In All Things Be Grateful

God is good…All the time.

God is good in every situation and every circumstance, not just in those situations we view as good or favorable. He is with us even during challenging times and problems.

We don’t have to like everything that enters our lives, but we can be grateful for the fact Jesus is with us in whatever we are going through.

Thomas Edison once said that “I’ve never made a mistake. I’ve only learned from experience.”

“We haven’t failed. We now know a thousand things that won’t work, so we are much closer to finding what will.” ~ Thomas Edison

In all things be grateful

Expressing gratitude is an essential skill everyone needs to learn and practice to achieve success and to learn and grow.

Research shows that it impossible to be both fearful and grateful simultaneously. Moreover, it’s possible to worry and to be anxious, and be grateful.

You should be grateful for the multitude of blessings you experience in your life daily. You should as well be grateful for life’s problems and challenges; and view problems and challenges for what they are, opportunities to learn, grow and improve.

So always be grateful and always remember and embrace the adage, in life, there are either successes or learning opportunities.

