Negativity Bias

The human brain is wired to give more weight to negative information than to positive or neutral information. It is wired to focus on what’s wrong in your life and environment.

Negativity bias is thought to have evolved as a survival mechanism of the human brain. Historically, recognizing and reacting to negative or threatening stimuli was crucial for survival, as these could indicate potential dangers such as predators. It allowed humans to survive the challenges and risks of living in the wild amongst predators.

This evolutionary background has led to a predisposition for humans to focus on negative information, which persists even in modern environments where such immediate threats are less common.

An example of negativity bias is: You are hiking with friends. While enjoying the scenery, you suddenly see a rattlesnake. The snake immediately slithers away. However, when asked about the hike later, you remember the snake incident more vividly than the beautiful scenery.

Being aware of negativity bias and actively seeking positive information can help balance the disproportionate focus on negative events.

Negativity bias causes you to dwell on the negative, making bad experiences seem much more important than they really are. This, in turn, can impact your decision-making and the opinions you form about others.

Negativity bias is a cognitive bias where negative experiences have a greater impact than positive ones. While negativity bias is pervasive, it can be mitigated through mindfulness, gratitude and focusing on positive experiences.


  1. Kassiani Nikolopoulou, What Is Negativity Bias,, February 2, 2023.


Sentences That Will Get You Ahead

Sentences that will get you ahead:

  • Journaling is the most timeless and priceless form of therapy that will help you think clearly, understand yourself better, and make a better sense of life. 
  • Every second you spend comparing your life to someone else’s is a second spent wasting yours. So stop comparing and create your own definition of success instead.
  • You grow rich when you seek new experiences, not material things. 
  • You spend your entire life inside your head, so make it a good place to be. 
  • You have to believe in yourself before anyone else does. That’s the cornerstone upon which real confidence is built. 
  • Stay curious, question everything, and if you want something, ask for it.
  • The life you experience is simply a reflection of your mindset and habits. 
  • You will never lose if you never quit. 
  • Accept people for who they are and not who you want them to be.
  • The best revenge is no revenge. Improve yourself and forget they exist.

Success Lies in Your Mindset and Habits

Some people stop because it’s hard while some people start because it’s hard. The difference between those who give up and those who push through challenges lie in their mindset and habits.

If you feel that you are still stuck in the same place as you were last week, last month, last year, etc etc.

Then you blame everyone and everything else as to why you aren’t where you want to be, and why you aren’t making progress, taking zero accountability for yourself which keeps you stuck in the same place.

It’s time to realize that achieving your goals and realizing your future lies within you and your ability to “think” to “achieve”.

If you are someone who’s struggling in your business, career or life goals or you are afraid to try something new….please know the only problem is you and the problem lies within you.

Harsh truth…It’s time to work on your mindset and habits..especially if you want to attain any desire goal or level you aspire to achieve!

Your mindset and habits are not in the place that allows you to try something new such as starting that online business or workout program or continued progress and success within your goals.

Instead of seeing challenges and obstacles as roadblocks, successful individuals view them as opportunities for growth and learning.

When faced with a tough situation successful people don’t back down – they rise up to the challenge to show what they are truly capable of.

It’s time to work on your habits, thoughts and mindset!

Because, It’s your thoughts, beliefs, mindset, and the consistent actions and systems you put in place that truly shape your life.

As James Clear, in his book “Atomic Habits,” said:

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems (habits).”

Clear emphasizes the importance of surrounding yourself with people who have the habits you want to have and empathizes the transformative potential of small, consistent improvements.



Your Mind is Powerful

Your mind is powerful. What you spend your time thinking about manifests itself into reality. So focus your mind on what you really want in life, and make it happen.

You spend so much mental energy on your fears, worries, disappointments, and regrets.

To reach any goal, you must decide that it’s yours.

Once you make a commitment and focus on it every day, you will find the forces of the universe bringing that goal to you. With your thoughts tuned in to your goal, you form a keener awareness and opportunities you never noticed before.

Define your goal, focus on it, and prepare to succeed.

John D. Rockfeller and The Rockfeller Foundation

John D. Rockefeller was the richest person in American history, with an estimated net worth of $340 billion in today’s dollars.

John D. Rockfeller (July 8, 1839–May 23, 1937), the founder of Standard Oil, was once the richest man in the world. He was the world’s first billionaire.

“He amassed a net worth of at least $1 billion in 1916. When Rockefeller died in 1937, his net worth was estimated to be approximately $340 billion in today’s dollars.”

By the age of 25, he had one of the largest oil refineries in the United States. He was 31 when he became the world’s largest oil refiner. At 38, he controlled 90% of the oil refined in the United States. At fifty, John was America’s richest man. As a young man, every action, attitude, and connection was crafted to establish his wealth.

But at the age of 53, he fell unwell. His entire body became wracked with pain, and he lost all his hair. In total anguish, the world’s lone millionaire could buy anything he wanted but could only eat soup and crackers.

According to an associate, “He couldn’t sleep, wouldn’t smile, and nothing in life meant anything to him”. His personal, highly trained physicians indicated that he would die within the year. That year passed painfully slowly. As he approached death, he awoke one morning with the faint understanding that he would not be able to bring any of his fortune with him to the next world.

The man who could dominate the commercial world suddenly realised he had no control over his personal life. He informed his solicitors, accountants, and management that he intended to devote his assets to hospitals, research, and charity work. John D. Rockefeller started his foundation.

The Rockefeller Foundation financed Howard Florey and his colleague Norman Heatley’s penicillin research in 1941. But arguably the most astounding aspect of Rockefeller’s narrative is that when he began to give back a fraction of all he had gained, his body’s chemistry changed dramatically, and he recovered.

He was expected to die at the age of 53, but he survived to reach 98 years old. Rockefeller learnt gratitude and returned the great bulk of his money. This made him whole. It’s one thing to be healed. It is another to become fit. He was a devout Baptist who attended the Euclid Avenue Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio.

Before he died, he wrote in his diary: “God taught me that everything belongs to Him, and I am merely a conduit to carry out His will. My life has been one long, happy holiday since then; full of work and play, I let go of my worries along the road, and God was wonderful to me every day.

“Who is the poorest man in the world? I tell you, the poorest man I know of is the man who has nothing but money.” ~ John D Rockefeller

Parable: “200 Year Old Watch”

A dying father called his son to his bedside and presented him with an old pocket watch. The father said,

“Your grandfather gave this watch to me. It is more than 200 years old. But, before I give it to you, I want you to go to the watch shop and tell the owner you want to sell it. Ask him what price he would pay for it.”

The son went to the watch shop and then returned to his father’s bedside. He reported, “The watchmaker said he would pay $5 for the watch because it is old and scratched.”

The father then said to the son, “Go to the coffee shop and ask the owner if he would be interested in buying the pocket watch and what he would be willing to pay.”

The son ran to the coffee shop and quickly returned. He told his father, “The coffee shop owner said he didn’t have much use for an old pocket watch but offered $3 for it.”

Finally, the father told the son, “Go to the museum and show them the watch.”

The son left for the museum and returned with a look of astonishment on his face. He whispered, “Father, the curator at the museum offered me $10 million for this pocket watch!”

The father laid his head back, closed his eyes and said: “I wanted you to experience for yourself that the right place, and the right people, will value your value in the right way.

Never put yourself in the wrong place, with the wrong people, and then get angry when you don’t feel valued. Don’t stay in a place, or with people, that don’t value your value. Know your worth and while being confident in your own value look for the value and the potential worth of others.”

The lesson of this parable is that you must value your own value. Along with recognizing your value you must also avoid putting yourself in the wrong place, with the wrong people, who don’t or who are unable to value your value.

Be Strong

.“Strong people make as many mistakes as weak people. Difference is that strong people admit their mistakes, laugh at them, learn from them. That is how they become strong.”

“Great things never come from comfort zones. Embrace change and challenge yourself to grow.”

Your habits dictates your behavior and your BEHAVIOR DETERMINES your DESTINY

Gratitude, Positive Thinking and Mindset

Gratitude, positive thinking and positive mindset can decrease your stress and anxiety, and scientists have proven it.

A 2021 study found that gratitude and verbal encouragement can help students to perform better in school and on tests.

Praise and positive attention have also been linked to better behavior in teenagers and kids.

Gratitude and appreciation are core positive psychology practices that have been shown to boost physical, mental, and emotional health.

Building daily gratitude habits and communicating more appreciation toward others are also some of the simplest ways to gradually shift to a more positive mindset and experience the joys of life more deeply.



Taking Risks

“Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.” — Oprah Winfrey

The greatness you desire, the success you dream about, is on the other side of your doubts and fears, explains media mogul Oprah Winfrey. You must confront and manage your self-doubts and unrealistic fears if you ever expect to live a life of purpose and meaning. You must believe in yourself, be courageous in your actions, and be grateful for your current life.

You don’t find life’s purpose and meaning, you create them!

The kind of life you were created to live, a life of purpose and meaning, will require you to leave your comfort zone and take risks. Staying within your comfort zone and avoiding risks may seem safe, but they can also lead to missed opportunities for growth, learning, and progress.

Every decision involves an opportunity cost—the value of what you could have gained by choosing an alternative path. Taking risks involves making decisions or engaging in actions where the outcome is uncertain but there is a potential benefit or reward.

Not taking risks is a risk in itself. Many people are not living their dreams because they are living their fears.

Fear of failure often prevents people from taking risks. However, failure itself is a valuable teacher. You will never amount to anything if you let your doubts and fears hinder you from trying things.

Embracing failure as a stepping stone toward growth and learning is essential.

“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.” — Michael Jordan

Your pursuit of security is what’s hindering you from reaching greatness. You can’t be safe and still be great because greatness will require you to take risks and try things you’ve never done before. But it’s in taking risks that you find security because proper security is having no fear of trying.

Nothing great is built in your comfort zone. Life is all about taking risks. It’s a daring adventure or nothing at all.

What’s stopping you? In the face of death, life’s fears hold no meaning. So live while you are still alive.

Go out, try things, do what scares you, let go of your doubts and fears, and embrace the uncertainties. What’s life if we aim for less because we fear more?

Take the risk; it’s a part of life, not part of it. Never take the risk of missing the chance to live.

People tend to regret missed opportunities more than failed attempts.

“Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.” — Robert Kiyosaki


Your self-worth is your ceiling! ~ Jamie Kern Lima, author of Worthy!
Eighty percent (80%) of people hear their inner voice telling them they’re not enough. Jamie Kern Lima’s book WORTHY helps you unlearn the lies that lead to self-doubt and enables you to ignite your self-worth!
‘Worthy’ is a confidence-building compass, empowering you to conquer self-doubt and embrace your authentic self.
Do you allow yourself to dream big, love deeply, and pursue your most audacious goals? Remember, you are inherently worthy of all the beauty life has to offer. Embrace your worth, reach for the stars, and let your belief in your limitless potential guide you writes Jamie Kern Lima.
To craft a life filled with self-love, purpose, and unstoppable empowerment, you must believe in yourself and believe you are worthy of your hopes and dreams and of living this one precious, beautiful life as who you indeed are, states Jamie Kern Lima!
You are deserving of all the greatness that awaits!

“In life, you don’t soar to the level of your hopes and dreams, you stay stuck at the level of your self-worth. In your business, leadership, relationships, friendships, and ambitions, you don’t rise to what you believe is possible; you fall to what you believe you’re worthy of. When you build your self-worth, you change your life.” – Jamie Kern Lima.