COVID-19, One Year Later. Here’s What We’ve Learned.

“The vaccines are our best hope to contain the virus; and while the CDC’s guidance may change based on new evidence, you should follow their current guidance: Keep wearing your mask, practice social distancing and wash your hands.”  Dr. Andrea Klemes

By Dr. Andrea Klemes, MDVIP’s Chief Medical Officer

It was March 11 last year when the World Health Organization first announced that the coronavirus had reached pandemic stage. At the time, there were 118,000 cases in 114 countries. A year later and there are more than 114 million cases and 2.5 million deaths worldwide.

In the year since the pandemic officially started, doctors, researchers and the American public have learned a lot about the virus. We know how it spreads — through droplets and in the air; we know how it likely doesn’t spread — on surfaces (you should still wash your hands regularly); we know the virus isn’t seasonal like flu – it didn’t go away during the summer; and we know that we can fight it, both through prevention and treatment.

Speaking of treatment, we’ve learned a lot about what works in the fight against COVID-19, the condition caused by the coronavirus. The anti-inflammatory steroid drug dexamethasone, for example, works in many patients on supplemental oxygen or ventilators. Antibodies — either from convalescent plasma or man-made ones from monoclonal antibody treatments — seem to keep some patients from more severe illness. These treatments have been granted emergency use authorization by the Food and Drug Administration.

Even simple things, like turning patients prone (lying face down) have turned out to be lifesaving for many people hospitalized with the disease.

But there’s still much we don’t know. And there’s still a lot of misinformation and myths swirling around 12 months after the pandemic began. I thought it would be helpful to recap some key learnings.

Vaccines are here, but the virus isn’t going away any time soon.

See the source image
It’s hard to believe that in a little less than a year scientists created numerous vaccines to combat the coronavirus. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration approved a third vaccine last week — and this one, from Johnson & Johnson, is a single-dose vaccine that’s easier to transport and store. It should help vaccines become more widely available in the next couple of months.

If you’ve already gotten your vaccine, your behavior shouldn’t change — that’s the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s because the vaccines prevent severe illness from infection. You may still be able to get the virus and spread it.

This advice may change. Promising but unpublished studies suggest that vaccinated individuals carry lower viral loads and may be at lower risk to spread the virus. If you’re thinking, why get the vaccine if I still have to wear a mask? Get the vaccine when it’s your turn. The vaccines are our best hope to contain the virus; and while the CDC’s guidance may change based on new evidence, you should follow their current guidance: Keep wearing your mask, practice social distancing and wash your hands.

One rule that has changed for those who have been vaccinated: You may not have to quarantine after exposure if you meet certain criteria and it’s been more than two weeks since your last dose.

Eating at a restaurant increases your risk of getting the virus.
We love eating at restaurants, but many are poorly ventilated and crowded with people. Even at reduced capacity, the CDC rates eating inside at a restaurant to be higher risk than other activities. A study from six months ago suggested that COVID-19 positive patients were twice as likely as those who tested negative to have eaten at a restaurant in the two weeks leading up to their illness.

It’s possible that people who eat at restaurants during the pandemic take other risks that increase their chances of getting the virus, but there are also early studies that track breakouts to restaurant eaters.

It’s still safer to get your food to go — or eat outside away from other diners.

So does gathering with your family.
Just like eating out, there are plenty of studies showing the transmission of the virus when families get together. Among adults with COVID-19, 42 percent reported close contact with a person with COVID-19 — and most of those close contacts were with family members.

In one case study from last summer, a single COVID-positive adolescent on a family vacation with three different families spread the illness to 11 other family members. There are dozens of cluster studies like these from contact tracing efforts — weddings, reunions, holiday parties, barbecues and even more intimate gatherings. Getting together with family without proper protocols can result in spreading events.

Even without gatherings, household members are often the point of contact for new COVID cases. Household transmission of this coronavirus is 16.6 percent higher than with past pandemics like SARS and MERS.

To be fair, more infections have been traced to other kinds of activities than seeing family — from workplaces to prisons to assisted living facilities to colleges. But you shouldn’t let your guard down when you’re around your family.

Six feet of distance probably isn’t enough.
Early guidance from the CDC defined close contact as spending 15 minutes or more within six feet of a person infected with COVID-19. The six-foot distance was based on COVID transmission from droplets, which we emit when we talk, sneeze or cough. We’ve been studying viral transmission by droplets since the 1890s.

Of course, there are plenty of studies over the years that suggest droplets can travel further. The problem with COVID is that you can become infected from aerosol transmission — smaller droplets and particles can float in the air for minutes and hours and travel far from the source. Still, the CDC says that most transmission comes from close contact with infected individuals.

As for time, that one’s trickier. Some school systems and employers liberally interpreted the 15 minutes to mean that as long as you kept contact brief, you were okay. But repeated exposure can also result in an infection, which is one reason the CDC changed the guidance last fall to 15 minutes over a 24-hour period. Here’s the bottom line: The more you interact with others and the longer that interaction lasts, the greater your chance of contracting COVID.

The best way to prevent spread is to avoid unnecessary exposure.

Yes, masks help prevent the spread of the virus.
I know a lot of people have had a hard time warming up to face masks. Early in the pandemic, public health officials lacked clear evidence about the effectiveness of masks and hesitated to recommend them. But 12 months later, there’s a raft of evidence that masks (double ply cloth, surgical and N95) reduce the transmission of the coronavirus. In fact, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S., which recently published a review of studies about masks and COVID-19 transmission, concluded:

“The preponderance of evidence indicates that mask wearing reduces transmissibility per contact by reducing transmission of infected respiratory particles in both laboratory and clinical contexts.”

Some study highlights:

Masks were 79 percent effective at preventing household transmission, if used by all members of the household before symptoms showed.

The devil is in the details. We know from COVID studies and previous viral studies that masks reduce risk of transmission for the wearer and for the people around them if the wearer is sick.

Double masks may even be better.
One mask works if you wear it correctly. Two might actually be better.

The CDC recently released new masking guidelines based on studies it did to determine how to improve their efficacy. The agency looked at wearing a cloth mask over a medical procedure mask (often called a surgical mask, but not an N95) and whether knotting the ear loops of a medical procedure mask and then tucking in and flattening the extra material close to the face would reduce risk.

Both modifications improved the masks effectiveness. According to the CDC’s experiments, an unknotted medical procedure mask blocked 42 percent of the particles from a simulated cough. A cloth mask blocked 44.3 percent. Knotting the surgical mask alone blocked 63 percent of particles. When the cloth mask was combined with the knotted surgical mask, it blocked 92.5 percent of particles.

The CDC has since updated its recommendations. If you use an N95 or KN95 mask, the agency does not recommend double masking. It also doesn’t recommend doubling up surgical masks.

Testing negative doesn’t mean you stay negative.
This may be one of the hardest things for people to understand. A lot of people get tested after they’re exposed, but you can test negative one day and positive the next, depending on the time from when you were exposed, the course of the infection and the type of test you took.

When you’re exposed to someone with the virus and become infected, symptoms may show a few days after exposure or up to two weeks later. If you test too soon, a test may not pick up the infection. If you’re asymptomatic, a rapid antigen test may not pick up your infection at all. Accuracy is lower in antigen tests than PCR tests, especially in those who aren’t showing symptoms.

That’s why it’s so important to observe CDC guidelines when it comes to testing and exposure. If you’ve been exposed to the virus, the CDC recommends you quarantine for 10 days, provided you remain asymptomatic. You can reduce this time to seven days if you show no symptoms and do not test positive for the virus on day 5 or later.

The new variants are a reason to be vigilant.
The new variants are more than troublesome. Many of them are more communicable and one, the British variant, is looking like it may be more virulent. This is why we need to keep washing our hands, wearing masks and practicing social distancing. And why we should get the vaccine when it’s our turn. Don’t let up now!

With a little extra effort from all of us, I believe we can beat back this virus, and we’re well on the way. We’re better at treating it, and we know how to stop its spread. If enough of us do these things, there’s a chance these variants won’t make the impact that some researchers currently fear.

We may have to take booster shots in the future, but that’s a lot better than where we were a year ago when we had no vaccine, few promising treatments and knew very little about COVID-19.

What a difference a year makes.



COVID-19 Pandemic End is in Sight

“When it comes to COVID-19, we are optimistic that the end of the beginning is near.” Bill Gates

Billionaire philanthropist and Microsoft Founder Bill Gates believes that we will get COVID-19 under control in calendar 2021. What he means by “under control” is that America and the world will be heading back to something approaching normal again.

Gates is optimistic that the number of cases and deaths will start to go down—at least in wealthy countries—and life will be much closer to normal than it is now for two main reasons:

  • One is that masks, social distancing, and other interventions can slow the spread of the virus and save lives while vaccines are being rolled out.
  • The other reason is that in the spring of 2021, the vaccines and treatments will start reaching the scale where they’ll have a global impact.

In Gates’ view, the coronavirus is somewhat seasonal. He suggests that once the Northern Hemisphere gets into summer, the numbers should go way down, and he expects that countries will not experience another COVID-19 wave in the fall.

He stresses that vaccinations by the fall should be “bearing the brunt” of ending the pandemic. He feels that there will still be some COVID restrictions on public gatherings, because, as “long as the disease is out there in other countries, you can still get big chains of infection anywhere on the globe”.

But if we get the vaccination levels up within the communities and across the globe this fall, all the schools will be able to reopen under some protocol. Moreover, entertainment, travel and hospitality will be open. And, the economy will be on the mend in a big way. The good news according to Bill Gates is that the pandemic, as bad as it’s been, the end is in sight.

“Humans have never made more progress on any disease in a year than the world did on COVID-19 this year”, Gates wrote in a recent Gatesnote. “Under normal circumstances, creating a vaccine can take 10 years. This time, multiple vaccines were created in less than one year.”

The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has invested more than $1.75 billion in the fight against COVID-19. Most of that funding has gone toward producing and procuring crucial medical supplies. For example, the foundation backed researchers developing new COVID-19 treatments including monoclonal antibodies, and they worked with partners to ensure that these drugs are formulated in a way that’s easy to transport and use in the poorest parts of the world so they benefit people everywhere. Which is pretty remarkable—especially considering that COVID-19 was a virtually unknown pathogen at the beginning of 2020 and how rigorous the process is for proving a vaccine’s safety and efficacy. The vaccine still had to meet strict guidelines before being approved.



Melatonin and COVID-19

Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic, using AI, found that those who regularly took the sleep hormone melatonin were about 28 percent less likely to test positive for COVID—with Black patients showing an even greater reduced likelihood of 52 percent.

Through the use of artificial intelligence, results from a Cleveland Clinic led study suggests that melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and is commonly used as a sleep aid, may be a viable treatment option for COVID-19.

Melatonin supplements are commonly recommended by many health professionals to help induce sleep, according the the Cleveland Clinic. Research has found that taking melatonin in low doses is the most effective way to promote sleep if you are experiencing restlessness, sleeplessness or insomnia.

Melatonin naturally produced by our bodies

The hormone serotonin (which regulates mood, appetite and memory) is produced during the day and this changes to melatonin when it gets dark outside, Cleveland Clinic reports. Peak levels of melatonin are produced before 3 a.m., when it sharply decreases before natural daylight returns.

Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic were able to sort through data on over 27,000 patients in a COVID-19 registry to find any commonalities. Interestingly, results showed that those who regularly took melatonin were about 28 percent less likely to test positive for COVID—with Black patients showing an even greater reduced likelihood of 52 percent.

Researchers admit that they don’t entirely understand what “exact mechanisms” about melatonin provide extra protection against COVID, including whether or not it’s because patients are sleeping better, longer hours, the New York Post reports.

Some studies have shown that melatonin can reduce chronic and acute inflammation. And, a recent study from the University of Toronto published in the journal Diseases found that melatonin could help boost the efficacy of the coronavirus vaccine, calling it a potential “silver bullet” in the fight against the pandemic.

Health experts know that the coronavirus can trigger “a massive inflammatory reaction,” also known as a “cytokine storm,” in the body that can lead to permanent tissue damage, heart injury, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), organ failure and death, according to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Medicine.

Melatonin can control and reverse this immune response, suggesting it may have beneficial effects in preventing or reducing the inflammation overload.

Short-term use of melatonin has relatively few side effects and is well-tolerated by the majority of people who take it, according to the Sleep Foundation. The most commonly reported side effects are daytime drowsiness, headaches, and dizziness, but these are experienced by only a small percentage of people who take melatonin.



Stopping the Exponential Rise in Cases

“Cases are rising. Hospitalizations are increasing, Deaths are increasing. We need to try to bend the curve, stop this exponential increase,” says Dr. Henry Walke, the CDC’s COVID-19 Incident Manager.

As COVID-19 cases continue to soar, it took the U.S. more than eight-and-a-half months to reach 8 million cases but less than two months to double that number.

As a result, hospitals across the U.S. are facing dire shortages of beds for critically ill coronavirus patients as the post-Thanksgiving holiday surge shows no sign of relenting, new data shows from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

About 1 in 8 U.S. hospitals had little or no intensive care unit space available last week the data showed. And for the sixth consecutive day, the US reported a record high number of COVOD-19 patients in US hospitals: more than 108,000 nationwide, according to the Covid Tracking Project.

Public health experts say the number of hospitals struggling with intensive care unit capacity to accommodate the nation’s sickest patients likely will increase following another week of record COVID-19 cases.

As cases continue to soar, it took the U.S. more than eight-and-a-half months to reach 8 million cases but less than two months to double that number.

CDC and many states advise not to travel

As Americans contemplate whether to proceed with their holiday season or New Year’s travel plans, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is urging citizens not to travel or to get tested before or is urging Americans who go against its advice to get tested for COVID-19 twice in a bid to make travel safer.

The agency says travelers should get a COVID-19 test one to three days before travel and three to five days after travel, regardless of their destination.

Additionally, some states are reimposing stay-at-home orders for their residents and travel restrictions ahead of the winter holidays.

While other states, such as Hawaii for example, require inbound travelers to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test upon arrival or require those without results before their arrival to quarantine for 14 days.

What to do

This is one time Americans should heed CDC urging to not to travel and stay home as the best way to protect yourself and others this year; or to get tested for COVID-19 twice in a bid to make travel safer.



Regeneron’s REGN-COV2 Antibody Cocktail

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals REGN-COV2 Antibody Cocktail Reduced Viral Levels and Improved Symptoms in Non-Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

Regeneron’s neutralizing antibody cocktail is still being studied in clinical trials as a treatment for non-hospitalized patients with milder and more moderate forms of the disease.

A vaccine can protect but cannot treat an already infected person. In contrast, laboratory-made antibodies (Y-shaped proteins that can help fight a foreign substance) can do both – protect and treat.

Regeneron is developing monoclonal antibodies for prevention and therapy of COVID-19. According to information on the company’s website, these antibodies would be injected into an infected individual; the antibodies would recognize and inactivate the coronavirus. Such a therapy would bridge the lag until the patient’s immune system was able to produce enough of its own antibodies; some patients with weak immune system may never produce antibodies to fight the virus.

“Regeneron’s antibody cocktail REGN-COV2 has shown efficacy by reducing viral load and associated symptoms in infected COVID-19 patients,” said George D. Yancopoulos, M.D., Ph.D., President and Chief Scientific Officer of Regeneron.”

The greatest treatment benefit was in “patients who had not mounted their own effective immune response”, suggesting that REGN-COV2 could provide a therapeutic substitute for the naturally-occurring immune response.

Regeneron confirmed it provided a single, 8-gram dose of its REGN-COV2 treatment for use by the president, who was diagnosis with coronavirus.

Regeneron’s antibody cocktail is experimental and has not received emergency use approval from the FDA, but it was provided in response to a compassionate use request.

CNBC reported that a “limited number of patients” had also received the drug on that basis after speaking with Regeneron’s chief scientific officer, Dr. George Yancopoulos.

Last week, Regeneron said its REGN-COV2 treatment improved symptoms and reduced viral loads in non-hospitalized patients who have mild to moderate Covid-19. That was based on results for the first 275 trial patients. At the time, the company indicated it plans to “rapidly” discuss the early results with regulatory agencies, including the FDA.

Monoclonal antibodies are viewed by experts have viewed as a promising potential Covid-19 treatment.

Regeneron’s REGN-COV2 is an experimental shot of lab-generated antibodies that mimics how the body would mount a reaction to a foreign invader. The goal is to boost the immune system’s defenses, rather than to wait on human biology to do its job.

