Psychosocial Health

It’s important that you choose to be happy, healthy and at peace!

Health is defined as the overall mental, emotional and physical state of a person; the absence of disease and ailment. On the other hand, wellness or well-being refers to the state of being in optimal mental and physical health.

But wellness is more than optimal mental, emotional and physical health. It’s about living a life in harmony, full of personal responsibility and taking proactive steps for one’s entire well-being. Thus, a person living life very well controls risk factors that can harm them. Risk factors are different types of actions or conditions that increase a person’s chances for illness or injury.

Psychosocial (mental, emotional, social, and spiritual) health and wellness

“The secret of a better and more successful life is to cast out those old dead unhealthy thoughts.” Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Psychosocial health includes four important components of well-being. It means being mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually sound which fortunately is no longer lost on traditional modern medicine. There’s plenty of proof that a healthy mind, content heart and grateful attitude are just as important for the prevention of diseases and therapeutic treatment. Therefore, this concept of psychosocial health, a state of mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being, deserves much attention and additional research.

Basic Traits of Psychosocial Health

“The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.” William James

Individuals who are deemed to be psychosocially healthy aren’t completely devoid of problems. Actually, it’s not the quantity or quality of a problem, which makes someone sound in this respect. It’s the way people view themselves and how they view and response to stressful situations that sets psychosocially healthy people apart from those who are not. Here are just a few traits shared by these robust individuals. They:

  • Like themselves
  • Accept their mistakes
  • Take care of themselves
  • Have empathy for others
  • Control their anger, hate, tension, and anxiety
  • Are optimistic
  • Can work alone and with others equally well

Mental Health

“To make your mind healthy, you must feed it nourishing, wholesome thoughts.” Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

The thinking portion of psychosocial health is known as mental health. Your beliefs and values in life, as well as how you relate to others and respond to situations in your life, are a reflection of mental health, which overlaps with the other aspect of health.

When something happens to you that you don’t like and you respond in a positive manner by accepting your mistake and looking forward to its correction, then that’s good. But if you show up late for work regularly, get fired, and then blame anyone but yourself, then that may be an indicator of less than ideal mental and emotional health.

Emotional Health

The feeling part of psychosocial health is called emotional health. This includes things like anger, love, hate, and happiness. Oftentimes, emotional and mental health overlap a great deal in some situations. Going back to our example of getting fired from work because you came in late multiple time, if you feel a bit down, but still have high hopes for the future, that’s a positive thing. But if you lash out in a blinding rage against your boss, sulk when you go home, and avoid everyone thereafter, then that may point to improper emotional health.

Furthermore, it’s not unexpected even for an emotionally healthy person to experience some sadness and grief after getting fired; that by itself isn’t conclusive of poor emotional health. Everyone, even the most optimistic people, have their ups and downs. But an emotionally healthy person is one that responds to a situation in a manner that is controllable, in proportion, and with understanding.

Emotional intelligence is an ability to understand and manage your emotions and those of others. It can be broken up into five main parts:

  • Know your emotions: Are you able to quickly recognize your feelings?
  • Manage your emotions: Can you express those feelings appropriately? Are you able to cope with them well?
  • Motivate yourself: The more you can do this independently in order to achieve more in your life, the higher your emotional intelligence.
  • Recognize the emotions of others: The more you can empathize with others, the better.
  • Handle your relationships: The better you are at navigating conflict in life and building a good social network, the higher your emotional intelligence.

Social Health

Having healthy relationships is a good way to also introduce social health, the ability to create and maintain healthy relationships with others. I’m sure you can already appreciate how much this is related to the concepts we went over in emotional health. Everything here is related because they are all part of the one overarching concept – psychosocial health.

Social health goes beyond having appropriate emotional health and intelligence. A person with good social health:

  • Recognizes the importance of social engagement. We’re pack animals after all! We’re not supposed to live alone!
  • A person with good social health is able to support their friends in a time of need and ask for their help when they need it themselves.
  • They aren’t biased, prejudiced, racist, or sexist.
  • Listens to others well, expresses their feelings just as well, and acts in a responsible manner around others.

An example of a person with good social health is someone who has close friends. They enjoy listening to and feels close enough to share important feelings with. The contrast is a curmudgeon who is bad-tempered and discourages close personal relationships.

Spiritual Health

When you enhance your spirituality, you form a relationship built on inner peace, love, faith and security.

Spiritual health is about having “something more” in your life. In practical terms, we’re talking about getting to know yourself—getting to know what you’re feeling, what you’re thinking, what you’re intending, what your fears are, and what your loves are, according to Gary Zukav author of Seat of the Soul.

Relationships can transform into a spiritual connection and partnership. If we use our relationships with ourselves, others and God (or an entity that is transcendent) to make us wiser, kinder, peaceful, grateful and more compassionate, we can actually change how the relationships work for us. We can have and enjoy the relationships and lives we’ve always dreamed of.

Higher levels of spirituality have also been linked to increased compassion, strengthened relationships, and improved self-esteem. “Our findings show that spirituality is significantly associated with better mental health and well-being and may add to an individual’s overall wisdom,” explains Dilip Jeste, senior associate dean for the Center of Healthy Aging and a professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at the UC San Diego School of Medicine. “Spirituality does not require religious faith but is characterized by humility and ever-present connectedness to oneself or to others or to an entity that is transcendent, such as Mother Nature or God or the soul. It helps reduce stress in many people and allows them to be more at peace, happier, and healthier.”




Physical wellness: This means we exercise, eat well, practice safe sex, don’t do any dangerous activities like jumping off of buildings, and so on. Physical fitness increases physical wellness. By being physically fit and well, you are better able to take care of yourself and others, especially in a time of need. You are also better able to prevent illness and disease.

Intellectual wellness: Critical thinking, being curious, and always learning new things. Developing intellectual wellness is critical not only to help a person grow in school and do better at work, but it actually prevents the onset of disease. It’s been shown that people who regularly learn new things and challenge their mind can stave off many mental health problems.

Emotional wellness: Being confident, having a solid self-esteem, building trust, and being able to understand another’s feelings. A person who is emotionally well is aware of their feelings and is able to properly cope with them. Emotional wellness also implies a person can deal well with stressful situations.

Social wellness: Having good communication skills, the ability to establish good and healthy long-term relationships, and having good relationships with family and friends. Interpersonal relationships are very important in order to maintain a good emotional and physical state of being. We are, of course, ‘pack animals,’ so to speak, that depend on one another to survive and live well.

Spiritual wellness: The path to a spiritual wellness and relationship depends upon you because how you relate to yourself determines how spiritual you are toward others, according to Deepak Chopra. Developing compassion, forgiveness, being caring, having a sense of purpose and meaning in life. Spiritual wellness doesn’t automatically imply the need for religion in a person’s life. But, it does imply a personal relationship with God or committing to something higher. This personal relationship or commitment to something higher can be developed and found through things like nature, meditation, volunteer work, and family.

Mahatma Gandhi:

  1. You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
  2. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
  3. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
  4. Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.



America’s Mental Health Epidemic

“Be sure to give each other a lot of grace and be kind and forgiving to each other. We’re all experiencing heightened levels of uncertainty and anxiety right now. Giving an extra beat of patience to others is critical.” Dani Fallin, chair of the Department of Mental Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

The mental health impact of COVID-19 are real, widespread and growing exponentially. The immense stress and emotional trauma experienced by vulnerable individuals, families and households amid the pandemic has given rise to an unprecedented mental-health crisis. Additionally, there’s strong evidence showing that social isolation and distancing can increase symptoms of mental illnesses like depression and anxiety.

Data is staggering

The latest data reveals some of the most frightening and staggering spikes in anxiety, depression, substance use, drug overdose and suicide rates that behavioral-health experts have ever witnessed, according to Babette Hankey, president/CEO of Aspire Health Partners in Orlando.

A recent survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on adult mental health found that more than 40% of U.S. adults have reported at least one mental health issue during this pandemic, and more than 1 in 10 adults had seriously considered suicide. During this period, 7 out of 10 young adults (18-24 years old) reported experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression and more than 25% have seriously considered suicide.

In the wake of the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak, many people may feel anxiety or stress.

Everyone responses differently

Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations such as the seemingly enduring COVID-19 pandemic infectious disease outbreak. It is normal to experience a wide range of emotions. Yet, it’s important for people to take care of themselves physically, emotionally, and mentally.

According to the CDC study, the rate of substance abuse and/or suicidal thoughts among unpaid caregivers more than tripled between May and the end of June.

Older Americans appear to be more resilient to the strain of the pandemic compared to the young: The study found rates of anxiety, depression, substance abuse and suicidal thoughts were most prevalent among those aged 18 to 24, and the prevalence of these issues “decreased progressively with age.”

Black and Hispanic Americans tended to have higher rates of mental health issues tied to the pandemic than did whites, the study also found.

Of course, unemployment or the threat of it is a major source of anxiety for millions in 2020. So, efforts aimed at “strengthening economic supports to reduce financial strain” should be part of an effort to boost mental health, the researchers said.

According to the CDC, reactions during the outbreak can include:

  • Fear and worry about your health status and that of your loved ones who may have been exposed to COVID-19.
  • Increase levels of stress, anxiety, hopelessness and depression.
  • Changes in sleep or eating patterns.
  • Difficulty sleeping or concentrating.
  • Worsening of chronic health problems.
  • Increased use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.

Learning to cope with anxiety and stress

Figuring out ways to cope with anxiety and stress can help you, your loved ones and your community. If stress begins to interfere with your daily life, reach out to your healthcare provider.

These numbers, although startling, are unsurprising to mental health experts given the emotionally taxing measures local and state governments have taken to reduce the spread of the virus: children and grandchildren have been separated from their parents and grandparents; students are prevented from attending school; and the sick and dying have been denied the embrace of loved ones.

During this unique moment in the nation’s history, American society and economy have slowed down, we’re experiencing unprecedented social unrest and political rancor, and, many have been left feeling powerless and uncertain about their physical health and financial wellbeing as well as that of their loved ones.

The importance of self-care during this challenging time.

“Seek out ways to have social and professional engagement while adhering to social distancing…can help people feel connected socially with their colleagues, family, and friends, and maintain a sense of belonging.” Dani Fallin, chair of the Department of Mental Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

  • Avoid excessive exposure to media coverage of COVID-19. Be aware and conscious of your news and media intake. The more time you spend consuming news about the pandemic, the more likely you are to feel anxious and concerned. That’s especially true at home, when you’re able to access news media 24/7.
  • Take care of your body. Take deep breaths, stretch or meditate. Eat healthy, well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep and avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs.
  • Make time to unwind and remind yourself that strong feelings will fade. Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories. It can be upsetting to hear about the crisis and see images repeatedly. Try to do some other activities you enjoy to return to your healthy life.
  • Learn a new hobby or skill like gardening, a foreign language or a musical instrument. Devote yourself to learning and growing everyday.
  • Connect with others. Share your concerns and how you are feeling with a friend or family member. Maintain healthy relationships.
  • Maintain a sense of hope that “this too shall pass” and maintain positive outlook and thinking. Have faith in your inherent resilience to persevere and overcome life’s extraordinary challenges brought on by the pandemic.

Take care of your mental health

Mental health is an important part of overall physical health and emotional wellbeing. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It may also affect how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices during uncertain situations or an emergency.

Again, we stress to contact your healthcare provider if you think you have new or worsening mental health symptoms or stress (or anxiety) gets in the way of your daily activities for consecutive days.



Mental Health Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

“Many experts believe there’s going to be a second curve, which is the mental health impact of COVID.” Alison Malmon, founder and executive director of the nonprofit organization Active Minds

The pandemic has stressed the mental health and well-being of millions of Americans

During this unprecedented time of uncertainty and fear, it is likely that mental health issues and substance use disorders among Americans will be exacerbated. Since epidemics in the past have been shown to induce general stress and anxiety across a population and may lead to new mental health and substance use issues, according to The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

Experts warn of an upcoming wave of mental disorders because of coronavirus. In the past, unprecedented times like a pandemic are almost always accompanied by increases in depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance use disorder, a broad range of other mental and behavioral disorders, domestic violence, and child abuse, according to a recent opinion piece published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Sandro Galea, MD, MPH, DrPH, a professor at the Boston University School of Public Health.

“If the country continues to ignore the collateral damage — specifically our nation’s mental health — we will not come out of this stronger.” Benjamin F. Miller, PsyD, chief strategy officer at Well Being Trust.

Preliminary data shows the pandemic has already negatively affected people’s mental health and well-being, particularly college students, according to Catherine Grus, the American Psychological Association’s chief education officer. More than one in three adults in the U.S. have reported symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic. The negative implications on mental health and well-being of social distancing practices and job loss related to the economic recession on mental health is significant and growing

According to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll, more than half of Americans — 56% –reported that worry or stress related to the outbreak has led to at least one negative mental health effect.

Those negative mental health and well-being effects include trouble with eating or sleeping, drinking alcohol more, frequent headaches or stomachaches, shorter tempers, and other health problems. Among frontline health care workers and their families, 64% reported worsened mental health, as did 65% of those who had lost income.

Another recent report, released Friday from the Well Being Trust, said the pandemic could lead to 75,000 additional “deaths of despair” from drug and alcohol misuse and suicide due to unemployment, social isolation, and fears about the virus.

Disproportionate impact on African Americans and people of color

Additionally, it’s important to address the fact that the pandemic and the economic fallout has disproportionately affected Black Americans and people of color who have experienced higher mortality rates due to the coronavirus, as well as higher rates of unemployment.

Patrice Harris, MD, immediate past president of the American Medical Association, says COVID-19 worsened the mental and physical health problems that African Americans were already having.

“Pre-COVID-19, in the last 8 to 10 years, we have seen an increase in the number of suicide attempts in our African American youth, increased reports of stress and anxiety in African Americans in general and, unfortunately, we have also seen an increase in a [lack of] access to mental health care,” she says. “That is the foundation from which we have entered … [the] COVID-19 pandemic.”

Since the pandemic came to the United States, Harris says, much of the country has shown signs of more anxiety, stress, and worry. “If you add that to the foundation that we have pre-existing conditions around health and equity, then it just adds to the level of stress, anxiety, and trauma felt by the [African American] community.”

Access to needed health care services was a concern prior to the pandemic

It is imperative that our society focus efforts to educate Americans, especially students and people of color, on issues such as stress, depression and anxiety, and provide ways to cope with these maladies. Many Americans will likely require mental health and substance use services. Consequently, the pandemic spotlights both existing and new barriers to accessing mental health and substance use disorder services.

Among households that report skipping or delaying health care during the pandemic, 4% state that as a result, their or a family member’s mental health condition worsened. For people with insurance coverage, an increasingly common barrier to accessing mental health care is a lack of in-network options for mental health and substance use care.

Limited access to mental health care and substance use treatment is in part due to a current shortage of mental health professionals, which will likely be exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“People look at the pandemic and they tend to be drawn to the negative. If we can help shift people to look at the positive, it really helps because we know that neurons that fire together wire together.” Heather Aston, Program Manager, San Diego Access and Crisis Line

It’s helpful to learn about “distress tolerance” skills, which involve accepting that some problems are beyond one’s control. Instead of becoming mired in feelings of unfairness and anger, people can learn healthier ways of thinking and coping when they can’t escape painful situations like a pandemic and economic recession.

Even with the looming epidemic of mental health issues, experts say that people are resilient and can strive to protect their emotional well-being. People can develop their own psychological tools. Experts offer:

  • Try to to eat healthy, exercise daily and sleep well.
  • Try to stay socially connected with friends and families, even if you can’t see others in person.
  • Limit negative news and social media.

How Americans are coping during COVID-19

