If Only I Spent More Time in the Office

No one on their deathbed has ever looked back on their life and said, “I wish I had just spent more time at the office.”

But people do look back and say, “I wish I had pursued my dreams.” Or, “I wish I had spent more time with my family.” Or, “I wished I had traveled and experienced the world.”

Only you know what matters to you and what you value the most; and only you know your dreams, ambitions and goals  — just make sure that’s what you’re pursuing and devoting your time, talents and treasure towards.

However, you might be thinking, “Easier said than done!” And yes, you’d be absolutely right. But the things worth doing and pursuing, the treasures worth finding and the things worth doing, are always the most challenging to do.

But, the reward is embedded in the process and journey.

“Success in life comes from holding a good hand, but in playing a poor hand well.” — Denis Waitley

Not all hands in life are dealt fairly or evenly. Yes, some people are born on third base and think they’ve hit a triple, while others are born on the outside of the ballpark and have seemingly insurmountable challenges to even get in the game. But the wonderful thing about life is that you’re able to change your circumstances.

So if you don’t hold the perfect hand, focus on the strategies you can play well right now to get you through to the next round. You can set ambitious goals, maintain a positive attitude and mindset, take responsibility for your choices and responses to circumstances, develop productive habits, and always be grateful. Eventually, you’ll succeed and win the whole damn thing.
