Don’t Panic

Here’s the most important piece of advice for long-term investors: Don’t panic.

Both the current pandemic driven economic environment and equity market environment are incredibly uncertain. Likewise, the future is equally uncertain and unpredictable.

Unprecedented unemployment, declining oil prices, liquidity concerns in financial markets, and expanding federal debt represent a clear and present risk to future U.S. economic prosperity.

Moreover, the current uncertainty has had a negative impact on global economies and equity markets. The impact has created fear and caused investors to panic sell their positions and seek safe havens by moving into less riskier assets.

Yet, it is important to understand that market corrections happen on a regular basis. A stock market correction is a sudden drop in the value of stocks, usually by more than 10% from their most recent high.

Bottomline, it’s going to be okay. This too shall pass. Investors are advised to ‘stay the course’, follow your financial plan and focus on your long-term goals.
