Financial Planning

A financial plan includes everything from defining your goals to executing on them with a budget and an investment plan…and, it’s really never too early to get started!

Financial planning is the process of setting and creating a strategy to achieve your financial goals. Whether you’re planning for short-, medium- or long-term desires, having a financial plan in place makes money decisions easier every step of the way.

The keys to financial security and success are simple to achieve by every American.  The keys involve preparing a simple financial game plan, developing the correct financial mindset and implementing positive financial habits and behaviors…period.

“A ship without a rudder can certainly make its way across the water, but it has no control of where the water will take it–so grab your rudder and take initiative of your financial destiny.” Nancy LaPointe

Creating a game plan is a critical initial step in taking control of your financial future.  A simple financial plan allows you to get control of your financial future.

Financial Planning

Creating a financial plan is about developing a realistic guideline on how you can put all of your financial resources to their best use. The process starts by examining and articulating your short, intermediate and long-term goals and then sorting out your priorities.

A successful financial plan looks at all the interrelated parts of your financial life—income, expenses, discretionary spending, investments, debt, retirement planning, the role of insurance in risk management, income-tax liability, estate planning needs and desires—to make sure they’re all working in sync. This is essential, because if you don’t have a handle on how much money is coming in and going out every month, it’s next to impossible to know how much you can save.

If you don’t have a financial plan, you won’t be able to manage your most important goals like buying that bigger home, paying for your children’s education or funding a comfortable retirement. And if you don’t have adequate insurance, you may not be able to protect these savings in the face of an unexpected event, like an illness or a job loss.

A financial plan will include a series of concrete recommendations to help you achieve the goals that you have identified and prioritized. Without a plan, your financial future remains an undisciplined and low probability of success. The goal of a financial plan, after all, is to make your goals a reality. A financial plan is necessary for money management and financial security because:

  • 78 percent of people with a financial plan pay their bills on time and save each month vs. only 38 percent of people who don’t have a plan
  • 68 percent of planners have an emergency fund while only 26 percent of non-planners are financially prepared to cover an unexpected cost.

Benefits of Having a Financial Plan

Understanding where you stand financially and creating a plan for your financial goals is critical to your financial success. While it’s possible to achieve some financial goals without a financial plan, it’s a lot easier when you have a clear path forward. Having a plan in place serves as helpful guidance when questions of how much to spend and how much to save come up.

Some benefits of personal financial planning are:

  • You’ll better understand your current situation. If you don’t budget or keep track of where your money goes, it’s hard to know what kind of financial shape you’re in. With a financial plan, you’ll always have a pulse on your financial health and know what you’re capable of doing.
  • You’ll have a handle on risk management. Having an emergency fund is essential because you never know when you’ll need it. What’s more, knowing which types of insurance you need—such as health, life and disability—and how much can provide some protection when things go seriously wrong. With a good strategy, you’ll be able to plan for these risk management tools and fit them in your budget.
  • You can eliminate debt faster. If paying off debt is important to you, part of your financial plan can include specific actions you can take to accomplish that goal as fast as possible.
  • You can boost other savings goals. Depending on your goals, you may want to set aside cash for a home down payment, house renovations, a vacation and more. A financial plan can help you map out how you’ll meet each of your savings goals, and give you the motivation to do it.
  • You’ll be ahead on long-term goals. Whether you’re saving for retirement, a vacation or a child’s college education, financial planning can help you understand exactly how much you need to accomplish your goal and what you need to be doing now to get there. The sooner you start this process, the easier it will be to get ahead.

If you’d prefer to build your financial plan on your own, follow these tips:

10 Step Financial Plan

  1. Write down your goals—One of the first things to ask yourself is what you want your money to accomplish. What are your short-term needs? What do you want to accomplish in the next 5 to 10 years? What are you saving for long term? It’s easy to talk about goals in general, but get really specific and write them down. Which goals are most important to you? Identifying and prioritizing your goals will act as a motivator as you dig into your financial details.
    Write down your long-, medium- and short-term goals. Your long-term list might include things like retirement and a child’s education. Medium-term could be the down payment on a house or a new car. A vacation or new computer might fall into the short-term category. Whatever your goals, make them concrete. Then determine a dollar amount for each and the timeframe for reaching it.
  2. Create a net worth statement—Achieving your goals requires understanding where you stand financially today. So start with what you have. First, make a list of all your assets—things like bank and investment accounts, real estate and valuable personal property. Now make a list of all your debts: mortgage, credit cards, student loans—everything. Subtract your liabilities from your assets and you have your net worth. If you’re in the plus, great. If you’re in the minus, you have some work to do. But whatever it is, you can use this number as a benchmark against which you can measure your progress.
  3. Review your cash flow—Cash flow simply means money in (your income) and money out (your expenses). How much money do you earn each month? Be sure to include all sources of income. Now look at what you spend each month, including any expenses that may only come up once or twice a year. Do you consistently overspend? How much are you saving? Do you often have extra cash you could direct toward your goals?
  4. Create a budget and Build an emergency fund—Budget will let you know how you’re spending. Write down your essential expenses such as mortgage, insurance, food, transportation, utilities and loan payments. Don’t forget irregular and periodic big-ticket items such as vehicle repair or replacement costs, out of pocket health care costs and real estate taxes. Then write down nonessentials—restaurants, entertainment, even clothes. Does your income easily cover all of this? Are savings a part of your monthly budget? This will help you determine if what you’re spending money on lines up with what is most important to you. Additionally, build an emergency fund to keep from dipping into long-term investments or borrowing at unattractive rates when you need cash in a hurry, create an emergency savings fund that can cover at least three to six months of essential living expenses such as rent or mortgage, utilities, food, and transportation.
  5. Focus on debt management—Debt can derail you, but not all debt is bad. Some debt, like a mortgage, can work in your favor provided that you’re not overextended. It’s high-interest consumer debt like credit cards that you want to avoid. Try to follow the 28/36 guideline suggesting no more than 28 percent of pre-tax income goes toward home debt, no more than 36 percent toward all debt. Look at each specific debt to decide when and how you’ll systematically pay it down.
  6. Get your retirement savings on track—Whatever your age, retirement saving needs to be part of your financial plan. The earlier you start, the less you’ll likely have to save each year. You might be surprised by just how much you’ll need—especially when you factor in healthcare costs. But if you begin saving early, you may be surprised to find that even a little bit over time can make a big difference. Calculate how much you will need and contribute to a 401(k) or other employer-sponsored plan (at least enough to capture an employer match) or an IRA. Save what you can and gradually try and increase your savings rate as your earnings increase. Whatever you do, don’t put it off.
  7. Check in with your portfolio—If you’re an investor, you should take a close look at your portfolio? (And if you’re not an investor, think carefully about becoming one!) Market ups and downs can have a real effect on the relative percentage of stocks and bonds you own—even when you do nothing. And even an up market can throw your portfolio out of alignment with your feelings about risk. Don’t be complacent. Review and rebalance on at least an annual basis.
  8. Make sure you have the right insurance—Having adequate insurance is an important part of protecting your finances. We all need health insurance, and most of us also need car and homeowner’s or renter’s insurance. While you’re working, disability insurance helps protect your future earnings and ability to save. You might also want a supplemental umbrella policy based on your occupation and net worth. Finally, you should consider life insurance, especially if you have dependents. Review your policies to make sure you have the right type and amount of coverage.
  9. Know your tax situation—The Tax Jobs and Cuts Act of 2017 changed a number of deductions, credits and tax rates beginning in 2018. For instance, standard deductions were increased significantly, eliminating the need to itemize for a lot of people. To make sure you’re prepared for the 2019 tax season, review your withholding, estimated taxes and any tax credits you may have qualified for in the past. The IRS has provided tips and information at Taking advantage of tax sheltered accounts like IRAs and 401(k)s can help you save money on taxes. You may also want to check in with your accountant for specific tax advice.
  10. Create or update your estate plan—At the minimum, have a will—especially to name a guardian for minor children. Also check that beneficiaries on your retirement accounts and insurance policies are up-to-date. Complete an advance healthcare directive and assign powers of attorney for both finances and healthcare. Medical directive forms are sometimes available online or from your doctor or hospital. Working with an estate planning attorney is recommended to help you plan for complex situations and if you need more help.

Financial planning can improve your chances of achieving your financial goals and financial freedom. While financial freedom can mean different things to different people, it generally means having a feeling of security and empowerment with your money and life.

