COVID-19 Self-Care Coach

During times of stress, it’s especially important to set time aside for self-care.

The world is facing an unprecedented medical crisis. During these stressful times, you may become so overwhelmed with work, daily life or caring for your family that you forget to take care of yourself. Remember, you must take care of yourself first so you can continue to care for others. Thus, it’s important to get into a good self-care routine to prevent stress and to enhance your emotional well-being and mental health.

There are many stressors in life such as not knowing what might happen next to your family members, friends or your community during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Those are the key ingredients to creating PTSD: having stressors where it’s uncertain, uncontrolled, and unpredictable,” says Karestan Koenen, a psychologist at Harvard University’s T. H. Chan School of Public Health

Body, mind and spirit

Your mind and body are connected. You deserve care that supports your total health — mind, body, and spirit. If you struggle with depression, anxiety, addiction, or other mental or emotional issues that interfere with your daily life, there is help.

The National Center for PTSD created an app called Covid Coach, a tool designed to help people manage stress, reduce anxiety, for meditation and improved sleep. And, it provides information about coping strategies. It offers breathing exercises and other guidance for tackling loneliness and irritability. It lets users track their anxiety and moods. It’s loaded with resources for getting help with problems like substance abuse or domestic violence. It’s available for free in the Apple and Android app stores.

Set a Personal Goal

One effective tool of the COVID Coach relates to setting a personal goal. Setting a personal goal can be helpful to ensure you’re making time for yourself. For example, you might set a goal to connect with a friend this week by phone or video, make yourself a favorite meal, or do whatever it is that you enjoy that you can do for yourself.

Stay home during the holiday season

As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, many public health officials stress why not traveling and not gathering with family and friends is the safest choice for the holidays.

Throughout this challenging time, your health and safety should remain your top priority. Protect yourself and your loved ones with the help of this COVID Coach.

It’s hard to know where you’re going if you don’t know where you are.

