How 5G Technology Is Changing the World

5G technology is being called “the investment for the next decade” and the “key growth driver of all “tech” stocks in 2020”.

Every industry relies more and more on innovative technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and machine learning, the stock market continues to be dominated by tech stocks that are effectively disrupting life as we know it.

The fact is, over the last two decades, technology has become such an integral part of our lives from the moment we are woken by our intelligent tablets to when our smart homes turn off the lights in the evening.

This continual shift towards faster speeds and greater interconnectivity offers investors an entirely new sector to capitalize on. Indeed, we are referring to 5G or fifth-generation technology, and there are a handful of small-cap tech stocks that could offer major upside.

5G is much more than the next generation of wireless technology–it is expected to be a game changing wireless network technology. 5G stands for fifth-generation cellular wireless.

Essentially, 5G network technology is projected to have greater bandwidth capacity, significantly faster mobile data speeds (around 1Gbps according to Qualcomm’s CEO) and lower latency. It is expected to usher in intelligence cities and to allow vehicle-to-vehicle communications which is critical to self-driving cars.

One speaker at CES 2020 described 5G as an use case technology; that it will enhance everything we do, and improve how we live, work and play. 5G is expected to deliver faster download speeds, real-time responses, and enhanced connectivity permitting improved mobile streaming and and gaming experiences. Basically, 5G will herald in new possibilities like smart cities and self-driving cars.

Harvard Business Review reports that 5G is positioned to be…

Nicki Palmer, the head of technology and product development at Verizon, observed that 5G will usher in speeds 100X faster and bandwidth 1,000X greater than 4G networks. Industries that 5G is set to completely transform are:

  • The $1.8 trillion energy industry: 5G will help unleash a wave of “smart grids,” electrical networks designed to handle the advanced technical requirements of the 21st century. This could save our economy $36 billion a year.
  • The $5 trillion agriculture industry: 5G will usher in a massive upgrade to our nation’s farms. Autonomous tractors will sow seeds, sensor-equipped drones will monitor the crops, and cows will wear 5G-connected collars that tell farmers everything from what they’re eating to how they’re sleeping.
  • The $7 trillion healthcare industry: The healthcare system deals with a projected 2.3 quadrillion gigabytes of data, from patient information to high-resolution MRI images. 5G-enabled systems will be able to process this data efficiently, with practically no lag.
  • The $22 trillion retail industry: Mobile shopping is already massive. More than 100 million Americans made a purchase on their smartphone in 2018. Just imagine how many more purchases they’d make if their internet connection were 100 times faster. The profit potential is HUGE.
  • The $35 trillion manufacturing industry: The remarkable power of 5G networks will encourage the adoption of augmented reality (AR) in factory settings. This is PROVEN to boost productivity by up to 50%.

As you can see, the economic impact of 5G could exceed $70 trillion. In other words, 5G is TRULY – as The Washington Post puts it – “the mother of invention.”

5G networks using millimeter wave spectrum.

Testing has shown that millimeter waves enable lightening-quick over-the-air transmissions. But, for all their speed, millimeter waves have really poor propagation techniques — i.e. 5G millimeter waves can’t penetrate buildings exterior shell.

