FY2024 Government Shutdown Averted

President Biden has signed H.R. 5860, the continuing resolution to fund the government through November 2023, into law. Averting a government shutdown. 

Funding for the government would have run out at the end of the fiscal year 2023 at midnight Saturday.

However, on the final day of fiscal year 2023, the Senate unanimously agreed to take up the House-passed short-term funding bill on Saturday night, effectively ending the chance of a government shutdown this weekend and ”kicking the proverbial can” on big funding fights into November. The continuing resolution (CR) passed the House, 335–91, and the Senate, 88–9.

President Biden signed into law the 45-day stopgap funding measure, averting a government shutdown that would have been triggered at midnight.

Government shutdowns can cost the American economy billions of dollars as a wide range of federal functions are suspended. Essential workers, such as members of the military and air traffic controllers, continue to work without pay, but hundreds of thousands of others are furloughed.
