joy
  3. Lift up and encourage those who are recovering from failure. Treat people with Grace.
  4. Ignore your critics. Decide to see the good in the experience and growth, the lessons you learned and the relationships you made.
  5. Stay fully focused on your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Believe the best! Christ teaches us to believe the best…faith, hope and love. Remember to rejoice and be glad. If God is for us, who can be against us!

The most effective way to live life on the edge is to “find an edge and Live there”, states Peachin. And, you can start to “find an edge” by writing down your dreams and priorities in life, and then focusing on fulfilling those written dreams and priorities. It starts with knowing what you want, and it ends with getting what you wanted. It’s often that simple.

Save for and invest in the things that matter most!

In every positive or negative situation, there are always options. Remember you are the one pulling the strings, and when things look hopeless, it’s because you’re choosing not look at the things that truly matter. You’re choosing to see the the bad stuff, and they have little to do with your ability to change your circumstances. The trick is that you have to see the ocean of opportunity, not that little bucket of water (problems) that you tripped over.

We must decide to see the good and not dwell on the failure, but instead focus on the positives from the experience. Limits do not exist. You have weaknesses of course and we all do, but focus on your strengths. Remember if you’re feeling scared and fearful, it means you’re trying something new.

People don’t run marathons because it feels good.

When you feel bad about your situation, you’re thinking about the mistakes of yesterday, and not the opportunity of right now and the hope for tomorrow. You’re thinking about what has and what can go wrong, and not what can go right.

When you’re feeling defeated and discouraged, ascertain what you’re really focusing on. It important to focus on how far you’ve come, the opportunities that lie ahead, and the resources available you have to go forward.

“What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it.” Oprah Winfrey

Always think bigger and focus on your purpose. Build the world as you want it to be.


  1. Costco Connection, September 2021, Vol. 36, No. 9, pg. 119

“Those who are the happiest are not necessarily those for whom life has been easiest. Emotional stability results from an attitude. It is refusing to yield to depression and fear, even when black clouds float overhead. It is improving that which can be improved and accepting that which is inevitable.” ― James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: The Next Generation’s Guide to a Meaningful Future

Chase Your Purpose, Not Your Passion

Focus less on what makes you feel passionate, and more on what you truly care about, your purpose. Harvard Business School Professor Jon Jachimowicz

Chase Your Purpose, Not Your Passion, according to new Harvard Business Review research. The research shows that chasing your passion makes you less satisfied at work because work can be often difficult, draining, and even boring.

Research on passion suggests three key things:

  1. Passion is not something one finds, but rather, it is something to be developed;
  2. It is challenging to pursue your passion, especially as it wanes over time; and
  3. Passion can also lead us astray, and it is therefore important to recognize its limits.

Trade “purpose” for “passion”. 

We try to pursue our passion when we chase after what gives us the most joy or provides the most pleasure. In one study, researchers found that commencement speakers gave students advice on how to pursue their passion. Much of the advice centered on “focusing on what you love” as the way to follow your passion. But some speakers described the pursuit of passion as “focusing on what you care about.”

The distinction is subtle but meaningful: focusing on what you love associates passion with what you enjoy and what makes you happy, whereas focusing on what you care about aligns passion with your purpose, your values and the impact you want to have on your community and the world.

Instead of asking what makes you happy and “following your passion,” instead ask yourself what you care deeply about…what’s your purpose in life, according to Harvard Business School professor Jon Jachimowicz.

By focusing on purpose, you align your work with your deepest values, and also relieve yourself of the expectation that the long slog of a career will be all (or even mostly) happiness and sunshine. 

Purpose gives you the resilience to succeed.  

Jachimowicz says research backs up his claim that chasing purpose will make you more successful than chasing passion.  “In a set of studies, he found that passion alone is only weakly related to employees’ performance at their work. But the combination of passion and perseverance–i.e., the extent to which employees stick with their goals even in the face of adversity–was related to higher performance,” he writes. 

A well-rooted sense of purpose gives you way more resilience than passion alone ever could. And that resilience is what is likely to make you successful over the long haul.

Try to follow your passion and ask yourself this simple question: What do I truly care about?

Purpose is a far better career compass than passion and joy.  

“You don’t “find your calling,” you fight for it…” Dave Isay, StoryCorps founder

“You don’t just “find” your calling — you have to fight for it”, explains Dave Isay, StoryCorps founder. “People who’ve found their calling have a fire about them. They’re the people who are dying to get up in the morning and go do their work.”



Emotional Well-being: Gratitude

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

November is National Gratitude Month. There is always something on our daily lives to be grateful for.

In the Oxford Dictionary, gratitude is defined as “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.”

Gratitude is about putting our attention towards the positive. When you do that, you help improve your physical and mental well-being. It is one simple way to change one’s perspective of the world. It allows you to appreciate the positive, rather than focus on the negative aspects of your life and the world. Learning to be grateful helps you appreciate the little things in life that you may to take for granted.

Many of people express gratitude by saying “thank you” to someone who has helped them or given them a gift. But from a scientific perspective, gratitude is not just an action: it is also the positive emotion. It’s a state of being, where you feel a sense of appreciation that comes from deep within.

We should try to live everyday showing gratitude and appreciation to one another. Yet, as we get busy and focused on our day-to-day activities, responsibilities, and requirements.

Gratitude can be the same way. It’s not that we don’t feel thankful for things, people, or circumstances in our lives, but sometimes our lives get in the way and we lose focus on being grateful.

Research states that people who practice gratitude every day are not only happier but also healthier. On average, people who are grateful tend to have lower stress-related illnesses, lowered blood pressure, are more physically fit, happier, and have more personal and professional relationships with others.

There are many ways to embrace gratitude. And, it is important to acknowledge something each day that you are grateful for. Here are some other ideas:

  • Start a gratitude journal. Write a quick sentence about someone or something that you were grateful about that day. It can help you find appreciate for things around you, even among the stress from that day. And when you review what you’ve written, you’ll be able to reflect with appreciation those relationships or situations.
  • Say “please” and “thank you.” These simple words go beyond basic manners. They show respect, kindness, appreciation, and acknowledge someone else’s efforts. You could be the one thank you someone received that day.
  • Take the time for mindful reflection. Take a few minutes to focus on the present moment. It can reduce stress and cultivate the ability to be present in the moment and teach you to accept yourself and circumstances.
  • Spread gratitude. Share gratitude with other people. Tell them how much you appreciate their services, care, friendship, etc. Show your family how grateful you are to have them in your life, let them know how they make your life better just by being a part of it.
  • Give back to the community. Show your gratitude and appreciation by giving back to the community. Helping out in the community is a good way to appreciate everything in life. So do your part and become something that others can be grateful for.
  • Wake up and express gratitude for three things every morning. When you wake up each morning, try to immediately think of at least three things you’re grateful for. It can help you get in a positive mindset to start your day. You can express gratitude for something you’re looking forward to that day, or just for simply waking up again.

It’s easy to lose focus on gratitude. It’s t’s easy to forget that even the little things we do have a positive and beneficial impact on our family and friends.

Being grateful means finding and focusing more on the good. It means finding something to be grateful for amid the negative and chaos.

Gratitude has been proven to generate a positive impact on psychological, physical, and personal well-being. Practicing gratitude or reflecting on what you’re grateful for is an effective way to deal with life’s chaotic, stressful and tense moments. Grateful people tend to sleep better, have lower stress levels, exercise more often, and eat healthier.

“Give gratitude a try! You’ll be happier you did.”




“Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally…in the service of self-understanding and wisdom.” Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD. Professor of Medicine emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and Founder of the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society

Mindfulness helps you live in the moment.

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on in the environment around us. It means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.

Mindfulness is a quality that every human being already possesses. To live mindfully is to live in the moment and reawaken oneself to the present, rather than dwelling on the past or anticipating (anxiety) the future, according to Psychology Today.

To be mindful is to observe and label thoughts, feelings, sensations in the body in an objective manner. Mindfulness can therefore be a tool to avoid self-criticism and judgment while identifying and managing difficult emotions.

The goal of mindfulness is to wake up to the inner workings of our mental, emotional, and physical processes and well-being.

Mindfulness helps us put some space between ourselves and our reactions, breaking down our conditioned responses. It is available to us in every moment, whether through meditations and body scans, or mindful moment practices like taking time to pause and breathe.

Mindfulness can be viewed as a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress.

Simple mindfulness exercises can be practiced anywhere and anytime. Here’s how to tune into mindfulness throughout the day, according to

  1. Set aside some time and adjourn to a quiet space.
  2. Observe the present moment as it is. The aim of mindfulness is not quieting the mind, or attempting to achieve a state of eternal calm. The goal is simple: we’re aiming to pay attention to the present moment, without judgment.
  3. Let your judgments roll by. When we notice judgments arise during our practice, we can make a mental note of them, and let them pass.
  4. Return to observing the present moment as it is. Our minds can get carried away in thought. That’s why mindfulness is the practice of returning, again and again, to the present moment.
  5. Be kind to your wandering mind. Don’t judge yourself for whatever thoughts crop up, just practice recognizing when your mind has wandered off, and gently bring it back.

That’s the practice of mindfulness. It’s often been said that it’s very simple, but it’s not necessarily easy. The work is to just keep doing it. Results will accrue overtime.

Benefits of Mindfulness Practice:

When we’re mindful, we reduce stress, enhance performance, gain insight and awareness through observing our own mind, and increase our attention to others’ well-being.

Mindfulness meditation gives us a time in our lives when we can suspend judgment and unleash our natural curiosity about the workings of the mind, approaching our experience with warmth and kindness—to ourselves and others.

Yet no matter how far we drift away, mindfulness is right there to snap us back to where we are and what we’re doing and feeling.

“Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention to the present. This state is described as observing one’s thoughts and feelings without judging them as good or bad.” Psychology Today

Mindfulness can help you become more content, can help maximize your enjoyment of life and daily activities, and can allow a more relaxing and peaceful night’s sleep.



Omega-3 EPA and DHA

When it comes to the benefits of omega-3 fish oil supplementation, the evidence shows that it benefits both the mind and heart.  Our brains, hearts, and bodies appear to suffer when we don’t get enough of these healthy and essential fats. In terms of brain and heart health, omega-3s derived from wild cold water fish oil (or grass-fed animal fat and other kinds of seafood) are best because they are loaded with two particular brain- and heart-healthy essential fatty acids (EFAs) called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

A Harvard School of Public Health study published in 2011 found that omega-3 deficiency is likely the sixth biggest killer of Americans, and maybe the underlying factor of roughly 96,000 premature deaths each year!

What Are the Benefits of Omega-3 Supplements?

Scientific Benefits of Omega-3 Supplements | BrainMD

First, the most important fact to remember about omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs) is that they are indeed essential, meaning that your body needs to get them from your diet. Unfortunately, with today’s modern diet, which is light on omega-3-rich foods (fish, grass-fed meats, nuts, seed and dark leafy greens) and heavy on foods with saturated fats and oils (corn, safflower, soybean, sunflower, cottonseed, peanut, etc.) that are rich in omega-6 EFAs.

The American Heart Association recommend at least two oily fish meals per week (which equates to roughly 500 mg per day of EPA and DHA), a full gram per day for those with coronary heart disease—and even more for those with high triglyceride levels—there’s good reason.

  • Inflammation. Studies indicate that DHA and EPA from fish oil may support healthy inflammation levels in the body.10 Keeping inflammation levels in check supports a healthy vascular system.
  • Blood pressure and heart function. Research has also correlated adequate amounts of DHA and EPA with healthy blood pressure levels.11 And while still inconclusive, some studies have shown that EPA and DHA may play a role in healthy heart rhythm.12
  • Triglycerides. Having a high level of triglycerides, a type of fat (lipid) in your blood, can increase your risk of heart disease. A very strong body of research suggests that DHA and EPA help to maintain healthy triglyceride levels.13

Our brains, hearts, and bodies appear to suffer when we don’t get enough of these healthy fats. In terms of brain and heart health, omega-3s derived from wild cold water fish oil are best because they are loaded with two particular brain- and heart-healthy EFAs called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Literally, thousands of scientific studies have been conducted using fish oil rich in these two nutritional dynamos—with mostly promising results.

Major Benefits of EPA and DHA For Your Health

It has been scientifically demonstrated that your brain needs the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA to function optimally. Though not technically classed as essential, these fatty acids are called essential for a reason – our bodies need them, and the only sure way to get enough of them is through foods or supplements. Let’s take a closer look at these two most important omega-3 fatty acids.

Power Team: EPA + DHA

Humans need a variety of fatty acids for our cell membranes to function. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are essential to the functioning of all our 30 trillion cells. They’re building blocks for the membrane systems that do most of the heavy lifting for our cells.

We require premade EPA+DHA from our diet. Unfortunately, the modern diet has an unhealthy balance of fatty acids: we get an abundance of saturated and omega-6 fatty acids and not nearly enough omega-3s. Also, most of the omega-3s we do get must be converted to EPA+DHA, which the body doesn’t do effectively.

Numerous surveys indicate populations that don’t consume a lot of seafood (such as the U.S.) don’t get sufficient supplies of EPA and DHA from their diet. Since plant foods don’t supply them, the main dietary sources of EPA and DHA are cold-water fish and dietary supplements. Considering the widespread contamination of seafood by mercury and other toxins, many experts advise that taking a purified fish oil supplement could be a smart choice.

 1. Promotes Healthy Mood

EPA+DHA have been tested on adults with mood problems in at least 26 randomized, controlled clinical trials. Two meta-analyses, which analyze the data pooled from all the best trials, have concluded that these omega-3s are consistently beneficial for mood. These meta-analyses also suggest that fish oils with more EPA than DHA work better, with the best ratio being around 1.5 to 1 EPA to DHA.

Children and adolescents with mood difficulties commonly have problems with academic performance, self-esteem, and socialization. In two clinical trials with youth aged 7-14 years, EPA+DHA 1600 mg per day (1400 mg EPA, 200 mg DHA) for 12 weeks substantially improved coping with distraction and stress – as well as mood, irritability, and self-esteem – compared with placebo.

 2. Improves Attention and Behavior

Children and adolescents with attention and learning challenges often have low Omega-3 Index values (about 3% on average, compared to a healthy 8% or higher). A 2018 meta-analysis concluded that supplementation with EPA+DHA improved parental reports of attention and behavior, as well as mental focus on cognitive tests. The researchers concluded that to ensure the most benefit, the EPA dose should be at least 500 mg per day.

 3. Essential for the Heart and Circulation

Numerous health agencies worldwide recommend EPA and DHA for promoting and enhancing cardiovascular health. Meta-analyses clearly indicate that supplementation with EPA+DHA at doses of 2-3 grams per day can promote healthy triglyceride status and blood pressure regulation. Additionally, EPA+DHA supplementation can improve blood vessel function, especially their capacities for relaxation and flexibility.

 4. Supports Healthy Immunity

The immune system is the body’s security force. When the body is invaded, it goes on full alert to eliminate the threat. EPA and DHA support healthy immune responsiveness.

Having sufficient EPA+DHA in our tissues gives the immune system the option to generate messengers from them to coordinate its activities. Healthy immunity is held in delicate balance by EPA and DHA. No other omega-3s can substitute for EPA and DHA in this crucial role.

 5. Vital for Healthy Pregnancy

Babies of mothers who have good EPA+DHA status through pregnancy have a lower risk for problems with mood, cognition, and behavior in their early childhood. DHA, the predominant omega-3 in our cell membranes, is essential to the developing fetal heart, brain, and retina.

A meta-analysis of 38 trials concluded that children born to mothers with higher prenatal EPA+DHA intakes show better motor, vision, and cognitive development in their first two years of life. Yet U.S. women on average have considerably lower EPA+DHA intakes than recommended by the U.S. National Institute of Medicine.

 6. Total Brain and Body Protection

EPA and DHA have been shown to protect brain circulatory function and preserve memory and other cognitive capacities. EPA and DHA support many other organs and body systems including the liver (by preventing triglyceride buildup), the joints (promoting joint comfort), eyes (essential for retinal function), and muscles (protecting against mobility loss as we age).

With strong evidence supporting the positive effects of omega-3s EPA and DHA on the brain, heart, and entire body, taking a fish oil supplement daily can have a significant impact on individual wellness. BrainMD is proud to recommend its new, high EPA and DHA premium liquid fish oil…



COVID-19 Self-Care Coach

During times of stress, it’s especially important to set time aside for self-care.

The world is facing an unprecedented medical crisis. During these stressful times, you may become so overwhelmed with work, daily life or caring for your family that you forget to take care of yourself. Remember, you must take care of yourself first so you can continue to care for others. Thus, it’s important to get into a good self-care routine to prevent stress and to enhance your emotional well-being and mental health.

There are many stressors in life such as not knowing what might happen next to your family members, friends or your community during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Those are the key ingredients to creating PTSD: having stressors where it’s uncertain, uncontrolled, and unpredictable,” says Karestan Koenen, a psychologist at Harvard University’s T. H. Chan School of Public Health

Body, mind and spirit

Your mind and body are connected. You deserve care that supports your total health — mind, body, and spirit. If you struggle with depression, anxiety, addiction, or other mental or emotional issues that interfere with your daily life, there is help.

The National Center for PTSD created an app called Covid Coach, a tool designed to help people manage stress, reduce anxiety, for meditation and improved sleep. And, it provides information about coping strategies. It offers breathing exercises and other guidance for tackling loneliness and irritability. It lets users track their anxiety and moods. It’s loaded with resources for getting help with problems like substance abuse or domestic violence. It’s available for free in the Apple and Android app stores.

Set a Personal Goal

One effective tool of the COVID Coach relates to setting a personal goal. Setting a personal goal can be helpful to ensure you’re making time for yourself. For example, you might set a goal to connect with a friend this week by phone or video, make yourself a favorite meal, or do whatever it is that you enjoy that you can do for yourself.

Stay home during the holiday season

As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, many public health officials stress why not traveling and not gathering with family and friends is the safest choice for the holidays.

Throughout this challenging time, your health and safety should remain your top priority. Protect yourself and your loved ones with the help of this COVID Coach.

It’s hard to know where you’re going if you don’t know where you are.

