When to Claim Your Social Security Benefits


  • If you claim Social Security at age 62, rather than wait until your full retirement age (FRA), you can expect up to a 30% reduction in monthly benefits.
  • For every year you delay claiming Social Security past your FRA up to age 70, you get an 8% increase in your benefit. So, if you can afford it, waiting could be the better option.
  • Health status, longevity, and retirement lifestyle are 3 variables that can play a role in your decision when to claim your Social Security benefits.

You can start claiming Social Security benefits at 62 and it can be tempting to take the money and run as soon as you’re eligible. After all, you’ve been paying into the system for all of your working life, and you’re ready to receive your benefits.

But you will not receive 100% of your benefits unless you wait until your Full Retirement Age of 66 years and 10 months if you reach age 62 during calendar year 2021. And if you wait longer, like until age 70 years young, you can receive even more benefits.

See the source image

If you start taking Social Security at age 62, rather than waiting until your full retirement age (FRA), you can expect up to a 30% reduction in monthly benefits with lesser reductions as you approach FRA, according to Fidelity Investments. FRA ranges from 66 to 67, depending on your date of birth. And your annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) is based on your benefit. So if you begin claiming Social Security at 62 and start with reduced benefits, your COLA-adjusted benefit will be lower too.

Wait to Claim

Health status, longevity, and retirement lifestyle are 3 key factors that can play a role in your decision when to claim your Social Security benefits. Unfortunately, you can not predict your future health status, but you can rely on the simple fact that if you claim early versus later, you will likely have lower benefits from Social Security to help fund your retirement over the next 20-30+ years.

By waiting until age 70 to claim your benefits, you could get the highest monthly benefit possible over your lifetime than if you start claiming at age 62.

And if you are married, you may be eligible to claim Social Security based on your spouse’s earnings. This may mean a significantly higher monthly payment for you if your spouse had a higher income than you during his or her prime earning years.

Basic Benefit Rules

After you reach age 62, for every year you postpone taking Social Security (up to age 70), you could receive up to 8% more in future monthly payments. Once you reach age 70, increases stop, so there is no benefit to waiting past age 70.

Members of a couple may also have the option of claiming benefits based on their own work record, or 50% of their spouse’s benefit. For couples with big differences in earnings, claiming the spousal benefit may be better than claiming your own.

Social Security payments are reliable and should generally adjust with inflation, thanks to cost-of-living increases. Because people are living longer these days, a higher stream of inflation-protected lifetime income can be very valuable.

Social Security can form the bedrock of your retirement cash flow and income plan. That’s because your benefits are inflation-protected and will last for the rest of your life. When making your choice, be sure to consider how long you may live, your financial capacity to defer benefits, and the impact it may have on you and your survivors.


  1. https://communications.fidelity.com/pi/calculators/social-security
  2. https://www.fidelity.com/viewpoints/retirement/social-security-at-62
  3. https://www.fidelity.com/viewpoints/retirement/social-security-tips-for-couples

Roth IRA

“Roth individual retirement accounts were created to help middle class earners set aside money for retirement that they wouldn’t have to pay taxes on at withdrawal.” Barron’s

The Roth individual retirement account (IRA) was created to provide an alternative to making non-deductible contributions to traditional IRAs. Roth IRAs are funded with after-tax dollars, which means at withdrawal at age 59 ½ the money is tax-free. Comparatively, traditional IRAs are funded with pre-tax dollars, so distributions are taxed at withdrawal.

You’re taxed or penalized when you withdraw your Roth IRA contributions and earnings if your Roth IRA account isn’t at least 5 years old or if you’re not yet 59½. The earnings portion of the withdrawal may be subject to taxes and a 10% penalty.

The contribution limit for Roth IRA accounts is $6,000 a year in 2021 (or $7,000 for people 50 and older).

There are also income restrictions for Roth IRA.

  • Single individuals with modified adjusted gross incomes (MAGI) of less than $125,000 in 2021 can contribute up to the limit, but their contributions are phased out if their MAGI is between $125,000 and $140,000.
  • If individuals earn more than $140,000, single taxpayers cannot contribute to a Roth IRA. For married couples filing jointly, the threshold is between $198,000 and $208,000 in 2021. 

Individuals can also use Roth conversions, where they take money from a traditional IRA and move it into a Roth after paying a one-time income tax on the transferred assets since pre-taxed dollars converted to a Roth are taxable at ordinary income rates. These transfers can also be known as a “backdoor Roth,” because they’re working around income limits to push money into these ultimately tax-free accounts. 


  1. https://www.barrons.com/articles/peter-thiel-roth-ira-propublica-51624558641
  2. https://www.edwardjones.com/us-en/investment-services/account-options/retirement/roth-ira

Successful Investing Requires Mastering the Inner Game

“When you learn how to control your emotions, you can derive more positive, productive meanings, even from seemingly negative events.” Tony Robbins

Inner game helps you improve yourself as you learn from your past life experiences. Learning to work on your inner game helps you develop a better outlook in life and this helps you develop your confidence as well. This new sense of self worth allows you be more successful personally and professionally, and with your over all interaction with other people.

To find your inner game, you have to know who you truly are, what you really want and how you want things to be done. This step is not easy. It takes a lot of self-reflection and looking back to your past mistakes and learning from them. It requires you to open your eyes and see yourself for who you really are now. Then try to look to the future and visualize how you want to see yourself after a couple of years.

It may take a lot of self-reflection, emotional intelligence and psychological understanding of your personal issues and how to deal with them. But the bottom line to becoming confident being the real you, is that you will have to overcome your insecurities, angsts, worries, and fears. If you fail to do so, these negative factors will reveal themselves in your personal and professional life and can cause problems.

When you get the real picture of who you truly are, you also have to learn to appreciate the traits that you have. Don’t focus on the things that you dislike about yourself. Real attractiveness come from within. Before anyone else appreciates your looks, you should be the one to appreciate it first. Know your strongest feature and use it to your advantage. If you believe that you look good then you will feel good about yourself too. Your self confidence will improve and this makes you more.

Inner Personal Scorecard

Warren Buffett frequently relates an interesting way to frame this topic:

Would you rather be the world’s greatest lover, but have everyone think you’re the world’s worst lover? Or would you rather be the world’s worst lover but have everyone think you’re the world’s greatest lover? 

Or. If the world couldn’t see your results, would you rather be thought of as the world’s greatest investor but in reality have the world’s worst record? Or be thought of as the world’s worst investor when you were actually the best?

Buffett’s getting at a rather fundamental model he’s used most of his life: The Inner Scorecard. When you have an internal scorecard, no one can define success for you but you.

What Buffett and a lot of other people who have been successful in life — true success, not measured by money — have in common is that they’re able to remember what we all set out to do: live a fulfilling life! Not get rich. Not get famous. Not even get admiration, necessarily. But to live a satisfying existence and help others around them do the same.

It’s not that getting rich or famous or admired can’t be deeply satisfying. It can be! I’m positive Buffett deeply enjoys his wealth and status. He’s got more “admiration tokens” than almost anyone in the world.

But all of that can be ruined very, very easily along the way by making too many compromises, by living according to an external scorecard rather than an internal one.

Controlling your emotions

According to James J. Gross, a psychologist and professor at Stanford University and best known for his research in emotion and emotion regulation, the inability to control, or regulate, your emotions is at the root of some psychological disorders including depression, social anxiety and borderline personality. And, no matter how psychologically healthy you think you are, you can benefit from learning how to better manage your emotions in investing and everyday life.


  1. https://www.tonyrobbins.com/ask-tony/cycle-of-meaning/
  2. https://www.essentiallifeskills.net/5-effective-ways-to-control-your-emotions.html

Strategies to Reduce Taxes

Taxes are one thing retirees tend to have a little control over, as long as they do deliberate tax planning.

Accumulating sufficient assets for retirement is a critical part of retirement income planning, according to Bill Thomas, Financial Adviser, Thomas Financial Services. However, it’s just as important to preserve what you’ve saved over the 25 or 30 years that you may live in retirement. That’s where deliberate tax planning comes in.

It is likely that taxes will increase during your retirement, potentially reducing your income and cash flow. Instead of fretting over increasing taxes, now is the time to figure out how to create a tax-efficient retirement where you can maximize deductions and credits while minimizing taxes.

Getting into the 0% tax bracket may be possible and easier than you think. All it takes is a smart tax strategy that allows combining tax credits and deductions, accumulating more long-term capital gains, or benefiting from qualified dividends.

You can legally decrease or completely eliminate your tax bill by taking advantage of some of the perks in the tax code.

Qualified dividends follow three rules:

  1. The dividend must have been paid by a U.S. corporation or a qualifying foreign company. The dividends must be deemed as qualified in the eyes of the IRS and cannot be listed as a non- qualified dividend.
  2. You’ve held the stock paying the dividend for more than 60 days during the 121-day period that begins 60 days before the ex-dividend date.
  3. Use the long-term capital gains rates shown above to see the taxable income and filing status for the 0% tax brackets.

Being an investor requires a strategy to reduce your taxes. For many, it’s tempting to buy stocks and sell them as soon as the price shoots up. But if you hold on to your investments for an over a year — you’ll be eligible for long-term capital gains tax rates.

Simply put, it pays to be patient in the stock market. If you sell a stock that you’ve owned for a year or less, you’ll have to pay a short-term capital gains tax, which can be as high as 37%. Once you’ve held an investment over the one-year mark, you’ve hit the long-term capital gains threshold.

Getting into the 0% tax bracket may be easier than you think. All it takes is a smart strategy that allows you to combine tax credits and deductions, accumulate more long-term capital gains, or benefit from qualified dividends.

Make tax-smart investing part of your tax planning

The potential impact of tax-smart investing techniques over time. As the accompanying graphic shows, employing tax-smart investing techniques over time may have a significant impact on your long-term returns. The longer you apply these techniques, the greater the potential impact.

Each line represents a client’s hypothetical value from tax-smart investing techniques at various starting dates, based on a starting portfolio value of $1 million.

Though taxes might not be the first thing you think of when it comes to how you want to spend money in retirement, planning strategically can mean more income and cash flow for the things you love.


  1. https://www.kiplinger.com/retirement/retirement-planning/602880/4-strategies-to-reduce-taxes-in-retirement
  2. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/retirement/these-strategies-can-reduce-the-taxes-you-will-pay-on-retirement-accounts/ar-AAKcd4U
  3. https://www.fidelity.com/wealth-management/tax-smart-investing-planning

Roth IRA Conversion

A Roth individual retirement account (IRA) is off-limits for people with high annual incomes.

If your earnings put Roth IRA contributions out of reach, a backdoor Roth IRA conversion is an option that lets you enjoy the tax benefits of a Roth IRA. A backdoor Roth IRA is a strategy that helps you save retirement funds in a Roth IRA even though your annual income would otherwise disqualify you from accessing this type of individual retirement account.

Backdoor Roth IRA conversions are mainly useful for high earners whose annual income (plus access to workplace retirement plans) already make them ineligible for tax deductions for traditional IRA contributions.

Who Benefits from a Backdoor Roth?

  • High earners who don’t qualify to contribute under current Roth IRA rules.
  • Those who can afford the taxes for a Roth conversion and want to take advantage of future tax-free growth.
  • Investors who hope to avoid required minimum distributions (RMDs) when they reach age 72.

A general rule of thumb with Roth IRA conversions is that you will owe taxes on any money that has never been taxed before.

Roth IRA Conversion makes little Tax difference f

A Roth conversion will not make a significant difference to your retirement standard of living, according to an exhaustive new study.

The study findings reveal that “…only if you’re in the top 1% of retirement savers will a Roth conversion move the needle more than a little bit in your retirement.” The study, “When and for Whom Are Roth Conversions Most Beneficial?,” was conducted by Edward McQuarrie, a professor emeritus at the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University.

Unlike many previous analyses of Roth conversions, McQuarrie adjusted all his calculations by inflation and the time value of money, likely changes in tax rates, and a myriad other obvious and not-so-obvious factors.

McQuarrie finds that only if you have millions in your IRA or 401(k)—at least $2 million for an individual and $4 million for a couple—will your required minimum distributions in retirement be so large as to put you into even the middle tax brackets.

Only for those select few will the potential tax savings of a Roth conversion be significant. For most of the rest of us, we’ll likely be in lower tax brackets in retirement years, with an effective rate of 12% or less. That almost certainly will be lower than the tax we would pay for a Roth conversion during our peak earning years prior to retirement.

Even if tax rates themselves go up, furthermore, it’s still likely that your tax rate in retirement will be lower than preretirement. That’s because you’ll likely be at your peak earning years prior to retirement, when you might be undertaking a Roth conversion, and therefore in a relatively high tax bracket.

Once you stop working and retire, and are living on Social Security and the withdrawals from your retirement portfolio, your tax rate will most likely be lower—even if the statutory tax rates themselves have been increased in the interim.

Backdoor Roth IRA conversions lets you circumvent the prescribed AGI limits if your annual earnings put direct Roth IRA contributions out of reach.


  1. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/retirement/backdoor-roth-ira/
  2. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/to-roth-or-not-to-roth-11623431970
  3. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3860359

Tax Planning

“It may feel good at tax time to get a refund, but remember that the money you’re getting back is money you loaned the government at no interest.

Benjamin Franklin famously said, “nothing is certain but death and taxes.” Skip filing your taxes, and the tax agents will come calling. And when they do, you’ll likely face penalties and interest — and even lose your chance to receive a tax refund.

Unless your income is below a certain level, you will have to file federal income tax returns and pay taxes each year. Therefore, it’s important to understand your obligations and the way in which taxes are calculated.

Every year, everyone who makes money in the U.S. must fill out a prior calendar year tax return and file it with the IRS by April 15th. The process inspires dread among anyone who performs this task without the help of an accountant. The forms are complicated, and the definitions of terms like “dependent” and “exemption” can be difficult to understand.

Tax Basics and Taxable Income

There are two types of income subject to taxation: earned income and unearned income. Earned income includes:

  • Salary
  • Wages
  • Tips
  • Commissions
  • Bonuses
  • Unemployment benefits
  • Sick pay
  • Some noncash fringe benefits

Taxable unearned income includes:

  • Interest
  • Dividends
  • Profit from the sale of assets
  • Business and farm income
  • Rents
  • Royalties
  • Gambling winnings
  • Alimony

It is possible to reduce taxable income by contributing to a retirement account like a 401(k) or an IRA.

A person can exclude some income from taxation by using a standard deduction amount determined by the government and a person’s filing status or by itemizing certain types of expenses. Allowable itemized expenses include mortgage interest, state and local taxes, charitable contributions, and medical expenses.

Anyone can make an honest mistake with regard to taxes, but the IRS can be quite strict. And since everyone’s tax situation is a little different, you may have questions.

Allowed Deductions – Deductions and Tax Exemptions

The IRS offers Americans a variety of tax credits and deductions that can legally reduce how much you’ll owe. All Americans should know what deductions and credits they’re eligible for — not knowing is like leaving money on the table.

Most people take the standard deduction available to them when filing taxes to avoid providing proof of all of the purchases they’ve made throughout the year. Besides, itemized deductions often don’t add up to more than the standard deduction.

But if you’ve made substantial payments for mortgage interest, property taxes, medical expenses, local and state taxes or have made major charitable contributions, it could be worth it to take this step. These tax deductions are subtracted from your adjusted gross income, which reduces your taxable income.

The government allows the deduction of some types of expenses from a person’s adjusted gross income, or gross income minus adjustments. A person can exclude some income from taxation by using a standard deduction amount determined by the government and a person’s filing status or by itemizing certain types of expenses. Allowable itemized expenses include mortgage interest, a capped amount of state and local taxes, charitable contributions, and medical expenses.

Depending on who you are and what you do, you may be eligible for any number of tax deductions and exemptions to reduce your taxable income. At the end of the day, these could have a significant impact on your tax exposure. Starting with the standard deduction, the links below will help you determine how to shrink your income — for tax purposes, of course.

Common Tax Credits

Tax credits are also another way to reduce your tax exposure and possibly obtain a tax refund when the dust settles. Many people don’t realize that a tax credit is the equivalent of free money. Tax deductions reduce the amount of taxable income you can claim, and tax credits reduce the tax you owe and, in many cases, result in a nice refund.

The IRS offers a large number of tax credits that encompass everything from buying energy-efficient products for your home to health insurance premium payments to being in a low- to moderate-income household. The key to benefiting from these credits is examining all of the purchases you’ve made throughout the year to see if you are owed money.

There are 17 tax credits for individuals you can take advantage of in five categories:

  • Education credits
  • Family tax credits
  • Healthcare credits
  • Homeownership and real estate credits
  • Income and savings credits

Taxes: What to Pay and When

Most Americans don’t look forward to tax season. But the refund that a majority of taxpayers get can make the tedious process of tax filing worth the effort.

When you’re an employee, it’s your employer’s responsibility to withhold federal, state, and any local income taxes and send that withholding to the IRS, state, and locality. Those payments to the IRS are your prepayments on your expected tax liability when you file your tax return. Your Form W-2 has the withholding information for the year.

The U.S. has a pay-as-you-go taxation system. Just as income tax is withheld from employees every pay period and sent to the IRS, the estimated tax paid quarterly helps the government maintain a reliable schedule of income. It also protects you from having to cough up all the dough at once.

When you file, if you prepaid more than you owe, you get some back. If you prepaid too little, you have to make up the difference and pay more. And, if you’re like most wage earners, you get a nice refund at tax time.

But if you are self-employed, or if you have income other than your salary, you may need to pay estimated taxes each quarter to square your tax bill with Uncle Sam. You may owe estimated taxes if you receive income that isn’t subject to withholding, such as:

  • Interest income
  • Dividends
  • Gains from sales of stock or other assets
  • Earnings from a business
  • Alimony that is taxable

So, it’s important to remember that taxes are a pay-as-you-go. This means that you need to pay most of your tax during the year, as you receive income, rather than paying at the end of the year.

There are two ways to pay tax:

  • Withholding from your pay, your pension or certain government payments, such as Social Security.
  • Making quarterly estimated tax payments during the year.

This will help you avoid a surprise tax bill when you file your return. If you want to avoid a large tax bill, you may need to change your withholding. Changes in your life, such as marriage, divorce, working a second job, running a side business or receiving any other income without withholding can affect the amount of tax you owe.

And if you work as an employee, you don’t have to make estimated tax payments if you have more tax withheld from your paycheck. This may be an option if you also have a side job or a part-time business.

It may feel good at tax time to get a refund, but remember that the money you’re getting back is money you loaned the government at no interest.


  1. https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/taxes/tax-planning
  2. https://www.findlaw.com/tax/federal-taxes/filing-taxes.html
  3. https://www.findlaw.com/tax/federal-taxes/tax-basics-a-beginners-guide-to-taxes.html
  4. https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/small-business-taxes/estimated-taxes-how-to-determine-what-to-pay-and-when/L3OPIbJNw
  5. https://www.moneycrashers.com/paying-estimated-tax-payments-online-irs
  6. https://www.irs.gov/payments/pay-as-you-go-so-you-wont-owe-a-guide-to-withholding-estimated-taxes-and-ways-to-avoid-the-estimated-tax-penalty

Investing Goals

“The goal of investing is to maximize your returns and to put your money to work for you.” 

Emergency funds
Being prepared for life’s surprises can take a burden off your mind—and someday, your wallet. An emergency fund is a stash of money set aside to cover the financial surprises life throws your way. These unexpected events can be stressful and costly.

Here are some of the top emergencies people face:

  • Job loss.
  • Medical or dental emergency.
  • Unexpected home repairs.
  • Car troubles.
  • Unplanned travel expenses.

3 benefits of having emergency money

Aside from financial stability, there are pros to having an emergency reserve of cash.

— It helps keep your stress level down.

It’s no surprise that when life presents an emergency, it threatens your financial well-being and causes stress. If you’re living without a safety net, you’re living on the “financial” edge—hoping to get by without running into a crisis.

Being prepared with an emergency fund gives you confidence that you can tackle any of life’s unexpected events without adding money worries to your list.

— It keeps you from spending on a whim.

You’ve heard the saying “out of sight, out of mind.” That’s the best way to store your emergency money. If the cash is only as far away as your closest debit card, you may be tempted to use it for something frivolous like a designer cocktail dress or big-screen TV—not exactly an emergency.

Keeping the money out of your immediate reach means you can’t spend it on a whim, no matter how much you’d like to.

And by putting it in a separate account, you’ll know exactly how much you have—and how much you may still need to save.

— It keeps you from making bad financial decisions.

There may be other ways you can quickly access cash, like borrowing, but at what cost? Interest, fees, and penalties are just some of the drawbacks


Saving for retirement might be the most important thing you ever do with your money. And the earlier you begin, the less money it will take.

When it comes to preparing for retirement, there are a lot of things you can’t control—the future of Social Security, tax rates, and inflation, for example. But one big thing that you can control is the amount you save.

Social Security shouldn’t be your only retirement plan since Social Security was never meant to be anyone’s sole source of retirement income.

In fact, a 30-year-old making $50,000 per year today—and who might realistically expect to make substantially more by the time he or she retires—can expect less than $22,000 per year from Social Security at age 67 (in today’s dollars).

In the past, pensions often offered an additional source of income for retirees. But pension plans are becoming rare in today’s world, and it’s more important than ever to take advantage of the opportunity to save for your future.

Keep in mind that on average, Social Security payments make up only about 33% of Americans’ retirement income, according to Social Security Administration.

Spending now could mean you’ll pay for it later

Perhaps you’d rather spend your money on other things that are more fun than saving for retirement.

But because compounding can enhance the value of your savings, the “pain” of each dollar you save now can be greatly outweighed by the flexibility you gain later.

Of course, we’re not suggesting you’d be better off squeezing the last drop of enjoyment from your life.

But we think that knowing you’ll be all set to meet your basic needs later—with enough left over to let you comfortably do the things you look forward to in retirement—is worth going without a few treats now and then.

Choosing to spend less on certain expenses now could make a huge impact in the long run! For example, you could spend $3,600 a year on payments for a new car during the next 5 years … or you could watch that money grow to $80,000 over the next 40 years!*

Control what you can

In the end, the future of Social Security isn’t the only thing that’s out of your hands. Tax rates will almost certainly change between now and your retirement date, and inflation will continue to increase prices over time. Other government programs, like Medicare, might also change.

But there’s one thing that only you can completely control: how much you save. Start now and you might be surprised at how little you notice the sacrifice.

Retiree Emotional Well-being

Retirement presents some unique emotional challenges.

There are significant emotional challenges of retirement. Knowing how to deal with retirement emotionally can be just as important as, or more important than, financial preparation.

Most people spend the majority of their lives working to cultivate a career and raise a family. It’s human nature to take solace in the daily routine that you developed, but when you reach retirement you may find that it takes some time to get used to your new life after leaving the workforce and/ or becoming an empty nester.


If you’re having a hard time adjusting to retirement, you’re not alone. A survey of 1,000 people ages 60 to 73 shows that about two-thirds of Baby Boomer participants said they had difficulties in transitioning from their primary profession to retirement. The survey also identified the top reasons that participants had trouble adapting to life in retirement:

  • 37% said that they missed the daily social interactions they would have with work colleagues.
  • 32% had trouble adjusting to a new daily routine.
  • 22% found it difficult to find ways to create meaning and purpose in their life after work.

The good news is that eventually more than half of the participants found that they adjusted to these changes rather quickly, and 97% reported being “somewhat” or “rather” satisfied in their retirement.

The key to adjusting to these life changes and living a fulfilling life after work is emotionally preparing for the transition years and decades prior to reaching retirement age.

Deal with Retirement Emotionally

Though retirement is often seen as a time to slow down, this doesn’t mean that you can’t continue to remain active or find meaning outside of your professional life. And, there are ways to cope with the emotional challenges of retirement:

  1. Find activities you enjoy outside of work. – Retirement is the time for you to do the things that you enjoy most. Volunteer your time at your favorite local organization or take up a new hobby. Staying active is a great way to find meaning in life after work.
  2. Begin to expand your relationship base. – Chances are, many of your friendships were formed in the workplace. Though it’s great to keep in touch with former colleagues, try to develop new friendships. Friends are the key to staying connected and maintaining your well-being.
  3. Include your family in your pre-retirement plans. – Once you’re retired, you will have more time to spend with your spouse. Actively include him or her in your pre-retirement plans. Have a conversation about what you would like life after retirement to look like and discuss how you can help support one another.
  4. Have a solid financial plan. – Not having enough resources to support yourself after retirement can add stress to your life. One way to make sure that you are emotionally prepared for the transition is to make sure that you have a financial plan in place that provides a quality of life for yourself in retirement. 

Change in life status is exciting and can be positive if you’re prepared.

Mindset, attitudes, behaviors and habits.

Retirement can mean looking forward to a simpler, less stressful life, free of commuting, demanding boss, meetings and deadlines.

Good health care, combined with recreational and fitness opportunities, are critical attributes of retirement of a healthy retirement. Good health, combined with a moderate cost of living, are critical since 96% of retirees—and 99% of those age 75 and over—say that health is more important than wealth to live well in retirement, according to the survey.

Yet health and wealth are very intertwined. People with financial resources can invest more in their health, and those in poor health have a harder time enjoying what their money can buy.

Tackling tough financial issues, such as overspending, debt and “having more month left than money available”, are a great way to drive change. Better yet, it’s always a good idea to learn more about financial management matters, getting out of debt and becoming a discipline saver for the future and invest for the long term.

To retire with financial security and sense of confidence, most financial experts recommend a certain liquid asset level, a mostly paid-off mortgage, and multiple streams of income. Furthermore, they observe that:

  1. Retirees are feeling increasingly confident about their ability to maintain a comfortable lifestyle without running out of money. And, that is the primary goal for retirement.
  2. Retirees want a physically active, healthy and vibrant lifestyle.
  3. Retirees want to be emotionally engaged and socially fulfilling lifestyle.

Find happiness in retirement

Finding happiness and contentment in retirement requires retiring with core pursuits and sense of purpose. What’s paramount to an happy retirement and life is having multiple activities/ projects / endeavors that you’re passionate about participating.

These are activities (projects or endeavors) that excite and fulfill; hobbies on steroids and things you look forward to. Examples are learning an instrument, learning a language, and enjoying golf, biking, yoga, walking, hiking. Wes Moss, a managing partner at Capital Investment Advisors in Atlanta and author of three personal-finance books and host of the Money Matters weekly radio call-in show, commissioned Georgia Tech University in Atlanta do a statistical analysis retirees’ activities and found that “happy retirees have 3.6 core pursuits. Unhappy retirees have 1.9 core pursuits”.

When you have a long life expectancy, you can spend the first sixty years working for you and your family, then the next forty years working for the greater good and contributing to make the world a better place. Working for the greater food gives you a sense of greater purpose. One in five Americans downright hate their jobs. Compare this to the results that show that three in five could “take it or leave it”.

The Happiness Retirees on the Block (HROB) create their happiness by engaging in a long series of core pursuits — activities, projects and endeavors — that make a difference in their lives. Your core pursuits can lead you to a more fulfilling future while adding life to your years. Core pursuits can lead to a more fulfilling future while adding happy life to your years.

Get going, Get growing, Continue learning

Sparse diet, taking the stairs and take on activities that feed their soul and focus on you and the greater good. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but a lack of curiosity is what kills the happy retiree.


  1. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2015/02/03/baby-boomers-retirement-emotional/22799155/
  2. https://www.newretirement.com/retirement/retirement-planning-the-emotional-toll-of-transitioning-to-retirement
  3. https://www.barrons.com/articles/you-can-probably-retire-earlier-than-you-think-says-personal-finance-guru-wes-moss-51599870173
  4. https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewbiggs/2020/02/19/fact-check-are-41-of-retirees-economically-insecure/amp/

Long-Term Investing

“Finding success as a long-term investor requires navigating a psychological minefield.”. Ben Carson, Director of Institutional Asset Management at Ritholtz Wealth Management.

Everyone would agree that the stock market has been highly volatile since the turn of the 21st century, experiencing crashes of 50%, 57% and 34% since 2000. It’s possible this level of heightened volatility is going to remain for the foreseeable future with an assist from the internet, rising sovereign debt and inflation.

Investing for the long-term implies that you set aside money today so you can have more money in the future. But getting to whatever the “long-term” means to you requires seeing the present value of your holdings fall, sometimes in soul-crushing fashion.

In the coming 40-50 years, you should expect to experience at least 10 or more bear markets, including 5 or 6 that constitute a market crash in stocks. There will also probably be at least 7-8 recessions in that time as well, maybe more.

However, you can never be sure of anything when it comes to the equity markets or the U.S. economy, but let’s use history as a rough guide on this. Over the 50 years from 1970-2019, there were 7 recessions, 10 bear markets and 4 legitimate market crashes with losses in excess of 30% for the U.S. stock market. Over the previous 50 years from 1920-1969, there were 11 recessions, 15 bear markets, and 8 legitimate market crashes with losses in excess of 30% for the U.S. stock market.

Bear markets, brutal market crashes and recessions are a fact of life as an investor. They are a common and expected feature of the financial system.

If you’re investing in the stock market that means you should plan on losing at least 10% of your money once every 1-2 years, on average. You should also plan on losing 20% of your capital once every 3 or 4 years, 30% once every 6 or 7 years and 40% or worse every 10-12 years.

These time frames aren’t set in stone since actual stock market returns are anything but average but you get the point. If your money is invested in the stock market for the long-term, expect it to grow over time but also evaporate without warning on occasion.

The same applies to pretty much any risk asset.


  1. https://awealthofcommonsense.com/2021/05/sometimes-you-just-have-to-eat-your-losses-in-the-markets/
  2. https://awealthofcommonsense.com/2021/02/a-short-history-of-u-s-stock-market-corrections-bear-markets/

Cash Flow in Retirement | Fidelity Investments

Cash flow simply means the amount of cash you have coming in and going out each month.

Think about cash flow as mapping your income versus your expenses. If you anticipate risk factors that can often come with retirement (health care expense, a downturn in the market, or a family emergency) then consider increasing your position in cash (or cash equivalents like Treasury bills, CDs, and money market accounts).

How will you help maintain a steady flow of income in retirement?

You’ve spent years saving money in anticipation of retirement, and while accumulating retirement savings is indeed important, it’s only half the story. Once you stop working, your focus shifts away from saving money and toward using that money to live the retirement you want.

Generating your retirement income

Retirement is an exciting stage of life that many Americans eagerly anticipate, yet retirement as we’ve known it has changed. Different concepts of retirement are emerging — your personal vision of retirement likely differs from how your parents, neighbors, and friends expect to spend their retirement years. In addition, Americans today are living longer and are more responsible for funding their retirements than past generations.

As we navigate this continually evolving retirement landscape, it’s important that your retirement-planning process reflect your unique situation. And remember that retirement income (or cash flow) planning requires a different set of strategies, products, plans, and choices than saving for your retirement. Education and guidance can help you develop an income plan and a spending strategy that are right for you.

Understanding retirement income

While most people understand the importance of saving money for retirement, the concept of retirement income planning is less familiar. Some basic definitions are.

  • Retirement income is the money you use to cover your expenses when you stop working.
  • Potential retirement income sources include Social Security, pensions, annuities, retirement savings from a qualified employer sponsored plan (QRP) like 401(k), 403(b) and governmental 457(b) as well as IRAs.
  • Retirement income planning is the process of determining how much money you’ll need in retirement, and where your cash flow will come from each year. Retirement income planning involves four components:
    • Planning:  Write a plan that includes your expected retirement expenses to help provide a roadmap through retirement.
    • Retirement investing strategies: Determine your various retirement income sources and consider the best way to invest your assets to help meet your retirement income goals.
    • Managing your retirement money: Decide how to manage your money to help maintain a steady flow of income that will cover your expenses throughout your retirement years.
    • Ongoing monitoring: Revisit and adjust your retirement income plan whenever your circumstances change, but at least once a year.

Benefits of planning your retirement income

Developing a written income plan can help you retire with confidence by considering questions such as: What do I want to do in retirement? Where do I want to live? Do I have enough to retire when I’d like? How do I create a steady income stream to take the place of my paycheck? How can I plan for the unexpected, such as extreme market fluctuations, health care needs, and other financial needs? And, will my money last throughout my retirement years?

For illustrative purposes only.

Starting the retirement income planning process five to 10 years before you retire allows you time to develop a thoughtful, personalized plan that will help make the most of your hard-earned savings.

cash flow to help meet both your near-term liquidity needs and longer-term needs for both income and growth

One approach to consider is to bucket cash for different shorter- and longer-term needs, such as living expenses, short-term goals, and emergencies. Here are some ways to implement each:

Read Viewpoints on Fidelity.com: Budgeting for retirees


  1. https://www.fidelity.com/viewpoints/retirement/managing-cash-flow