Loss of Purchasing Power: Is $1 million enough for retirement?

“One million dollars doesn’t buy as many Cadillac Escalades as it used to.”

Today, $1 million no longer buys as many McDonald’s Big Mac sandwiches or Rolex Submariner watches or Ford F150 trucks as it once did thirty years ago.  There’s a good reason for that called ‘loss of purchasing power’ which is a byproduct of inflation. That’s because $1 million of purchasing power in 1970 was the equivalent of nearly seven million dollars today, according to Motley Fool. And as recently as 1990, a million dollars has lost half its buying power since then, meaning you’d need two million today to have the same buying power as you did in 1990.

As a result of normal inflation and loss of purchasing power, $1 million retirement nest egg today definitely will not offer you as comfortable a retirement lifestyle as it did a few years ago or a few decades ago.

Retirement is not an age, but a number

Financial preparedness is more important than reaching a certain retirement age. And, to answer the question of whether $1 million or any amount of money is enough for retirement, the answer depends on what you want your retirement to look like.

It’s important to ensure you have enough savings and income to sustain your spending and lifestyle in retirement. If you don’t have enough money set aside to pay for your retirement, then you may have to delay retiring. And no matter where you are on your retirement journey, you can make your financial number. No matter how little you have or how much time you have left until you want to retire, you can always improve your financial situation. Getting started and creating a retirement plan can carry you a long way.

A 2018 Northwestern Mutual study found that one in three Americans has less than $5,000 saved up for retirement, and 21% of Americans have no retirement savings at all. Overall, Americans are feeling underprepared and less confident regarding the financial realities of retirement, according to the data.

Despite these findings regarding the woeful retirement savings rate by Americans, it’s still not too late to enjoy the kind of life you’ve worked so hard for… and the retirement you deserve.

One of the most important goals for Ameriocans facing retirement is knowing that they can sustain their desired level of spending and lifestyle throughout their lives, with a sense of financial peace of mind and without the fear of running out of money.  For our purposes, financial peace of mind is the knowledge that, no matter your level of savings or degree of market volatility, you are confident that you are unlikely to run out of money during retirement to support your level of spending and  lifestyle.

Taking the financial road less traveled

Conventional wisdom recommend that older Americans should reduce their stock allocation in retirement and move into more safe investments such as bonds and cash.  Although this may seem the less risky road to take in your retirement years, a few experts do not agree.  If you expect to maintain your purchasing power into future, you must stay invested in stocks.

“The idea that a 60-year-old retiree should be investing primarily in conservative investments is an antiquated way of approaching personal finance”, says Jake Loescher, financial advisor, at Savant Capital Management in a 2017 U.S. News article. “Historically, the rule of thumb stated that an individual should take the number 100, subtract their age, which will define the amount of stocks someone should have in their portfolio. For a 60-year-old, this obviously would mean 40 percent stocks is an appropriate amount of risk.”

“A better approach would be to perform a risk assessment and consider first how much risk an individual needs to take based on their personal circumstances,” Loescher says.

According to the article, there are five circumstances when retirees should eskew conventionl wisdom:

  1. The likelihood you’ll live into your 90s or beyond. Since life expectancy is much longer these days and in today’s low-interest environment, you face an increase risk of your nest egg not keeping up with inflation over the long haul.
  2. If you don’t have enough cash for retirement. If you didn’t accumulate enough retirement assets to sustain an expected lifestyle, it becomes essential to decide how much capital in a retirement portfolio you’re willing to risk for the potential upside appreciation.
  3. When interest rates are low. Low interest rates makes the capital risk seem greater than the value bonds might provide due to a loss of purchasing power.  Taking a total-return approach, using low volatility, dividend-paying stocks to replace part of our typical bond component seems the best approach.
  4. If you have estate planning needs. If you don’t depend totally on your investments for income, then your money may be providing a bequest for charity or an inheritance for children.
  5. For historical purposes. The stock market has outperformed all other asset classes over the last century.

In retrospect, retirees will need to allocate a certain portion of their assets to higher-return equity investments to achieve long-term retirement objectives – be it longevity of assets, a desired level of sustainable income, the ability to leave a legacy, etc.

Essentially, the stock market has outperformed all other asset classes over the last century. And studies continue to show that unless you are within three years of retirement, the average variability of stocks relative to their returns is superior to that of Treasurys, municipal and corporate bonds.  Thus, the right course of action is for older Americans to stay invested in the stock market past age 60 which will provide you at least 20 years, on average, to ride out the long-term volatility inherent in equities.


  1. https://www.fool.com/ext-content/is-1-million-enough-for-retirement/
  2. https://www.pimco.com/en-us/insights/investment-strategies/featured-solutions/worried-about-retirement-pimcos-plan-to-help-retirement-savings-last-a-lifetime
  3. https://money.usnews.com/investing/articles/2017-07-24/5-reasons-to-stay-in-the-stock-market-in-your-60s
  4. https://www.pimco.com/en-us/insights/investment-strategies/featured-solutions/income-to-outcome-pimcos-retirement-framework
  5. https://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/on-retirement/2011/03/22/why-retirement-is-not-an-age