COVID-19 vs Seasonal Allergy

For allergy sufferers, hay fever season is upon us and the treaded ragweed pollen has arrived with a vengeance causing eyes to itch, noses to run, and serious sinus congestion and sinus headaches.

During the fall allergy season, it may be hard for sufferers to tell the difference between COVID-19 and allergies. Allergy symptoms happen partly because of inflammation within a sufferer’s body, according to the CDC.

The allergy symptoms are caused by your body overreacting to things like pollen or mold. Common signs of allergies include:

  • Runny nose and sneezing
  • Dry, tickly cough
  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Sinus Congestion

And, COVID-19 and seasonal allergies share many symptoms, but there are some key differences between the two. For example, COVID-19 can cause fever, which is not a common symptom of seasonal allergies. Additionally, the new coronavirus doesn’t cause sneezing. But if you do sneeze, it’s important to cover your nose and mouth with a tissue to keep the virus from spreading. Wash your hands right away.

Furthermore, if you get allergies every year, watch for symptoms that are different from what you’ve had before.

Learn more about the differences in COVID-19 and seasonal allergies, and ways to protect your health:

