How to Cultivate a Growth Mindset

“What you think, you become.”

The idea that our thoughts become our reality? Well that’s something we tend to forget, even if we know it’s true. We prefer to tinker with our outside worlds—to switch our diets, change jobs, try a new life hack. Don’t get me wrong, these do help you move toward a better life.

“Wealth occurs in the mind long before it ever shows up in the wallet”

But the most successful people in history know this: Your thoughts create your reality.

Ancient Wisdom
“Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” —Lao Tzu

“90% of success is mindset.” —David Bayer
Science has finally joined the party and confirmed what our top minds have known for three millennia: Our minds create what shows up in our reality. David Bayer’s clearly done serious thinking about mindset and he had some fascinating science about the power of thought:

  • Thoughts create happiness: In a study published in the Yonsei Medical Journal, researchers found a strong connection between positive thinking and overall life satisfaction.
  • Visualization creates our future: Scientists at the Institute of Neurology in London have shown that those who visualize a better future are more likely to create one.
  • Affirmations bring results: Researchers at the University of Exeter foundthat people who use affirmations (constructive, repetitive thought) to set goals were more likely to achieve them.
  • We tell our brain what to look out for: The Reticular Activating System in our brainstem allows only important information into our consciousness. Studies suggest we can program it with a positive mindset and good things will show up in our lives.
  • Negativity steals our power: When we worry or feel fear, our adrenal glands release the hormone cortisol. Research shows that high levels hurt our productivity and lead to burnout.
  • Others’ mindsets influence our own: Neuroscientists recently discovered“mirror neurons” in the brain that respond to actions we see in others. Surround yourself with positive thinkers and you’ll become one.

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