Estate Plan and Wills

“55 percent of all Americans—regardless of wealth or status—die without a will or estate plan in place,” American Bar Association

When R&B artist Prince died in April 2016 at the age of 57, he left behind an estate worth hundred of millions of dollars, along with music and other intellectual property of inestimable value. Despite his fame and wealth, Prince died without a will or estate plan. As a result, his estate has remained entangled in probate court for nearly six years. Although the value of his estate is estimated to be more than $100 million, it has paid more than tens of millions of dollars in administration fees.

Before you express too much astonishment that someone so wealthy left no will, ask yourself: do you have one? If the answer is no, then it should not be surprising that Prince didn’t.

If you don’t have a will, you’re not alone in America. According to the American Bar Association, 55 percent of all Americans—regardless of wealth or status—die without a will or estate plan in place, and the number can be as high as 64 percent. For some reason, many people who should have wills, whether because of their age or financial situation, just don’t.

It’s hard to understand why. Maybe because it’s depressing to think about needing one. Maybe it’s because we know we won’t be around when our estates are distributed, so we let it slide.

Regardless, everybody should have at a minimum a last will and testament if you don’t have a more complex estate plan like a trust, because it’s always cheaper to administer an estate when you have a will than when you don’t have anything.

When a person passes without a will, or what the law calls “intestate,” the estate property is distributed according to state succession laws. A probate court judge will have to determine who and how the assets are distributed in the event of your passing or incapacitation.

Additionally, if you die without a Will, you’re giving the state you reside in full control over the distribution of your assets, and intestate serves as the precedent for how decisions are made and how your assets will be distributed on your behalf.

Dying intestate means the most crucial decisions — including who will care for your children, aged parents, pets or other dependents — will be made without your input. Further, your family will be forced to endure a lengthy and costly probate process and incur potentially crippling legal expenses to regain control of your finances and assets.

Most probate court cases are open to the public, which means many of the details of a person’s estate could be aired like dirty laundry. Although, a judge could decide that the documents should be sealed.

In most states, a surviving spouse is first in line for the estate’s assets. If there is no spouse, the law provides an order of succession. In many states, if there’s no spouse, the children get the estate. If there are no children or grandchildren, then the parents inherit.

If no parents are alive, then siblings, nephews, and grandnephews inherit—and on and on—all the way to first cousins twice-removed. And, if no heirs can be found, it may not surprise you to learn that your property eventually goes to the state—a process called “escheating.”

Estate Planning

When you think about Estate Planning, you must not only think about when you die, but you must think about the possibility of becoming disable.

Estate planning is much bigger than “You get my assets after I die”—it is about setting your families up for the type of generational wealth.

An estate plan ensures your medical, financial and guardianship decisions will be handled by the person(s) you choose and trust. Your plan ensures you have an advocate acting on your behalf, carrying out your wishes and directions as you intended. It ensures you have the legal documents in place if you become disabled, as well as what will happen to your assets when you die.

Statistically speaking, most people are going to be disabled for some period of time before they die now that people are living so long. If the person becomes disabled and can’t make their own medical or financial decisions, the only way that somebody can legally make decisions for them is to go to court and do a guardianship or conservatorship proceeding. It’s expensive and time-consuming, and it’s really unnecessary.

In a will, the person who makes the will picks the executor, the person that’s in charge. You can say that you want your executor to serve without posting a bond. If that’s not stated in a will, you have to get a fiduciary bond so that the court knows you’re not going to steal the assets.

If you have minor children, a will is the only legal document where you can nominate guardians for your children.

But if you don’t have the will, then it’s the state statute that determines who is the person with priority to administer your estate. And because the state doesn’t know whether the person who says they want to administer your estate is a crook or not, the court often makes someone post a fiduciary bond. You have to pay the premium for the bond and the person has to qualify financially for a bond.

What you should learn from Prince’s passing without a Will or Estate Plan is that unless you create an estate plan now, you will leave your loved ones and potential heirs with a legal mess whether you are worth millions or not.

