Increasing Your Health Span

“While aging is inevitable, how you age is something you can control.” ~ Lieutenant Colonel Nick Barringer, USA, Program Director, U.S. Military-Baylor University Graduate Program in Nutrition

Health span is vital as you age and involves being healthy to continue doing what you enjoy as you live longer.

Exercise and eating healthy (nutrition) are essential in increasing and maintaining your health span. Frailty is the state between a healthy and disease state. The longer you can fight it and keep it away, the healthier and more robust you can be.

Lt. Col. Nick Barringer, USA, Program Director, U.S. Military-Baylor University Graduate Program in Nutrition, suggest three foods to include in your diet that help you live long and healthy life.

Fish:  Fish is an excellent source of protein to preserve muscle mass; and it us also a source of healthy fats like eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that can help lower triglycerides and assist with cognitive functions.

A study of more the 4,000 Norwegians found regular fish intake, two to three servings per week, resulted in an average of 30% lower odds of frailty.

Nuts:  Nuts are full of protein and also fight frailty.  A study of more than 10,000 participants found nut intake of just 1.02 ounces, or 23 almonds, daily was the significant threshold to reduce the odds of frailty.

Carrots and Orange Peppers:  Beta-carotene has been shown to fight aging. Part of the aging process is oxidative damage to telomeres in your body. In essence, the shorter your telomeres, the older your biological age. High levels of beta-carotene in the blood have been shown to protect telomeres and brain.

Thus, nutrition, healthy diet, adequate sleep and regular exercise are essential to maximize your health span.

Source:  Nick Barringer, 3 Foods to Increase Your Health Span, Military Officer Magazine volume 21, issue 12, December 2023, pg 30.
