
“Most people don’t know what they want.” Jim Rohn

You can’t ask for what you want unless you know what it is you want, according to Mark Victor Hansen, co-author for the Chicken Soup for the Soul. And, the first step to creating a goal is to figure out what you want. If you don’t know what you want, you don’t know what you need to achieve to get there.

Creating a list of financial goals is necessary for managing money and financial success. When you have a clear picture of what you’re aiming for, working towards your target is easy. That means that your goals should be measurable, specific and time oriented.

There are several types and timeframes of financial goals:

  • Short term financial goals – These are smaller financial targets that can be reached within a year. This includes things like a new television, computer, or family vacation.
  • Mid-term financial goals – Typically take about five years to achieve. A little more expensive than an everyday goal, they are still achievable with discipline and hard work. Paying off a credit card balance, a loan or saving for a down payment on a car are all mid-term goals.
  • Long-term financial goals – This type of goal usually takes much more than 5 years to achieve. Some examples of long term goals are saving for a college education or a new home.

The  concept of setting “goals” can be intimidating to many individuals. It can feel so overbearing that it keeps people from even beginning the process settling goals.

Instead, a better way is to think of goals as a to-do list with deadlines and for the rest of your life. Goals can be added, subtracted and, most important, scratched off the list as you move through your life.

The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes you do to accomplish the goal. This will always be a far greater value than what you get. That is why goals are so powerful—they are part of the fabric that makes up our lives.

“Research says that merely writing your goals down makes you 42% more likely to achieve them.”

Goal setting provides focus,  provides a deadline and measurement for your dreams, and gives you the ability to hone in on the exact actions you need to take in order to get everything in life you desire.

Goals are exciting because they provide focus and aim for your life. Goals cause you to stretch and grow in ways you never have before. In order to reach your goals, you must most do thing differently, you must become better; you must change and grow.

A powerful goal has components:

  • It must be inspiring.
  • It must be believable.
  • It must have written targets and you must measure progress against those targets.
  • It must be one you can act on.

When your goals inspire you, when you believe and act on them, you will accomplish them.

Achieving financial goals takes a little more than just luck.

It requires extreme discipline, dedication, and repeated sacrifice. It means setting short- and long-term financial goals and then following through on them. Unfortunately, these are things with which the majority of Americans seem to struggle.

Research, however, suggests that simply writing out a list of financial goals makes a person 42% more likely to achieve them, according to a study done by Gail Matthews at Dominican University.

It is widely known and accepted that if you want to achieve something, you had better set a goal.

However, very few Americans actually do or even know how to set financial goals. According to Schwab’s Modern Wealth Index, only 25% of people have some sort of written plan or goals. What’s worse, the Financial Health Network finds that only 29% of Americans are financially healthy.

Don’t wait for financial success to come knocking. Achieving your goal like affording a house, paying college tuition, or ultimately funding retirement, will most likely be on you.


  1. https://www.success.com/10-tips-for-setting-your-greatest-goals
  2. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ellevate/2014/04/08/why-you-should-be-writing-down-your-goals/
  3. https://credit.org/blog/financial-goals-examples/
  4. https://www.success.com/rohn-5-simple-steps-to-plan-your-dream-life/
  5. https://www.aboutschwab.com/schwab-modern-wealth-index
  6. https://dollarsprout.com/list-of-financial-goals/
  7. https://finhealthnetwork.org