Know Your Net Worth | Financial Literacy

“What gets measured gets managed.” Peter Drucker

This principle of ‘what gets measured gets managed’ means that examining or quantifying an activity, such as personal finance and net worth, will change the activity and its result by forcing you to pay attention to it.

This principle said another way…’you manage what you measure‘ is pertinent to personal finance. The principle can be applied to help us manage our personal finances and to permit us to get our hands around our personal net worth. Creating a net worth statement, and updating it each year, will help you monitor your financial progress and meet financial goals.

As you prepare to invest, you’ll need to know your net worth. And, it’s simple to calculate. You simply add up what assets you own and subtract what liabilities you owe.

Creating a net worth statement, and updating it each year, will help you monitor your financial progress and meet financial goals. It will also enable you to calculate how much you have (or don’t have) to invest.
