Corporate Boardroom Equality and Inclusion

America needs better inclusion and diversity in its corporate boardroom.

Addressing racial and gender disparity in the corporate boardroom has become a marketing priority in the past several months and less of a firm commitment to action for boardroom chairmen and chief executive officers, especially amid the global protests against racial injustice and inequality. Effectively, the numbers suggest that much work is needed to level the playing field.

Yet, many corporations claim to support diversity and inclusion, but the numbers simply do not add up. Recently, former AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson spoke passionately on CNBC about the lack of inclusion and equality within corporate American. Yet, the company he ran for 13 years and its board of directors he currently leads as executive chairman reflects that lack of inclusion with only one person of color board member. Furthermore, instead of walking the talk, his appointed successor at AT&T was a non-diverse male.

“A board that better reflects all the communities it serves is in the interest of all stakeholders.” Brad Gerstner, founder and CEO of Altimeter Capital and a founding member of The Board Challenge.

Black leaders are underrepresented in America’s public and private boardrooms. Approximately 66% of Fortune 500 company board members are white men and 18% of members are white women, while only 9% of members are Black men and women, according to a report by the Alliance for Board Diversity and Deloitte.

Research by Black Enterprise found that 187 S&P 500 companies did not have a Black board member in 2019, a 2-percentage point improvement from the prior year. Furthermore, recent data for Fortune 500 boards indicates that white men hold 66% of board seats and white women make up 18%, but only 9% of board seats are held by African Americans (men and women), according to online talent marketplace theBoardlist, which is a founding member of The Board Challenge.

The lack of inclusion and ‘doing the right thing’ is not going to passively happen. Leaders and companies must step up to take courageous action to advance equality and inclusion. For example, the moment a S&P 500 company drops or refuses to engage a vendor or contractor because they lack gender and racial diversity will prove transformative in our society.

Additionally, every U.S. company is encouraged to take The Board Challenge which represent a pledge seeking “to enhance representation in the boardroom by asking companies to retain or add a Black director to their board”. The Board Challenge is asking all boards without a Black director to add a Black director in the next 12 months.

“Diversity does matter when it comes to results.” Arnold Donald, President and CEO of Carnival Corp.

True and full racial representation at the board level is in the best interest of companies, employees, customers and communities and helps to advance and support a more equitable society. According to recent research, people of color in leadership position means better performance and returns:

  • Diverse boards of directors are 43% more likely than non-diverse boards to achieve financial performance above the national industry median for companies in the top quartile versus bottom quartile, according to McKinsey & Company’s Delivering Through Diversity 2018 report.
  • More than nine in 10 directors (94%) agree that board diversity brings unique perspectives to the boardroom, according to PwC’s 2019 Annual Corporate Directors Survey. Additionally, 87% said board diversity enhances board performance and 76% said it enhances company performance.

“One objection we hear is whether companies can find the kind of diverse board talent they are looking for. It is 2020 – it is not a pipeline problem, it is a perspective problem,” said Guy Primus, CEO of Valence and co-founder of The Board Challenge.

