FTX Downfall

“It’s only when the tide goes out that you learn who has been swimming naked.” Warren Buffett

Things may look good and rosy up to a certain point, but if a company is leveraged too much expecting a wave to come, but instead the tide goes out, everything will be exposed. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell aggressive interest rate hikes to counter inflation exposed all sorts of companies that were relying on cheap capital to either grow or survive.

In FTX case, a Bahamian cryptocurrency exchange, things were great for a while. Investors were excited about the way the stock price continued to melt up.

FTX was the third-largest crypto market in the world at the start of last week when it announced liquidity problems and would need a massive infusion of cash to stay afloat. However, the tide went out and the problems at FTX began to surface and then totally self-destruct.

In theory, exchanges like FTX make money by allowing customers to trade cryptocurrencies and collecting fees for transactions.

“It was a success story almost too good to resist. In just over three years, FTX would go from nothing to a $32 billion company. Now it’s back to nothing.” ~ Brandon Kochkodin, Forbes Staff

According to WSJ, FTX problems are a result of the loans it extended to Alameda using money that customers had deposited on the exchange for trading purposes. It was a decision that Mr. Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the crypto wunderkind who founded the exchange and then drove it into bankruptcy, described as a poor judgment call, writes the Wall Street Journal.

In March 2022, the Fed started raising interest rates to battle inflation. Speculative investment assets started tanking and a number of crypto funds and brokerages crashed. FTX came in as a bailout “savior” with the apparent purpose of sweeping in depositor funds into FTX.

Additionally, SBF’s hedge fund Alameda Research was also hit hard by the crypto drop. SBF was able to temporarily hide the problem by “borrowing” customer deposits at FTX to plug the hole at Alameda. This move may be a violation of the terms of service and potentially violate regulations.

All in all, FTX had $16 billion in customer assets. It is believed that the unregulated exchange transferred more than half of its customer funds to its sister company Alameda, according to WSJ.

In traditional markets, brokers must keep client funds segregated from other company assets. Cryptocurrencies and brokerages that trade them remain unregulated, which means it may not be legally possible for any government agencies to step in to reimburse FTX customers, said corporate lawyer Eric Snyder, chairman of bankruptcy at Wilk Auslander.

“Absent any regulation, it’ll be difficult to show fraud if the agreements between FTX and their customers allowed FTX to use investments at their discretion,” Synder said.

The root of FTX’s downfall lay in its relationship with Alameda, a firm known for aggressive trading strategies funded by borrowed money and allegedly operated by Mr. Bankman-Fried’s ex-girlfriend as CEO of Alameda. Mr. Bankman-Fried is the majority owner of both firms, FTX and Alameda. He was CEO of Alameda until last year, when he stepped back from the role to focus on FTX.

“There’s one fundamental takeaway: Bitcoin itself should never be leveraged. It cannot be leveraged safely. And anybody who thinks that they can lever it safely is going to learn a very hard lesson: that illiquidity is the same thing as insolvency,” commented Caitlin Long, founder and CEO of Custodia Bank, on CNBC’s The Exchange


  1. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brandonkochkodin/2022/11/11/the-red-flags-on-ftx-we-all-seemed-to-miss/?sh=23f8a20111f6
  2. https://www.wsj.com/articles/ftx-tapped-into-customer-accounts-to-fund-risky-bets-setting-up-its-downfall-11668093732
  3. https://www.oldschoolvalue.com/investing-strategy/warren-buffett-quotes/#8_Swimming_Naked_is_Cute_Only_for_Babies
  4. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2017/12/11/bitcoin-millionaire-grant-sabatier-dont-buy-bitcoin.html
  5. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/ftx-filed-for-chapter-11-bankruptcy-heres-what-account-holders-should-know-about-this-very-messy-and-complex-bankruptcy-case-11668202547?mod=mw_latestnews