Peace Be With You!

“It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.” Eleanor Roosevelt 

Peace is much more wide ranging than the absence of violence, conflict and war. Peace is the presence of justice, tranquility and harmonious relations. Peace is an inner state of well-being and calm.

In Christianity, peace can be found through God’s mercy and grace. Peace is bestowed upon those who praise, worship and pray to him. Simply put, peace can be found when you relinquish control and hand matters over in your personal relationship with God. So…may “The peace of the Lord be with you.”

Finding Peace

Peace is a presence of tranquility and harmony that comes from within. It is a place of inner balance. You can experience it once you gain the capacity to truly manage your emotions, feelings and stress levels. It happens when you are less reactive in challenging situations. During these times, instead of reacting harshly or out of fear, you respond in a balanced and healthy way, trusting that all will be well in the end.

“Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Achieving peace is a continuous self-journey towards taking responsibility for your own life and loving yourself just as you are, all your imperfections and warps included. Though it might seem out of reach, putting our problems and struggles into perspective helps us move closer to reaching tranquility.

Peace begins with making an effort to be more calm and present. Peace does not waver in the presence of troubles or difficult situations. It allows you to act and make decisions from a place of love, not fear. It allows you to make rational, emotionally balanced decisions. Peace is like a superpower!

  • It helps to relieve stress, and helps you deal with stress more effectively when it does get tough.
  • It improves your overall focus and clarity.
  • It manifests self-awareness.
  • It reduces your negative, agitated thinking, and worry.
  • It improves your creativity.
  • It reduces your anxiety level.
  • It improves your relationships with others (and yourself).

Peace is a lifestyle that can be chosen, and as more people adopt it as a goal, we can live in a much better, more peaceful world. Peace gives you the power to control your mind, your emotions and your attitude.

“The life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence.” Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

In essence, peace means not just freedom from trouble but everything that makes for a man’s highest good. Peace is more than the absence of war or something felt in the mind. It is a way of living life in a proper relationship between man and God, as well as man and man.

