Immunity Boosting Foods

Food is medicine.

Food, along with exercise and adequate sleep, are done of the most powerful tools you have to help prevent disease and improve your overall health. And, a healthy body and mind begins with a healthy immune system, writes Angie Ferguson, an exercise physiologist and Tony Robbins Results Coach.

In addition to developing healthy lifestyle habits, the food you eat can help to reduce the risk and severity of infections, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In short, healthy, nutrient dense “food can be medicine”.

When trying to stay healthy, it’s best to cut back on foods that lead to inflammation (processed meats and foods, saturated fats, refined carbs, sugary foods and beverages) and instead fuel yourself with foods full on nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

  • Citrus fruits – vitamin C is an antioxidant
  • Garlic – contains the antioxidant allicin, which has antibacterial properties and strengthens your immune system
  • Ginger – has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties
  • Mushrooms – packed with vitamins and minerals and bio-active compounds called beta-glucans known to boost immunity
  • Green leafy vegetables – provide anti-inflammatory antioxidants, vitamins and minerals
  • Berries – rich in vitamin C and anthocyanins, which possess antioxidants agents, anti-inflammatory properties and support a healthy cardiovascular system
  • Turmeric – contains cur cumin which is an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial and detoxifying ingredient that’s amazing for digestive health.
  • Sweet potatoes and carrots – excellent sources of beta carotene which can reduce inflammation and boost immune function by increasing disease fighting cells in the body.
  • Olives – this fruit is an antioxidant powerhouses, which reduces inflammation and fight bad bacteria. Studies have shown that eating olives can raise levels of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant which acts as a defense against bacteria that cause airway and stomach infections. Olives possess a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, which prevents heart diseases like atherosclerosis, heart attacks, plaque build-up, and strokes. The oil of olives is where this oleic acid is located; it can lower blood pressure and cholesterol, which reduces the chances of cardiovascular complications and general stress on the system.

Enjoy these nutrients dense foods in their different forms and see how healthy they can make you feel!


  1. Ferguson, Angie, “First Line of Defense”, Florida Times-Union, , June 7, 2022, pg 1D.

Angie Ferguson is an exercise physiologist and Tony Robbins Results Coach.
