Long-Term Investors Have Almost Always Experienced Positive Returns

S&P 500 rolling returns have been almost always positive over the long-term.

One of the best ways to invest is over the long term and it’s more important than ever to focus on long-term investing. It’s long-term investing strategy where investors can accumulate wealth. By investing long term, you can meet your financial goals and increase your financial security.

94% of 10-year rolling returns have been positive since 2000.

Rolling returns are measured over consecutive periods starting with the earliest period and finishing with the most recent. For example, the period of measure for a 10-year rolling return for an investment as of the end of February, would be 03/01/2010 through 02/29/2020.

Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P. as of 02/28/2020. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The referenced index is shown for informational purposes only and is not meant to represent the Fund. Investors cannot directly invest in an index.

Investing and learning to think long-term

While many investors of all ages think of investing as trying to time the market to make a short-term return on their investment, investing for the long-term investing is one of the best ways and a proven strategy for investor to accumulate wealth over time and achieve financial security. But the first step is learning to think long term, and avoiding obsessively following the markets daily ups and downs.


  1. https://oshares.com/long-term-investors-have-almost-always-experienced-positive-returns/
  2. https://www.bankrate.com/investing/best-long-term-investments/