Failure is Key to Success

People should embrace failure. According to some of the most successful people in the world, failing once in awhile is actually important.

Mark Cuban, Bill Gates and others say failure is key to success

Failure is a learning experience, according to tech entrepreneur Mark Cuban “…truly believe each and every one of us is really good at something. The hard part is finding out what that is and going through all the different — kissing all the frogs before you find the prince of the job.”

Bill Gates accepted experiences of failure as challenges and learned from them.  “Once you embrace unpleasant news not as a negative but as evidence of a need for change, you aren’t defeated by it,” Gates says in his book “Business @the Speed of Thought: Succeeding in the Digital Economy.”

Virgin Group founder and billionaire Richard Branson says that learning from failure is one of the five skills and abilities that successful entrepreneurs share. “Nobody gets everything right the first time. Business is like a giant game of chess — you have to learn quickly from your mistakes. Successful entrepreneurs don’t fear failure; they learn from it and move on.”

Apple founder Steve Jobs put failure in perspective.  “All fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.”

Sara Blakely states that embracing failure allows her to take risks. In fact, failure was actually celebrated in her house as a kid. Blakely says at dinnertime her father would often ask, “What have you failed at this week?” She “…can vividly remember saying ‘Dad, I tried out for this, and I was horrible,’ and he would high-five me and say ‘Way to go.” Her “…dad growing up encouraged me and my brother to fail, calling it a “gift”. Failure “…allowed her to be much freer in trying things and spreading her wings in life.”

(Source: CNBC Making It, “Perfectionism is up among college students—but Mark Cuban, Bill Gates and others say failure is key to success”, by Sarah Berger, January 23, 2018)
