Keeping Financial Planning Simple

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” J.P. Morgan

The earlier you get started on your financial plan to save, invest and accumulate wealth, the more influence you can have on attaining the financial life you desire. Individuals at any stage of life will benefit from a plan that will allow them to take the wheel and get pointed in the right direction.

The good news is that we have more control than most of us realize. All that matters is that you are ready for a positive change. And, that you take definitive systematic action to fulfill your financial and life goal.

People need to plan their financial lives. Otherwise, they more likely to arrive at a financial destination that they neither expect or desire. And when people don’t plan, it becomes harder to achieve their goals, if they have goals, and more difficult to save, invest and accumulate wealth.

Keep it simple

There is a great value and benefit in simplicity. It is important to simplify your personal financial plan. Whatever your goals and desires are, you must reduce the often unnecessarily complicated and complex to something simple. The simple steps are to create a purpose statement, describe your vision of the future, determine your current situation and develop specific commitments to journey to the destination.

Pursue big audacious goals and dream big, but keep it simple.

Focus on the few things that matter most

People need to focus on the few things and actions that actually make you more finally secure and improve your financial well-being. It is often the few little things that make the biggest difference.

Focus on the most important thing–how could I save more money, invest more wisely and accumulate wealth.

Master the fundamentals of the financial game

Typically, the difference in scope between being successful versus being average or unsuccessful is often small infinitesimal.

  • About not spending more than we earn,
  • Saving what we can, and
  • Splurging occasionally and mindfully

Desire is the key ingredient

“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.” Abraham Lincoln

Desire is about wanting to win or succeed so badly they can’t stand it. Those who do win and succeed have unyielding desire and most successful people have two things, they set specific goals and devise a plan for achieving those goals.

“Where there is a will, there is a way.” Never forget that life does not always gives you what you want, but it always gives you what you will accept.

Believe in yourself

It important to recognize the power of believing in yourself and your God given potential.

Bottomline, if you have a plan, you know where you’re going and it’s easier to achieve your goals. The following adage still applies, “A failure to plan is a plan to fail.” 

