Gratitude Journal

Starting a gratitude journal can be as simple writing down three things you are thankful for, no matter how small. Over time with using a gratitude journal, something tends to shift. You will begin noticing the little joys—the warmth of sunlight, a kind word from a friend, a delicious meal. As you continued this practice, your perspective changed. Even in difficult moments, there were reasons to be grateful.

One evening, I wrote about a simple act of kindness: a stranger held the door open for me at a coffee shop. It was such a small thing, but it touched my heart. That moment reminded me that goodness exists everywhere, even in the midst of challenges.

Gratitude became my anchor. It didn’t erase my problems, but it helped me navigate them with more resilience. I learned that gratitude isn’t just about saying “thank you”; it’s about actively seeking out the beauty and goodness around us.

So, if you ever feel overwhelmed, consider starting a gratitude practice. Write down a few things you’re thankful for each day. You’ll be surprised at how it shifts your perspective and brings more positivity into your life.
